Lady Grey

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Citrus, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel
Bergamot, Bright, Citrusy, Drying, Orange, Orange Zest, Tangy, Tea, Wood, Lemon Zest, Lemon, Astringent, Citrus, Sweet, Spices, Cream, Honey, Cookie, Grapefruit, Butter, Creamy, Malt, Earl Grey
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Not available
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 5 g 21 oz / 615 ml

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From Twinings

“A refreshing, light black tea with the distinctive citrus fruit flavor of bergamot to deliver an uplifting tea with vibrant aroma and zesty flavors of orange and lemon. Lady Grey Tea is a unique blend from Twinings…[with a] gentle citrus flavor that is both relaxing and refreshing. It is perfect in the morning with breakfast or for afternoon tea. Enjoy it with a little milk, or with sweetener, or to your liking.”

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455 Tasting Notes

2238 tasting notes


I’m going to call this one my first week at work tea since it’s pretty much all I drank once I got over the initial teething issues (which included not being able to leave the office, due to not being able to get back in. There was one evening when I couldn’t even get out of the building at all, because I didn’t have a security pass at that stage and the fucking security guard point blank refused to acknowledge me.) So, yeah. I feel like the universe is having a huge laugh at my expense, especially when it comes to jobs. On the whole, though, I’m confident I made the right decision. I’m pretty sure I’m going to like it well enough, once I’ve learned my new job properly and things are a bit (okay, a lot…) more familiar. My colleagues seem nice, and I’m not missing my old job even though I feel like my whole life has been tipped upside down just at the moment…

So, tea. I haven’t really been drinking my usual things, since I haven’t got all my kit with me yet and since I’ve only just got enough access to actually be able to leave the office to make any tea. This one’s okay, though. It’s bagged, which is never my preference, but I find it soothing and delicious, and it’s caffeinated (which is also a bonus…) It tastes like liquid orange sherbet, as long as you don’t overdo the steep time, and that’s really all I have to say about it. I feel much the same way about Lady Grey as I do about Earl Grey (or at least the Twinings version); I just find something about the scent really calming, even when I’m in total turmoil and can’t think straight. It’s a good go-to when I’m stressed, which was the reason I chose it for this week in the first place. As it turned out, I also had the world’s worst cold for all of my first week, and so even if I’d had new and exciting tea with me, I wouldn’t really have been able to taste it. Between this one and Lemsip, though, we got through it. Hopefully it’ll all be smoother sailing from now on, because I’m pretty sure the universe owes me a break.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

That sounds awful AND frustrating with the security guard not even ackowledging you! Ugh! I hope everything goes way smoother from here on!


Yeah, hopefully things go smoother for you soon.

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237 tasting notes

At Strada Cafe, Berkeley – had a steaming hot cup of this. I remember liking this one the last time I had it, but it’s been a while so I wasn’t really sure how it would measure up today. Turns out it was quite tasty! I liked the blend of bergamot with more of a citrus accent, without being overdone. Some natural sweetness to it, unobtrusive black tea base. A very good back-up tea for a cafe setting.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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480 tasting notes

This’ the last teabag of this. I like it enough that I might go and buy a full box. I’d get the full loose leaf, except that it doesn’t seem that anywhere around here sells it. The only Twinings loose leafs I’ve found are for Earl Grey and Gunpowder Green.

Besides, Tealicious seems to have plans for their own version of Lady Grey, so maybe I’ll just hold off on getting more until they come out with their own and try that first.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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50 tasting notes

As you may have noticed, I haven’t updated a lot lately, and I will tell you my reasoning: unless I find something particularly interesting the following times I drink something, I most likely will not log it. May give the impression I don’t drink much tea. More like I require VARIETEA. (Har har, look at my pun.) cough Anyways.

Waking up with a cup of bagged Lady Grey, because I needed something light and citrus-y to fill my nostrils and taste buds! It’s very forgiving on steep times and temperatures, and I drink it straight because it never strikes me as bitter or too bold. Personal preference would normally lead me to Irish Breakfast, but this is a lazy morning that requires the power of tea and fruit in one cup, rather than soothing milk that will paralyze my senses until I am prepared to realize that I am, in fact, quite conscious. Today, I am off to Sotheby’s with my college twin, so I have to look lively!

2 min, 0 sec
myspecialtea :)

lol….sorry, it was just the way i read the first line of this paragraph:

“Waking up with a cup of BAGGED LADY Grey….”

I’m enjoying a cup myself as i’m reading this…i’m sure the Bagged Lady Grey liked it as well ;)

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3011 tasting notes

Earl Grey for the bergamot hater. The citrus keeps the berga-monster from getting out of control. I’m seeing “froot loops” in at least one review, and I understand and appreciate where that comparison came from.

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2970 tasting notes

Over at a friends house this morning, and the only thing on offer is this Lady Grey. (When will I learn to travel with teas?)
But the good news is I’ve had this before, and I still like it now. Its pleasant, digestible, and light. A nice start to the morning, even if I am away from home.

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828 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure what I wanted, and I have a lot of this for some reason, so this is what I’m having. And you know, I actually like it. (I guess there is a reason I have so much of it.) It really is a citrusy take on Earl Grey and a decent one at that. It’s good to keep some bagged tea around for when you need a quick and mindless cup, and this does just the trick.


This one makes my pinky go up in the air! I feel hoity-toity when I drink it!

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694 tasting notes

This was my morning cup at the B&B this morning. I am use to getting up at 4:30am with the youngest so my idea of sleeping in late is well not my friends idea of sleeping in. So I got up and enjoyed some quiet time, a book and this cup.

This is a very soft version of EG. I enjoyed this. Nothing mind blowing, but pretty damn good. I would love to get my hands on the loose leaf version some day to give it a try.

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81 tasting notes

My first Lady Grey – it tastes like Earl Gray, I enjoyed it.

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985 tasting notes

This cup of tea should have been a disaster. I overbrewed by about three minutes, and it is bagged. I also skipped any type of additions, as I usually lightly sweeten my tea. However, this is quite good! I am shocked, and this needs to be on my shopping list for when I am travelling. When not at home, it is good to have fool-proof tea on hand…..
Thank you to teawing for sending me some of this to try!

Boiling 8 min or more

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