Dammann Frères Advent Calendar – December 9th
Ooh, an earl grey today! I’ve actually been craving bergamot teas a bit lately, especially since I bought one on a whim at Target. So this is perfect timing! Apparently this is supposed to be a mixed black & white base, but I don’t see a single silver needle in my sachet, or any light-colored tea matter at all. There are a couple of flower petals, but otherwise it just looks like black tea. Dry scent is strongly bergamot. I lowered the steeping temperature just a tad, just in case there is secretly white tea in there.
The steeped tea has a much milder bergamot aroma, along with a touch of sweetness. Hm, I don’t think I taste any white tea here. It did come out on the milder side, but I think that’s just because of the lower temperature. And I’m not necessarily complaining, as some earl greys are way too strong on the bergamot for me! This tea strikes a nice balance between an unobtrusive and smooth base tea and the citrusy bergamot oil. I’m enjoying my mellow cup. I think perhaps there’s a hint of white tea hay/honey flavor at the end of the sip and in the aftertaste?
Flavors: Bergamot, Hay, Honey, Smooth