I got a mini-tin of this from a special event I attended, but I won’t bother adding it to my cupboard because it’s almost gone.
To me, this tea just tastes like a mix of green and black tea with some artificial flavouring in it. I don’t taste pomegranate no matter how much I try to convince myself it’s in there. To be honest, I don’t even taste rosehips despite the fact that I can actually SEE them in the tea mix. They do give a bit of a tartness to the tea, but that’s about it. Not much flavour.
I find this tea really finicky to actually steep. Sometimes I swear I follow the steeping instructions just to be overwhelmed with bitter. So then the next cup I compensate by not steeping as long, and I end up getting a cup of warm water that tastes faintly of tea. It’s a strange one.
I definitely wouldn’t buy this tea. It’s not terrible, but it’s certainly not one of my favourites. And with so many others that I do really like, I just won’t bother.