431 Tasting Notes
Backlogging I got this from either Azzrian or Nicole in of the free christmas offers. Sorry I am not good at keeping track sometimes who specificly sends me a tea. So please I hope you don’t feel insulted or offended. Thank you very much for gifting me this.
This is a good tasting black tea that is a tad strong to what I used to. Its still good though and kind of tastes like a yunnan tea. And has a good brisk flavor. And I did add some sugar.
Backlogging, this is really good and nice when you just want a tea bag that is decaf. I taste is a medium strength peppermint with some vanilla. I added some sugar. This is pretty good and is comforting to me and nice when I am feeling lazy and wan’t something quick.
Backlogging I got this awhile back in a swap from momo thank you very good. This tastes like peach with abit of orange and I can taste the green tea to,and I added some sugar. I may of over steeped because the green tea in this is a tad strong for me and will be more careful next time. This is really good the fruit with the peach and orange taste natural and strong and very good. thank you so much momo.
I have been drinking a cup of this. a really good balanced in terms of flavor tea with a medium amount of peppermint and some vanilla. I added some sugar to. I can’t not have some sugar in my teas. This is a good tea.
One of these days I need to get all the teas I have added to my cupboard and drink more.
Thank you Kittenna for sending me some of this. I added some sugar. I believe I can taste the lime with some creamyness and some apple and mabe touchs of the the other ingredients and the green tea. This is pretty good. Not overly tart or anything. Thanks for letting me try this before buying a larger amount Kittenna.