It is ridiculously hot and humid, though I confess this is one of the coolest summers I can remember so far. I think this week is our first where the highs are in the 90’s every day. For breakfast, I have opted to drink this peach tea so I can tell myself the peaches mean summertime even though my tea is hot. I am making a full pot and icing half with a bit of sugar to serve as my lunchtime tea. Morning tea is taken plain.
I think I prefer my peach tea without ginger. That leaves this and Charleston Tea Plantation (owned by Bigelow) in competition as the two I have tried, but this one just seems more accessible somehow. My middle daughter bought this for my birthday and I am really enjoying it.
The peach flavor tastes fresh and natural instead of artificial and cloying. (Peach yogurt utterly gags me.) It even resteeps well, which means I can make it by the pitcher without it costing a fortune. The black tea is plenty strong without being harsh or bitter. Even though I sweeten MOST of my ice tea including this one, it would be really enjoyable without sugar cold, too.
I am having trouble with my messages on here, so White Antlers – I did reply to your message which blessed me so much, but I don’t know if you can retrieve it! Thank you so much for your kind words!