431 Tasting Notes
Backlogging I got this in the package of teabags that Josie Jade sent me thank you very much for the teabags. This tastes mainly like the spearmint and the cinnamon. I added some sugar and this was a very good spearmint and cinnamon herbal to me. I need to buy some sometime.
I bought a box of this the other day. I had a cup of this earlier. This taste like strong vanilla with some cinnamon and a strong black tea. I added some sugar. Mabe I made this too strong,but I will try this another time with a shorter steep time and see. But vanilla is not one of my favorites and the vanilla was too strong for me and the tea was just ok. but I will give this another chance.
I believe I got this from someone or bought this from someone here on steepster. Thank you very much. I mainly taste the cinnamon and the clove with abit of black tea. I added some sugar. And this tastes decent but the clove here is really strong clove here and just is too much for me. I am glad I got to try it though.
Backlogging had a cup of this tea earlier today. Added some sugar. Good peppermint and vanilla with abit of cinnamon taste. This is really good. I been having a bad ear ache and tooth lately and will have to see a denist the first of the week. Which will be no fun.
Backlogging. I got this tea from Kittenna I while back thank you very much. Dry this smells abit fruity and steeped this smells stronger fruityness. I added some sugar. And this tastes like a light to medium strawberry taste with a little kiwi and a good pleasant white tea. I think this tea is really good.