2 bags for 500mL water, no sweetener or milk.
I generally don’t care for flavoured black teas. Too often the black tea base is of a low quality, and the added flavour seems to mask, rather than accentuate, the tea. Stash, however, do a consistently good job with flavoured black teas, especially for bagged tea.
There’s Indian black tea in this blend, perhaps Assam, or maybe it’s Kenyan … something’s got a kiss of malt to it. The maltiness then emphasizes the peach flavour, which is heavy but not fake. After 5 minutes, the brew gets astringent, but not, surprisingly, bitter.
The peach flavour is better than that ubiquitous radioactive peach flavour/stench that seemed to infest everything in the late 1980s; there’s depth to the peachiness here, which then emphasizes the slight maltiness of the black tea, and so back and forth, back and forth …
Medium to heavy body. Silky mouthfeel. Not an everyday tea for me, but one I cherish when I’m in the mood for it. I don’t care for everything Stash offers, not by a long shot, but when they get it right, like this Peach tea, they seriously get it right.