865 Tasting Notes
I’ve had a slamming headache all day and I just can’t move to make tea… this is all I’ve had all day. Made it the way I do a 1/2 bowl of matcha, 1 Chashaku (1.5g!) of powdered sencha and 8oz water. Thick, sweet, vegetal, w/ a hint of astringency that whiskes up very easily even before I use my Chasen and foams slighty. I drank it slower than usual so it gets slightly thicker and stronger as I drink it… yummm….
Gasp! I don’t think I have enough for another full cup after this! :,( Decided to make a hot chocolate latTEA.
4g tea
2oz almost boiling water
4oz fat free milk warmed during the last 30 sec of the tea’s steeping
1tsp drinking chocolate milk
Steeped the tea for 6 min in the water then decanted it into the milk, added the drinking chocolate mix, and stirred.
The spice is most obvious in this drink, followed by the chocolate and last the tea base. It’s not a strong flavor, but just enough to say “hey, this isn’t an espresso latte”. The texture probably would have been a lil better if I’d used all milk, but I didn’t want to messs w/ it. A perfect cup of indulgence!
Double dirty chai mocha- steeped 7 min. Double dirty cuz I not only used the cup from my 1st infusion w/ chocolate residue in it, but I swapped the water for 2oz coffee concentrate. The coffee/spice/chocolate/milk/tea ratio is perfect.
3rd infusion, 8 min. Nothing added except the residue in my cup. I really like the texture of this infusion. Not throat coating, but not watery either.:)
Lucky Gold Matcha! I dumped the last half of the gold flakes from my Lucky Gold tea onto my half bowl of matcha, unfortunately a lot of the flakes stuck to my chasen, oops. Didn’t think that thru I guess. Oh well.
It frothed a little more this time, yay! Smooth, rich, creamy, like a nice warm blanket for your tongue!
I need something sweet so I grab this. To me a sign of a good tea is when you get giddy and hyper just from smelling the raw leaf, and that definitely happens w/ this! I use my normal parameters 2.25g tea/6oz water.
Um… What happened? This is a lot lighter than last time… :( The smell is all syrupy berries and so is the flavor. The chocolate is lost. I’m not even gonna bother resteeping. :,(
This came as the tea for their Lucky Gold Tea. The color is a lime green which is surprising because of the matcha. This is a sweeter version of mecha. The matcha gives it a lovely, thick mouth feel. The one thing I can’t figure out though, is if this is just premium sencha dusted w/ matcha why are the steeping parameters different from those of premium sencha? I’ve also never seen a tea that is suggested to be steeped for a shorter time for the 2nd infusion so that’ll be interesting…
I was quite hesitant to do the 2nd infusion at 15 sec as the website suggests, but I was shocked that it wasn’t much lighter in liquor or flavor than the 1st.
4th infusion, 25 sec. Still a very good cuppa although there’s definitely more sencha then matcha by now.
6th infusion, 40 sec. 1st Liquor that’s noticeably lighter. Not as sweet, a bit astringent which gives the flavor palet depth and complexity.
This was the sole reason I ordered the unflavored matcha I was out of from Den’s Tea instead of trying one from another company. I love it when companies have weird/strange/unique product offerings! This is made w/ premium sencha extra green so see my review there.
The question came up yesterday "How much is a scoop?, so I measured it. For me, a scoop is how much wonderful matcha I can cram onto my scoop and I can fit .55g of organic matcha on it. This surprised me because I weighed Den’s Tea’s Kaze and that was 1.04g. Oh well, that means it’s cheaper per scoop and that’s ok w/ me:)
Made half a bowl this morning, 1 scoop per 8oz water. It was wonderful, I just wish I could get it to foam more.
Awww, it’s missing that one point from being perfect.
Yep, the name “matcha”- that’s it!:P
I need to get some matcha.. thanks for reminding my taste buds
Any time!