Just grabbed a cup of this on my way home from uni. Beautiful, sunny spring day – I thought: yes, today is the day to try that Green Seduction tea. Something green and fruity sounded fitting to go along with the snow melting all around. I had heard a lot of good things about it, yet never really felt like buying a bag of it. I ordered it without really remembering what it was exactly, I just knew it was fruity and green.
The tea is good. It’s green, and fruity, so I was quite happy with my choice. But honestly, I was also happy I hadn’t bought a bag of it for my cupboard. While it’s good, I didn’t feel it was very different from most fruity greens I’ve tried so far. I just read in the description that it has pomegranate, and really, I could never have guessed. Even now that I know, I can’t taste it. To me, it tastes like a generic fruity green tea. But a good one!