431 Tasting Notes
Backlogging from atleast a few days or more. Lost track about that. I honestly thought this was a cool combo of ingredients. And glad I got to try it but, I don’t know if I added too much sugar but there was a cloying maple taste with the blueberry which was too much. I was hoping to taste blueberry and cinnamon. I have some left may try again with less sugar and a shorter steep time.
I got a teabag of this one from Erin also. Thank you very much. Backlogging. I smell mostly the black tea with a little peach when this is dry. Steeped I smell a natural peach smell and the black tea. This tastes like a natural medium peach taste and a medium strength black tea. I added some sugar. This tastes pretty good. And I really like the peach in this. And the black tea is nice to.
Backlogging. This tastes pretty good with the citrus and the lavender that is not too overpowering and the sage. I wish It tasted more like pineapple. I haven’t drank enough yet to find out if its relaxing or not. This is pretty good though and I added some sugar.
Backlogging. I believe I got this from Azzrian in part of a holiday gift thank you very much. I taste berry with black tea and abit of sweetness that could be the maple or the sugar I put in. This tea is pretty good the berry a tad tart me but not overwelming,and the black tea tastes pretty good and strong to. I wish i could of tasted more maple though. Thank you very much.