Popular Tasting Notes
This tea just arrived with my order of 16 teas…yes I know 16 teas…:)
I found a lovely website selling Dammann Frères teas by 50 g ! So I was able to order more teas for the same amount.
This one wasn’t in my wish list but I decided to take 100 g to reach 39 € to beneficiate of the free shipping.
This is a great surprise because I like it so much.
As usually the tea base is the same Ceylon +China and the aromas are vanilla and hazelnut.Really nice for breakfast.
So sweet, so mellow, so YUMMY without being exceptional…just YUMMY and that’s really nice enough to me.
Congratulations to David and Lily Duckler on the opening of the new Verdant Tea House!
I’ve been saving this tea for a special occasion.
Today was this special occasion! The dream of a proper Tea House in Minneapolis came true today!
This was the right time for tasting but I couldn’t keep this tea all to myself. This was the Duckler’s Wedding Tea and they had served it to everyone who attended on their special day. (Some of the Wedding Beeng was saved for annual Anniversary celebrations, which I think is very romantic!)
I decided to take my packet of tea to share at Happy Lucky’s Tea House. (For anyone who is new, this is my local tea pub in Fort Collins, and I take tea to share. They drink my tea and I drink theirs)
Celebrating is best shared with others!
I arrived early enough for the shop to be quiet (before the afternoon rush).
Preston set up a gongfu tray for shop owner George, manager Andy and the staff to enjoy many steepings of tea.
Because the shape of the tea leaves are somewhat like wheat, the flavor opened up quickly when exposed to water during the first steep.
One quick rinse, and the first pour was lightly smoky…smooth textured with the aroma of sweet straw hay.
The second pour was more developed and sweeter. Andy said the tea reminded him of an olive tree that had been cut down by his house which smelled sweet when the wood slowly burned (although I didn’t taste or smell smokiness any longer).
I sat quietly at the tea bar, and thought about Lily and David’s wedding day. I imagined how this particular tea fit into their plans, knowing that tea is an important consideration!
Many guests would be served this tea outdoors, the scent of flowers in the air mingled like invisable bubbles with much joy. Lily a beautiful bride and David happy. (What a vision!)
Everything fit. The tea, the scene…all blended with elegance.
The sweet, buttery tea would weave a silky thread uniting everyone in joyous celebration, lifting the spirit.
Eric commented that he had tasted a young Yabao before but he wasn’t fond of it. This aged Yabao however, was “really special”! (All agreed!)
Excellent tea to celebrate an excellent friendship on a special occasion. What an honor!
To have dear friends who care so much for others is a great treasure.
I lift my cup with my friends to David and Lily, and all the people at Verdant Tea House!
מזל ט 我 祝 你 好运!drat… if i could click ‘like’ and then ‘unlike’ over and over i would because then you’d get a flashing appreciation of this post from me. CONGRATULATIONS LILY AND DAVID!
Thanks…if you click on the photo I took just now of the tea, you’ll see that I put the tea on a piece of 75 year old crystal that was my grandmother’s…that looks like it has bubbles (pop the cork). A sense of humor doesn’t hurt!
Thank you!!!! We feel lucky every day to have found tea, to have found each other, and to have met so many amazing people through the beauty of tea. I just cannot express our gratitude. How can you put it into words? We are incomprehensibly lucky, and are making it our mission to share that with as many people as we can.
I hope to see you all soon- please come and share tea with us! And if you are far away, then I will lift my glass up for you each time we make tea!
Well hello good Steepster people!
So I needed warmth…what better tea than this beautiful golden Dian Hong?
First, the look. I mean, have you had a close look at those buds? PURE GOLD!!
So soft and fury, I want to pet them ( ok, I admit…I did pet them…I am a first class TeaGeekette after all, why hide in shame?)
The brew is all glitters and gold, a beautiful sunny light in the glass pitcher.
I forget how good this is…I rarely have it cause, well, I just have so many teas!!
It qualifies for my “pudding-like” tea list, cause of how sweet and thick it feels in my mouth. Unlike any other Yunnan I have had.
The sweetness reminds me of barley sugar candies. I also get cocoa and sweet potato notes.
It’s very fragrant, I find a certain floral quality to it.
Not as damp and earthy as one might expect, but a little “mossy” and yeasty.
Full of beautiful nuances and complexity, this tea screams for gongfu brewing. And it’s so forgiving, you can’t mess it up, it never gets astringent or bitter.
I had a lovely session earlier…another wonderful tea from Whispering Pines :-)
Here are some pics:
Hi Tea Fairy! I got an insight when reading about petting the furry tea. Now I know why mr. mopar has the Chairman, she keeps him from tea petting.
Thank you my dear Boychik xox
Nice to see you Cwyn!! Hahaha!! I wish there was a “like” feature for this comment!! :-)
What are your experiences with Whispering Pines? I’ve never had their teas, but I’ve seen their name come up a lot. Should I try them?
@katBender: you are so sweet, thank you!! This tea is truly a gem…
@TeaKlutz: OMG! you must place an order!!! Just read my tealog, lol, you’ll understand why I’m saying this…most of my reviews are for their teas cause well…I drink them 75% of the time!! And I drink LOTS of teas believe me…I have tried MANY sellers…and I’m a total WP addict cause not only do they sell some of the best tea I have ever had, but they also have a work ethic and philosopihy I fully endorse and agree with. “Breathe life, sip inspiration” is a slogan that speaks to me greatly.
And I promise: I DON’T GET PAID A PENNY TO SAY ALL THIS, all true :-)
I am slowly getting better. Today, I felt like I needed something warm and soothing for my throat, and I couldn’t think of anything as ginger-y as the ginger & honey crystals that I have in the cupboard. So I brewed up a cup of my ever changing breakfast blend and added about half a pouch of the crystals. This is very gingery, but, it feels so good on the throat.
ginger & honey crystals? Who makes those & where do you get them?
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better!
@Terri: I get them at my local whole foods. The brand is Prince of Peace – http://popus.com/ginger-green-tea-instant-ginger-honey-crystals/
heal up
and a great tea for recover: mix white chrysanthemums, honey, ginger, and mulling spices, steep together and enjoy….
Thanks – I’m getting there, slowly but surely. I went to the doctor yesterday and I have strep throat, nasal infection, ear infection and conjunctivitis. Not fun. But now I’ve got antibotics and codine to help me get better …
I put some of this in the GCTTB – one of the participants asked me to share some WP teas, so I did.
WP asked that this tea be discarded from the GCTTB because it may contain pesticides.
I apologize to the participants of the GCTTB and everyone else I sent samples to. I was unaware of this situation and would not have shared it with others had I known.
If this is enough of a concern for them to ask that it not be passed around, I feel I should let others know who may have it in their cupboard. I’m not sure why a participant in a traveling tea box would be contacted but not customers that bought the tea. If anyone has this in their cupboard, you may want to contact Whispering Pines Tea for more information.
Dexter I wouldn’t worry about it to much. From what I understand Brendan decided to make sure that all his teas could at least meet thee EU standard. There were a few that he was unable to confirm this information from the supplier. To test individual batches of tea for residue is very expensive so he discontinued those teas. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the tea itself is toxic.
He asked that tea I bougtht and passed on to my friends be thrown out because it may be contaminated – that causes me concern.
I think that having asked that he needs to clarify. There is a big difference between this tea may contain some pesticide residues and this tea is known to exceed safe levels of pesticide residues and should not be drunk.
This tea and some other teas that I’ve sold in the past were not of a high enough quality to merit testing, so I discontinued them instead. I’m not saying they are unsafe to drink, just that they don’t meet my standards anymore. People that drink WP because they believe in the quality I strive for might drink this tea, and knowing that they might be drinking a tea with pesticide residue is enough for me to want it removed from a box meant to allow people to try different teas for possible purchase. I can tell you that I did not taste or feel effects from pesticides in any of my discontinued teas, which I generally can even on very low pesticide residue. I’m 95% sure they are safe, but I’d rather that others don’t take the chance. I also didn’t contact customers that bought the tea because it’s been a VERY long time since I’ve sold them, so I figured they’d be out of existance by now, and since my last website update, I no longer have a list of who bought them.
i have this tea. its delicious and im not going to throw it out. no way. i had several sessions and no ill effects on me.
I don’t understand.
If it’s not a tea you’re comfortable letting others try, what about those who have purchased it? It’s either safe for everyone, or it isn’t, and if you don’t want your name on it, maybe you should issue a recall or a credit so that people who have bought it (like Dexter) don’t have their money wasted because you changed your standards.
I just know that if I had decided to share some expensive teas with people, and they were told to throw them out instead of sharing them, I would be upset. The tea in those boxes are good – not just the dredges in our cupboards – and if I knew they were going to be tossed, I’m be disappointed that I wasted money buying that tea, and shipping it in the box. If you don’t think it’s good enough to share, you should really be contacting the people who bought it because some of our teas can sit in our cupboards for YEARS.
Unfortunately, I do not have a list of customers that have purchased this tea, and if I decided to do a recall, I would instantly go out of business.
I had assumed that asking for the teas to be removed and also stating that they aren’t dangerous to drink would have shown that I am leaving this up as an option for the people that put together the box.
I personally love this tea and I drink it occasionally. This has nothing to do with it being dangerous, but rather that it’s not worth it to verify that it’s completely clean when there are other sources for me to get better tea that has been verified.
I’m sorry that this has caused such an issue for some people. I had hoped it would have been viewed as a positive move. I would be happy to donate some of my current teas to the box and to Dexter to offset the loss of tea.
But, if they’re not dangerous to drink, why ask to remove them. Again, I’m confused by this whole thing.
I’m with Cavocorax, it’s either safe or it’s not, and an effort needs to be made to contact those who have purchased the discontinued teas from you. You can see a list of Steepsterites who have said tea in their cupboard. Contacting them alone would do wonders to restore your image here on Steepster. Saying that if you were to do a recall, you would go out of business just isn’t good enough. These people have spent good money on a tea that you are telling them not to drink. They deserve something. You should have been upfront from the beginning instead of privately contacting one person and asking them to throw out tea someone else had purchased and shared with them. You need to let as many purchasers of said teas know the issue with the teas and let them decide whether to get rid of it or not. If it is safe, but doesn’t meet your standards, then say so. Let the customer decide if they want a credit or not. If it is unsafe, then do the right thing, dang it, and let people know.
Regardless, this is an error on your part, Whispering Pines, and you need to face the consequences. It’s great that you’re willing to donate to the GCTTB and Dexter to replace what was lost at your request, but what about the others following this saga? Don’t they deserve to be compensated for tea that may or may not be clean? I drink a lot of tea from a lot of companies, and this issue, not the issue of cleanliness but the shady way it was handled, will keep me from purchasing from Whispering Pines, and I know I’m not alone in this.
@Cavocorax, I decided to ask them to be removed because I strive for complete honesty and transparency. This is a well-liked tea that I sourced from a friend of mine, and when he didn’t even know the location it was harvested in and no knowledge of the origins at all, I decided that I would rather not sell it.
Also, it is my understanding that traveling tea boxes are meant for people to try teas from different companies to see where they may like to purchase tea from in the future. If teas that I am no longer selling are added to a tea box, I think it’s probably safe to say that there’s not much of a loss by removing them.
I strive for honesty, and I want to share the best teas I can find. Honestly, this is not one of them. Again, I would be happy to replace it with one or two that are.
Okay, adding Whispering Pines to the list of companies I most definitely won’t buy from EVER. Will be very vocal about dissuading others as well, I can definitely promise you that. This is one of the most unprofessional things I’ve ever seen.
If you strive for complete honesty and transparency, then you would have made a post for everyone to see that explained your actions. This was not honest or transparent, it was shady.
TTBs are meant to let others try new things, it’s not all about purchasing. Your understanding of them is dead wrong. That is only an aspect of the TTB.
I have written a post to hopefully clear up my motives for this. Again, I’m sorry this has upset some people. It was not my intention: http://steepster.com/discuss/10174-why-i-discontinued-huang-zhi-xiang-phoenix-mountain-oolong
I think people need to stop and take a step back and think logically about this. Comments are getting to be defamatory and it is not necessary to go down that road. I have edited the title of this tea, as I think it was uncalled for to change to to “unclean”. Please feel free to lambaste me for it, but I think it is the right thing to do.
Steepster has always been a fair and friendly community, and I hope we can all strive to keep it that way. Mistakes were made, lets move on.
1. What Blodeuyn said.
2. Cross-posting this, also in the the WP thread about this issue:
I am seldom, if ever, accused of being the voice of reason. I’ve been reading the threads on the Great Whispering Pines Debacle 2015. I’m dismayed by what this turned into. I am passionate and opinionated and the first to jump in when I think something is WRONG. But I’ve also defended other tea companies when I felt like things were going a bit far – in one case, a Steepsterite making accusations of deception on shipping policies to another country when it was clearly NOT deception by another of my favorite tea companies and another case when a new-to-Steepster tea company who has great tea posted reviews of their own tea, promoting it without understanding the way things worked. In both of those cases, I did not believe (and still don’t) that they were intentional abuses of the tea buying public. I chose the path of understanding and benefit of the doubt.
I most emphatically don’t believe that is the case here either. As has been repeated, well, um repeatedly, there isn’t any indication there is pesticide in the tea. And he found better tea so he quit selling it. As he noted – HE STILL DRINKS IT. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the tea. He never one time said there is pesticide in the tea. He said he couldn’t confirm the origins and never had it tested. This is someone who is picky about what he puts in his body almost to the point of religion and HE STILL DRINKS IT.
But he screwed up. He did some things wrong. He handled this clumsily and dug himself a hole that will be hard to get out of. And that is unfortunate. We aren’t talking about a multi-national corporation here with handlers and PR people. We are talking about 24 year old PASSIONATE tea lover with rigorously high standards who made a mistake in the way he handled those standards. Someone who keeps looking for better and better and better tea. Someone who cares about the PEOPLE who drink his tea to the point that he posted this on Facebook on New Years Day:
Happy New Year! As a thank you to all of you and a way to start fresh, I’m taking my list of customers that owe money and tearing it into pieces. You all get a fresh start! Hope 2015 feels as good to you as it does to me! Cheers.
And he was caring for people when he saw the tea in the tea box – the tea isn’t noxious poison that will affect chromosomes and your children will be born looking like the three-eyed fish on The Simpsons. But he has ridiculously, and almost unattainably high standards. He keeps looking for better. And I like being able to buy better. But he made a mistake in the way he handled it and the way he phrased it and apparently no amount of explaining will satisfy some. Unprofessional? I guess, in one sense of the word. In the sense that he isn’t slick and polished always knows exactly the right thing to say every single time. Clearly he doesn’t. And I’m guessing he’s mortified that above all else that he made Dexter feel badly.
I will continue to drink it because I’m freaking PICKY. And I will I drink a lot of Whispering Pines tea. A lot. Because I trust it. I trust Brenden and I’ve seen how much he CARES. It’s easy for things to escalate on the internet. We see it time and time again. When I look at the level of civility over the recent Steepster issues despite MASSIVE frustration, I find it hard to believe I’m on the same site today. I think everyone deserves a chance to rectify mistakes – most especially when they are mistakes that come from the place of trying to do good – no matter how clumsy and awkward.
I’m already well beyond the TL; DR point, so I will shut up now.
I’ve been a member here for four years…I’d like to think I have acquired a certain credibility over the years.
I’ve seen lots of companies come and go. Only a few have earned my business.
Whispering Pines is one of them. Full proof. I KNOW Brenden, I TRUST him. I’ve been his client for a while now, and BECAUSE he so transparent and has so much integrity, it’s pretty easy for me to know that he meant well.
The commotion about this whole thing doesn’t worry me. Brenden is respected and loved here for many good reasons. He built his reputation step by step… he has and he’s still learning from his mistakes cause he’s humble enough to admit to them. You don’t get as solid as he is now by bullshitting people.
Some of the comments I read were hurtful and without substance and although everyone is entitled to speak their mind, some were just so harsh. I say “some” cause other comments were brought up as genuine concern. (Dexter, I know you and understand your initial preoccupation and where it came from).
See, most companies wont even tell you how they source their teas, and certainly wont guarantee they are pesticide free. I could name a list of those companies, VERY popular ones. People still drink them without knowing. The fact that Brenden attempted at doing so, even if there may be NOTHING WRONG AT ALL with that tea, gets my applauds. Now HOW it was done, well yeah…what MzPriss said. I wont reiterate what she already expressed so well.
But I will take a stand and support him without hesitation. Cause I CARE about him and his company, yes, but mostly because I know HE cares about his product and about his CLIENTS. If I wasn’t 100% sure of that, I would not even get involved.
Bashing is disgraceful. Steepster is a place where the drama is kept at a minimum. That’s why it’s the only online forum I participate in. Thank you Blodeuyn for reminding us of that.
Cheers and peace good Steepster people.
Steepster is Fairyland, and that’s awesome on a personal level, as it keeps forum bickering to a minimum.
However, one of the issues with Steepster in terms of reviews of small tea vendors is exactly this – a bad review is considered equal to “bashing”, making “defamatory” statements or as perpetuating “drama”.
I’ve talked to numerous people who feel uncomfortable posting less than stellar reviews of vendors who participate on Steepster – one of the most common examples is WP, then there’s obviously 52 Teas – and so on.
Honestly, the perceived need to post nothing but stars and unicorns and sunlight regarding Steepster-participating vendors borders on mass psychosis.
“Cheers” and “peace” and the “path of understanding” are all excellent, but they REALLY don’t help me pick a tea company that delivers in terms of exceptional products and customer service. We all use Steepster differently, but, in the end, the majority of us are here to find good teas, and the right companies to buy them from.
I don’t understand. WP said they could not verify that the tea was clean…how is that not a cleanliness issue?
Okay, I think 52teas is officially my favorite tea company ever. Not only do they make delicious, addictive teas, but I placed an order on Friday night and it arrived TODAY!!!
Alright, on to this tea. I love Earl Grey, in fact, the Earl is possibly THE tea that got me into the tea habit. This is a very strongly flavored Earl, but not off-putting at all. I am pleasantly surprised that the cheesecake is so noticeable and complimentary to the bergamot. I also like the addition of the Darjeeling which seems to add a bit extra. Wow, this stuff is good.
And the best part is that I have 2 other pouches to dig into tonight!
Ohh… what else did you get? He hasn’t posted the new tea of the week yet, and I’m personally feeling neglected. Like he forgot ME or something. :)
I also picked up the Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish and the Pineapple Upside Down Cake (<—-that one is mainly for my husband, but I’m sure I will drink more than my fair share also!) I won’t be ordering any more tea until October, so if he comes out with something great I hope it is still around by then (I am also waiting on a Golden Moon order that is taking FOREVER and I really want my Coconut Pouchong/Sugar Caramel Oolong to be here already!)
RE: “I’m personally feeling neglected. Like he forgot ME or something.” LOL I’m glad I’m not the only one… Mondays stink w/o the TOTW.
Trust me I know what you mean. My Golden Moon order took about 2weeks to arrive. I felt like that was ridiculous. When I mentioned it to the company I was sent a coupon and samples which was nice but I never got what I was really looking for…An apology. I was just told why it took that long and basically I was wrong in believing it should have come sooner. Nice huh? Good thing I like their tea.
I am kind of surprised to hear this about Golden Moon, to be completely honest. They’ve always been super nice to me. The first time I placed an order with them, it was a all-samples order, and I had trouble with the shopping cart. I emailed them, I heard back from them almost immediately, and after they fixed the issue they sent me the order for free. (It wasn’t a huge order, just a few samples, I am sure that if I had ordered more, they wouldn’t have done this – I mean, no company could afford doing that…) I have always received speedy responses when I email them… and my orders arrive really quickly. I’m sorry you’re encountering issues!
I have made only two orders and the same thing. Considering I live in a pretty populated area I was shocked at how it took. I understand things happen but I was upset I got no apology. That’s all.
Your patience will be rewarded. I’m working on the post for the new Tea of the Week now. AND a special offer. :) Oh, and the Tea of the Week for this week: simply AMAZING.
@Rachel – no, I totally understand your frustration! I would feel the same way. I’m just surprised that it happened with them because I had such outstanding service from them. I am sorry it didn’t happen that way for you though! That sucks!
@52Teas I am patiently (well, not so patiently) waiting. I may have to wait a little longer, actually, since, most of my funds are currently absorbed with my art class on Wednesday… but, I still am eager with anticipation!!!
@52Teas please don’t make it too amazing. I already want the Earl Grey Cheesecake, Watermelon & Raspberries, and the Blueberry Danish one. I can’t add anymore to the list. I just can’t.
I have had a really good experience with Golden Moon: I particularly liked their samples box and rose tea. Service was good and shipping fast.
I have not ordered anything from 52teas yet. With so many tea companies to choose from I tend to choose those where I can see vision and attention to detail which includes website (user experience) well designed packaging and professionally written copy etc. and in this department 52teas could indeed use some improvement ….
I imagine my experience was just a fluke and I fully plan ordering again from them and as far as what you’re saying Inguna I do agree that website design, packaging, and etc are important factors; at least to me, but I also strongly base decisions on customer experiences and reviews as well. Sometimes I even just risk it in hopes to find that diamond in the rough. It doesn’t happen frequently but it has happened. Admittedly I don’t risk it much, but sometimes it is fun especially if the risk isn’t to financially an impact.
@Rachel – I’m not quite to frustration with Golden Moon, yet. But considering that I ordered from 5 days before 52teas, I feel like I should have already received the order – even if shipping from 52teas wasn’t crazy fast this time. The estimated arrival date has been moved from Friday to Saturday at this point, which will make a full 2 weeks since ordering.
@inguna Ouch. I’m sorry that you think our website, packaging and written copy are not up to par. I put everything I have into our teas. Unfortunately, I do not have the budget that some of my competition has to spend on the website, etc. I think I’ve done pretty good considering I built the website myself. I just can’t imagine that the website, written copy and packaging are more important than the tea.
I’m inclined to agree with you, Frank. I think that the unique flavors that you offer, the awesome service, great prices (free shipping!) and… quite Frankly (haha!) your sense of humor far outweigh those other things.
I agree LiberTeas it’s not a 100% about looks. It plays a part, it is just human nature but a decision is truly made with the culmination of all things being balanced as per the individuals specifications before a decision on where to make purchases can be made. A winning combination of factors can only be determined by the person making the decision and all a merchant can do is try to appeal to the vast majority with the means available.
Now specifically 52Teas I base my decisions on purchases vastly due to customer reviews and recommendations. Once I did that I got to know the merchant (Frank) which I enjoy doing business with because of his personal service, unique product selection, excellent teas, great prices, free shipping, fast service both shipping and reply to communications. Yes, the website could be more polished and professional looking but it doesn’t prevent me from buying his teas. Would more customers purchase from him if it were more polished? Probably, especially a new market of customers such as those new to tea, those who base purchases on visual appeal, and not associated with Steepster or any other tea related site. More importantly does Frank need to make changes to the site? No, the bottom line is he has great tea and fantastic customer service and reviews. The proof is right here. Thus,bottom line: Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Sorry for rambling everyone!
@52teas – you can always improve and nothing is perfect ever anyway. And I understand that building a business is a process where you take one step at a time. I promise I will try some of you blends :)
@inguna – I highly recommend 52teas’ blends. Even the stranger combos (Buttered Cinnamon Raisin Toast, for example) have been amazing! It never hurts to try something new, you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised.
I agree w/ mrawlins2- even if you don’t personally like them- they are extremely accurate. There’s always ManTeas as well- I REALLY recommend their Mayan Chocolate Chai and Beer Tea.
@RachanaC (A.K.A. Rachel): Thanks very much.
@inguna: You are correct; there is always room for improvement. I am always looking for ways to improve the website, our product, service and just about every aspect of my business. Most people probably don’t even notice, but the website is being improved a little bit at a time. I work very closely with the developer of the ecommerce software we use, and he has been gracious enough to include quite a few of my recommendations for changes into updates of his software.
Once upon a time, I contacted the folks who built Adagio’s website and asked them what it would take to have a site like that built for me. They told me it would be a minimum of $80k. I decided I needed to learn how to build websites. Since then, I have built zoomdweebies.com (third incarnation now), 52teas.com, manteas.com, mysweethoneybush.com and I’m currently working on SouthernBoyTeas.com. If I say so myself, I think the sites are looking better and better with each new site/revision. At least I am learning more and more about the process anyway.
Anyhow, enough of my rambling. I look forward to serving you in the future. I’m sure you will enjoy our teas.
Incidentally, I think the same has to be said for our packaging. The original Zoomdweebie’s blends (a few people here have some of those pouches) had VERY simple labels with no images. The early 52teas labels had images with sad little gradients and stuff in the background. Having to create a new label every week means streamlining the process a little bit, but I am making small improvements as I go.
@Cofftea, I am always on the hunt for better packaging. I actually have an email out to a company that produces stand-up pouches with rice paper.
@52teas I like your blurbs a lot, so much more personality than some of the more “sophisticated” sites. I think your site does have some usability issues, but as long as you stay away from embedded midis and animated gifs, I’m good :P Actually, now that I think about it…I think I had the usability problems because I had scripts disabled…carry on!
LOL. I just figured out how to embed the mp3s for my newest site: http://www.SouthernBoyTeas.com. But someone did end up talking me out of autoplaying them. :(
Oh wow, you did them yourself from scratch? Impressed now. (also: thank GOD someone talked you out of it…SO FULL of autoplay hate)
evening tea because this was all i wanted tonight with a splash of maple syrup. SO. Good. Just the right balance of smoke and deliciousness for me nom nom nom nom nom
OMG! So far this is one of my FAVES from Upton! LOVE this!
Of course I do like a good Keemun!
This is lovely! More-than-decent black tea/keemun base with complex cocoa powder type flavors (and/or dark chocolate) mixed with a hint of smoke and nifty fruit specks as well!
It’s almost dessert-like! Completely YUMMY tho!
Adventaggedon Day 22: Tea 6/8
This definitely feels like a ‘cult favourite’ among 52Teas blends and I’d be lying if I said that my first thought upon scratching off the sticker was anything other than “Oh wow, other people are going to be very excited about this!”. However, then I opened up the bag and I remembered very quickly… I am other people.
I just don’t tend to love Earl Grey blends a whole lot and in my memory this was something that I thought was pretty good but not “wow” levels of good. The dry leaf aroma was awesome though; super creamy and rich with equal parts coconut and vanilla custard and just a hint of bergamot. Even my current rating here on Steepster, based on a past tasting, reinforces that I loved it even then!
And it’s good! Definitely the 52Teas version of a ‘Coconut London Fog’ as the name seems to imply; and worthy of all the love it gets. Rich, smooth, buttery, creamy, a little floral. All the things and just quite pleasantly balanced. Now I just have to remember to remember that I do love it.
I’m definitely in the cult… I think I put it on the poll and vote for it every year, heh. Wonder if any baggies will be left after advent so I can snatch something more fresh than the 2019s I’ve been hording…
Definitely voted for it too… Imho, 52teas should consider a permanent earl grey slot so I can throw all my money at it all the time. XD
I am currently considering a permanent “cola” slot – should I instead be considering a permanent earl grey slot? (not saying that I won’t eventually have both – but saying that I am of limited thought capacity to consider more than one at a time.) Which one should I consider first?
<—-cult member
Earl Grey slot if it is either this one OR one of your marshmallow vanilla cupcake-like creations.
That is a very difficult pick for me! I am a huge fan of soda teas and find they really aren’t available anywhere else. But I get they probably don’t have the same “reach” as the tried-and-true EG. “Foggy Coconut” is not only one of my favorite EGs EVER, but one of my favorite 52Teas blends ever, and I tend to horde it beyond the proper limits of coconut as a result of not being able to have easy availability to it, so I’d love knowing I could get it more regularly (which would in turn likely fix the hording issue, too, so the coconut is always perfect ). Not sure if I could chose between the two, but either way I certainly wouldn’t be disappointed!
Depends on when you are planning to launch it, maybe? Soda would be a unique permanent staple to introduce for spring/summer (I often like to ice yours). Around this time of the year though I want to drown in EG; your treatment of them is also distinctive and fun… but, I’m super biased in favour of a good EG at the best of times.
I support both :P
The EG slot would be similar to the vanilla/marshmallow black slot – where I would change the EG every time – it would not be a guaranteed thing that it would always be this tea – or even one of the cupcake-ish or vanilla-ish ones. It would be an EG creation – and this one would definitely be on the roster for a frequent appearance as it IS one of my all-time favorites as well. But, this wouldn’t be a permanent staple.
The same is true of a cola-ish (and root beer-ish) blend. It wouldn’t always be – say – ginger cola or root beer float. It would occasionally be those because I also enjoy those but they wouldn’t be constant.
I’m not sure when I’ll be announcing a new “D’s tea” – sometime next year? I am getting caught up and I want to wait until I am much more consistently getting the subscriptions on their way at least within the first 10 days of the month that they’re part of. Once I’m comfortably doing that on a fairly consistent basis, then I will be more comfortable having five teas in the D’s Teas line.
THANK YOU to everyone for commenting though – it definitely does help to know what kind of demand either category would have. (Also, please feel free to continue to comment – it does help!) Eventually, perhaps, I’ll work my way up to a sixth D’s Tea – but I probably will not do that until I have plans for a seventh because I don’t like even numbers. So, you guys will need to come up with another idea for the seventh category – one that will sell consistently – if I’m going to add both an EG & a “cola” blend to the D’s Teas line.
7th slot? Ya’ll probably be shocked to have me be the one saying this, but probably a rotating banana blend. Those are always consistently in demand and loved (by everyone except banana-aversive me :-)
If this was just Frank’s old line up, I’d go with a Danish (any base). But Banana is now the first thing I think about when I hear or see 52teas lol.
And I like the idea of rotating D blend’s, even though Foggy Coconut is life. Coconut doesn’t seem to respond well to attempts at permanency, at least in my stash.
Personally I would ‘rank’ my interest level for a rotating permanent blend in the following order: Banana tea, cola/soda tea, EG…
Also, while we’re throwing out suggestions… while I LOVE the 12 Tea countdown (and will continue to support it) I would also be FIRST in line for a full/proper 24 day advent if ever that’s a road you’d want to go down! I think more ‘slots’ would give you a lot more freedom to play around with creating new blends/concepts and would also probably open up more vote back options since there are some teas seems to always get the most votes year after year or that just slightly miss the cut off – or you only have one oolong spot or one honeybush spot, for example. Also with 24 days I wouldn’t be upset with having repeats on some of the broader categories (ex. 2 genmaicha, 2 chai, etc). Just food for thought ;)
I have considered it – but I need to first catch up and be able to actually blend 24 teas in addition to the 5 teas for october, november & december (save for the 1 that is usually in both the advent and the december subscription) It’s not so big a deal for larger companies or even the smaller guys who repackage/relabel the teas – but creating an additional 12 teas beyond what I currently do is a large undertaking. So, I would need to be caught up and comfortable with what I do. A lot of work goes into the 12 Teas, so we’re looking at double the work. I would need to feel very confident that I could pull that off and get the boxes out by mid-november.
I’ve also thought about doing a “christmas in summer” type of thing – where I do a 12 tea box in June or July – as those two months are my slowest months – I thought maybe some kind of promotion might enhance those months, but it would also add more tea to the inventory that is already slowed – so I don’t know about that.
This sample came to me from caile – thank you so much
The leaves are very thin, slightly curly. i wanted to “pet” them,haha
Western method Teavivre’s parameters
2tsp 8oz 195F 4 min (Teavivre recommends 3-5)
dark, wine notes along with some bread cake, no smoke.
decided to add1tsp of maple syrup to see if it would make it bread cake. and it did. like raisin bread cake. so good. delicious.
Resteep @6min was a little weak. I wouldnt bother. I have enough to try gongfu.
Thank you for sending me sample , i truly enjoyed it. Will pick up on BF sale(OMG i already planning BF sales)
FWIW: Superfine Keemun Mao Feng is a new non-organic TeaVivre Keemun for 2014, not to be confused with the more familiar similar sounding Organic Superfine Keemun Fragrant black tea.
- http://www.teavivre.com/keemun-fragrant-black-tea/
- http://www.teavivre.com/keemum-maofeng-black-tea/ – their 1st Keemun Mao Feng
i really want to gongfu it, cause resteep was rather meh
Is it normal for Keemun not to have a good resteep? im so spoiled with Yunnan
Many don’t resteep well. However, Premium Keemun Hao Ya will reliably and consistently provide 2 resteeps (3 cups total)Western brewing. These results are based on having enjoyed 1.7 kg to date.
looseTman, you are Keemun expert, i know;)
i like when tea resteeps well at least once. this s why i probably like gongfu method a lot. some teas are just endless
Premium Keemun Hao Ya provides 6 Gongfu steeps: 15s,25s,40s,70s,100s,130s – http://www.teavivre.com/keemun-hao-ya/
i cant say i tried a lot, but now im thinking i really like China Keemun by Nina’s Paris
very rich flavor and I’m not afraid of smoke
When I sent majority of this package off to Veronica, I decided to save a few tsps just to make sure my initial dislike was not just a fluke. So this afternoon I grabbed out my packet and brewed up a cup. This time around I get the faintest bit of what could be called cotton candy if I stretch my imagination and concentrate but realistically it is just a sweet black tea and not much else. I am glad it went to a home where it has been given far more love than I ever could. As for the last tsp, I am opening up the swap to Roswell Strange (yet again as I may have added stuff last night at 3 am when I couldn’t sleep :O) so that she can give it a try.
It fits in a bubble envelop still, I have not reached the point where I need to put it in a box. However, it is definitely the biggest swap yet. And I think recently I have had a tad bit of a panic over the surplus of teas I own so I am sending some of that your way :P
Your’s is in a bubble envelope right now too, but I think it’s the biggest bubble envelope I’ve sent (anyone) yet…
I am quite fearful of my cupboard exploding. I keep thinking about the packages on the way and between my few orders, this swap, and a package from MissB (who is ever so sneaky with adding tea), I worry what that number might be.
**Yours(?) Oh gosh, I’ve been out of school too long – I can’t remember my grammar anymore… I’m trying to do some sipdowns today: I’d rather not get over 200.
haha I am very conflicted over what I should drink. I don’t know if I should be diving into my samples box, drinking teas from swaps, going for sipdowns, or drinking older teas (not that any of them are THAT old since I only got into teas in August but still). I keep leaning towards sipdowns just because I keep trying to control my stash haha.
Right now I’ve got samples that are close to sipdown size, some of my oldest teas (mostly DAVIDsTEA blends), and the 2 Butiki teas from my BF order I’ve yet to try out of my closet – and I’m kind of rotating between those things. I was hoping I could make Orange Matcha a sipdown today, but I still have a little left. I was tempted to add it to your package, but I’ve already sealed the bubble envelope up since the little strip was coming off :(
haha I decided to recycle an envelop I got in an old swap (mostly because I didn’t have one large enough at home and it is always so frustrating to have to package everything up at the post office. People look at you funny when you have a giant pile of teas :P. Anyways, in order to seal it up, I used a whole bunch of duct tape and then I keep reopening it and resealing it with another strip of tape to ensure it stays closed when it travels. So I will apologize in advance for the surplus of tape. However, speaking from experience, it is actually quite easy to peel away and open when you want to.
I have a small(ish) stack or regular envelopes and then a second of various sized bubble envelopes so I can package everything here at home instead of doing the awkward at the post office thing. The one I used for this swap was the biggest size I had.
Alternate! 1 sipdown, 1 older tea, 1 tea you like. :) Keeping everything in rotation is a good idea. I’m focusing on samples right now though because stuff keeps falling out of the box onto the floor.
hahaha mine is quickly getting to be that full too. Although my bag of swaps is also exploding. I guess just reaching for whatever appeals to me at the time is a good way to go about it.
All my tins or bags of tea which are large enough to stand upright are kept in our living closet sorted by tea types (grouped, basically) with the exception of the 20 or so teas I have in the kitchen on rotation. I then have a drawer with is filled with samples I immediately or quickly want to get to. All Matcha is kept in the freezer. Everything else (samples, small bags of tea, etc.) are kept in huge ziploc bags labelled by tea type (Black, White, Herbal, etc.). I then have a spreadsheet on my laptop which organizes things by company and then, within company, tea type. Next to that information is something like: “Tin”, “No Tin”, “Sample”. If it’s in a tin, I know it’s in the closet, same with “No Tin”. If it says sample, I know the look for it in the immediate sample drawer or one of the labelled tea type bags. With this system, I’ve never ‘lost’ a tea :)
Oh, and all my Tea Bags are kept in a special chest from my Grandmother (it has about 10 perfectly tea bag shaped compartments) in the kitchen…
haha Roswell Strange, you are so organized. I have all my teas on the floor surrounding my staircase. Some are in a large box which is my sample box, some are in a bag which is the swap box, ones from swaps are kept in the original package they came in and all those packages are sitting in a huge teavana back on top of my tins of teavana teas. There are some teas stored in tins on my kitchen counter (those are mine and my roommates favourites). I also have a spreadsheet where the teas are sorted by company and highlighted in different colors based on type. Also I list where (who) each tea comes from, who I sent the teas to, and if I would buy the tea again. On that spread sheet, I also include tasting notes so I can quickly see why I would/would not restock them. Also, last night I made a separate list of all my caffeine free teas so I can quickly decide what I want to have in the evenings/at night.
Yeah, the tea types in my spreadsheet are done by colour too (I use DAVIDsTEA colour system because all my tins are DAVIDsTEA tins that match tea based on the colour). I also have a system in the spreadsheet to know whether I’d restock: N/A (Haven’t tried yet), No Restock, Restock, and Unsure. I should mark who teas came from in swaps, but I don’t. Usually I can remember…
How much to do you guys charge for setting up and data entering onto one of those fancy spread sheets?
Dex, I would happily make a spreadsheet for you. Granted I can’t fill in the origins of your teas or tasting notes or stuff like that but I can use your cupboard as a guide and organize them by company and color code by type :)
I was just about to offer to do the same thing! Honestly, it doesn’t take long to do so I wouldn’t at all mind helping :)
LOL Thanks guys, really I was kidding. I would never be disciplined enough to keep it updated. I was just in awe that both of you actually keep that kind of data.
My mom used to be a bookkeeper and so I kinda grew up with spreadsheets. I think it is more habit than anything :P
Similarly, my Mom was a secretary for years before she quit to return to school and get her Masters so as soon as I started having to use Microsoft Word or Excel for school she taught me how to do everything properly according to MLA Style Guides and things like that – though tea is the first time I’ve ever used a spreadsheet practically outside of school :P
No notes yet. Add one?
You should also try Harney and Sons Cranberry Autumn if you like cranberries. I’m crazy for them too – and this tea! I’d send you some but I finished mine! It’s that good :)
How could I miss that tea! Added to my shopping list. I might have glanced over it because the orange pieces scared me off.
Ooh, this is making me crave cranberry juice. :) The only cranberry tea I’ve tried is Portsmouth Cranberry fruit tea…it’s pretty good. More like Kool Aid than tea, though :)
And, now I’m going to go make some Cranberry tea, which isn’t in my “drink it up” pile but I’m craving it. :)
Harney, Golden Moon, Samovar…. oh boy I’m going to be broke. Shantea bug might take over. Poor wallet.
Haha, what’s this drink it up pile?!? Mine are all those Adagio tin. Good idea, I should try finishing those.
Heh, I took a page out of Bethany’s book and made a “drink it up” pile of Adagio tins that I NEED to finish.
Alas, I didn’t end up making cranberry fruit tea OR Adagio tea…instead, I opted for some yummy Simple Leaf oolong :)
Simple Leaf’s another company I have to try. I’ll get to it eventually, haha. So much tea left to finish off!
Oh, their stuff is amazing…but yeah, no rush, finish off some of what you have first! (I’m telling myself that before I go and buy more stuff, too hehe)
By the way, I spoke too soon re:cranberry tea—I just got my package from 52teas w/ the mandarin matcha and I got a free package of Cran-Cherry Black Tea! Hooray!
I’m in a toss up if I want to take advantage of that Golden Moon free 1/2lb of Rose tea offer. Decisions, decisions…. my 52teas order hasn’t arrived yet =(
I got cran-raspberry black as my 52teas extra. I bet it will be great iced in the summer, and now I have something else to offer my mom when she’s over – she likes fruity black teas. They’re not my fave but I’m going to try it hot soon…
Janefan – I dunno about 52tea’s cran-raspberry, but Teavanna’s cranberry black was AWFUL (IMO) iced (and that’s why I wanted it). It was passable hot, I thought, but I ended up passing it over for things I liked better.
Oh wow! I checked the website, and they have LOTS of cranberry black blends: cran-blueberry, cran-strawberry, cran-blackberry, cran-cherry, cran-apple, cran-raspberry, cran-orange, cran-peach, cran-grape….
mine’s def cran-raspberry. #094. I keep forgetting that zoomdweebie’s has so many more flavors than what’s on 52teas (or manteas). Not sure how they keep it all straight!
Broke this one out as directed by Chairman Meow. The Chairman “pawed” and pointed this out tonight for me to try.
I got out 10 grams and let the Chairman approve of it and in the Gaiwan it went. I gave a quick rinse before starting. The aroma was nice and very sweet an fruity. I can’t really describe which one but very nice. I did 5 second steeps on this one. The liquor is a medium yellow level of darkness. It has a nice aroma to it. The brew has a bit of bitter bite and astringency to it but not overpowering. Not a lot of discernible smoke as in the vendor’s description. It does creep up on you and give a semi-sweet and pleasant bitter to it.
Multi- faceted in terms of flavor notes. maybe a bit more complex than my taste buds. Pleasant and very reasonably priced for a 5 year old tea. I think I should have bought more than a sample.
Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Honey, Sweet
I’ve got a few samples here from Tea Urchin that Stephanie sent me. I’m looking forward to trying them soon!
Sipdown! Which i think puts me at about 271? or there abouts. In a perfect world i could get through 20 sipdowns over the weekend but i’m not sure how doable that will be given that i should probably leave the house at least for a little while :)
I picked up this tea to share with Raritea in one of our joint orders. Not because i thought it would actually taste like black forest cake, but because the description was cherry cream and it was a herbal tea. I need more of those in my cupboard since i think 80% of my teas are black teas. I’m not sure exactly how long i steeped this for, i kind of stopped paying attention to it. I suspect for anyone willing to try this one out, that 6 mins might be sufficient if you want to avoid having the hibiscus be as present. still though? This is delicious in my opinion even if it does taste similar to other herbal blends of this variety that i’ve had.
I do have to say though, purearoma is shaping up to be a pretty decent option for teas. Even though they’re across the ocean, it only took 6? business days to arrive, shipping is only 3.50 (pounds) or free after 30$ AND their sample sizes come in these fantastic resealable extra heavy duty silver envelopes. They’re like 5-7g! don’t ask why i know that :) Additionally the sample sizes are 10g, which leaves enough tea to play with and get a sense of whether you like the tea. And they’re reasonable priced.
so…yeah. enabler here :)
I did that with tealux recently, I ordered over 35 different ones cause I just couldn’t make up my mind!
teafairy – i did that as well, though i’m a little disappointed by the tealux teas. The flavouring just isn’t quite what i wanted.
I agree, so far I’m not floored by the flavoured ones from tealux…but I have ordered mostly unflavoured, their oolongs (I’ve noticed oolongs are not your thing though!) got me excited and some of their greens also and I’m really impressed with some of them. They also have a rare Yellow tea that is absolutely fabulous!
i think the yellow tea was out of stock when we ordered. If you love it, then i’ll have to give it a try sometime :)
Love those credit card currency conversion fees, but seriously I when I purchased I left the currency in Pounds and paid through pay pal and I only paid about $2.50 over my original price in us$ which was close to $30.
Full review on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 12th of November 2012.
This is a great young pu’er.
I feel it could mature more but a great starting point with notes of leather and berry.
There is also a buttered toast element growing here.
A great starter Shu!
MRM.. had you got the cake sample or the loose leaf sample? I can’t remember which I sent you or Azz, either. Whenever I do a ripe pressing, I usually set aside 20- 50 lbs of the material to sell as loose leaf. Interesting how they age differently.
MRM.. had you got the cake sample or the loose leaf sample? I can’t remember which I sent you or Azz, either. Whenever I do a ripe pressing, I usually set aside 20- 50 lbs of the material to sell as loose leaf. Interesting how they age differently.I did not have enough material of the “year of the dragon” tea to have as looseleaf and pressed it all into cakes. However, I did get over 200lbs of the material for my latest pressing (pressed last week in china) and saved 50 lbs for loose leaf after pressing almost 400 250gram cakes. Haven’t named the new one yet. i wait until it’s pressed, have a few mindful session with it and let it tell me what it should be called. Can’t wait to have you both try it.
ahhh… ok, thanks! Yes… the cake has aged much differently, more speedily when it hit the 2 year mark. I’ve got one customer out in CT who buys 4 of the cakes every month. it’s the only tea he says he’ll drink until they are gone :) He brews it super dark. Kicked coffee almost two years ago because of it. glad I got lots pressed… I just counted them the other day, I have only 60 of the 250 gram cakes left :(
Amen to that, Sister! I have held back two tongs of it just for my personal stash. I should also have you try the golden gong ting that I have. I bought all I could in ‘07. It is from ’05. Delicious. I have another very very small batch ripe tea coming in soon that is very close in quality, just younger (2011)… good heavens where am I going to keep all this? The vault that we store our pu’ers in is getting cramped. Smells like heaven though. It really is a vault. Our biz is in a 1970’s built bank and we can keep just the right humidity and temp in the vault for optimal storage. Now we are going to have to build another suitable place for storage!!
That actually sounds quite neat and perfect for temp! I imagine finding another location won’t be easy but its nice that your business is growing so much! :)
Very nice! Actually, we are moving our headquarters to a different city and should open there in mid-january. The woman who purchased our wellness center is going to continue having a tea shop located here in Winona (as well as a food co-op and several coffeeshops) so we’ll actually have a 2nd shop! Our new shop is where we will be building a whole new vault for storage. We get to build the new shop to our specs so that’s fun… And I have a place to store alot of my teas in China, as well, so we won’t need to build our vault super huge. I don’t know how this all happened, all I wanted to do was drink tea. then I wanted to share tea. And now… well… here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dang! Way to go! I didn’t realize you sold your wellness center. It sounds like this is a big evolution for you! Kudos!
Yes… I have been doing bodywork/wellness consulting for 16 years now. It is strange to let go of this part of my life and the wellness center, too. But the woman who is taking over is super perfect. She will do very well here and we are happy that she is the one who has the place now. And she is into tea so this really helps all our customers in this city that they will still be able to purchase here!
As we get the new place up and running, I will still do one or two bodywork sessions a week, I’m sure. I love to do bodywork so much and can’t imagine life without it. and of course, my passion for health, wellness, healing, meditation are going no where, I will continue to help no matter what I am doing. Life is one big experiment, tweak a few variables and check the outcome.
What a wonderful opportunity to be able to have a body and see what we can do with it. Oh yes, and a wide-open heart, too :)
Well I want to give a HUGE Thank You to ashmara for this sample which is more than a sample in my opinion! I love this tea!!!!!
I have yet to try Tower of London yet wonderful generous ashmara also sent me a sample of that!
When I opened the bag I got wiffs of sweet yummy fruit and RUM!
The tea even tastes a smidgen like rum and fruit!
Oh yes I AM going to make some of this cold steeped!
I am absolutely ordering more when this is gone and I am doing a little happy dance right now! Not often do I fill my cup before it is empty but this one was half gone and I was dumping more in! I need a larger cup for that matter!
I also saw the BIGGEST cherry in my basket when I measured the tea out!
Most of my fruit flavored teas are green ones. I needed another good solid black fruity tea in my stash and this is going to be in my PERM stash!
Love love love!
ashmara you made the cutest little name tags for the tea samples! Thank you – really appreciate this!
I need to get this sometime soon already! I’ve been saying that since I first saw it! I stayed in Alsace for about 9 days last May and have since needed everything possibly related to the area.
If you want a sample I can send you one from the sample I got. Or just order it NOW because it is SO good! I would be making an order today but waiting on some cash flow. Flow been slow the last few days lol
I’m definitely going to buy it once I get through more of the things I have, so no worries! I try to use that as the reasoning instead of the lack of funds, haha. Oh it’s both, who am I kidding but this is definitely tops to finally get soon.
Well, Shoot!
I just ordered from H&S and this is one that I almost ordered!!
(sigh) Oh, WELL, just going to have to place another order soon and get it right this time;)
Awesome Amanda!
Hesper June – the neat thing about H and S it seems is that you get nice samples when you order from them. I don’t know personally but it seems that way from reading reviews here. I would be happy to send you Amanda’s sample since she is just ordering lol. PM if interested.
I can’t wait to place my first H and S order soon!
Oh, Azzrian, that is so sweet.
But, since I just recently fell in love with this Dragon Pearl…as in I am still drinking it and I want more, I am pretty sure I will be placing another order very soon as well.
So, you enjoy your sample while waiting for your order to come.
Yes,H&S do give out nice samples for sure.
I placed a modest order with H&S and I received 4 samples of their tea!
Oh wow FOUR samples! And their “samples” seem to be LARGE ones as well! Excellent to hear!
I am a sucker for samples from tea companies :)
I feel all companies should do this as they DO result in MORE SALES lol we are proof of that! :)
I will place an order soon!
I have a custom blend I need to pay for from Butiki WOO HOO then I will set my sights on H and S and well yeah a couple other places lol :)
Well, The samples were all sachet tea, not loose.
And it was one packet or sachet of each flavor.
I do not think they send out samples free in the boxes of loose tea, But I could be wrong.
I have just received the sachets.
But, it gives you the idea of loving or hating the tea and then you can order it in loose from them.
Also, the sachets are fairly nice, they are very open and even though the leaves are trapped, they do have space to float around.
I am all about letting the leaves float;)
Yes, I agree, usually when a company sends me samples of tea, it almost always guarantees a re-order:)
Ohhhhh man, I went through Harney’s flavoured teas the other night and found a bajillion I need to order. Pretty sure both this one and Tower of London were on the list! Their blends just seem to be done well; not overdone, as in the case of some companies.
Thanks Hesper June Well its good at least there is enough room for expansion in them!
Krystaleyn Im right there with ya girl!
Looking it up now. Wow I can travel around the world with these teas! :) Good thing since I rarely get out of my house to travel around THIS town.
Boston is completely different from Cranberry Autumn, though both have cranberry in them. Both are excellent, but Boston makes me want to cuddle the tin!
This really truly tastes like rain, or “less salty ocean” for those of you like me who have forgotten what rain looks like and have no rivers nearby. After being corrected, yes, rain, I remember this feel.
You know how it smells when it’s just rained in a grassy area? That’s how this tastes. It’s really not grassy overall, there’s just hints of it. And the jasmine notes give it this freshness that I can’t even put into words. This is how I imagine, without any weird chemicals and the like in the air, collected rainwater that you immediately drank would taste.
It’s a very light cup, but even with just a minute it is bursting with flavor despite its physical appearance.
Second steep, +15 seconds: it’s still a very strong flavor, just like the first cup! I’d say though the one major difference is the jasmine is a lot less floral. But seriously it’s like it was never even steeped in the first place, that’s how bright the same notes are.
I can’t wait to try this one out in my gaiwan. And also have a third steep preferably much later on today, too full of tea already haha.
Oh THANK YOU!!!! WOO HOOOO! :) Happy Dance!
Whispering Pines – my daughter is making them and Momo has a shop close to her so she is sending us some so we can compare how well my daughter is doing. So far my girl is learning so much through this experience and her macarons are amazing yet we are so curious to try some from a true shop! :)
Thank you again momo! xo
Wow, this is a wonderful shu. I wasn’t completely sure about it based on its slightly muddy appearance and not having heard of Yong De, but seeing it described as a favorite by both Garret at Mandala and (different year’s pressing) by Scott at Yunnan Sourcing, I figured a 1oz sample was certainly worth a try. And it was.
Dry leaves: The leaves are slightly larger than the Menghai pu’s I’ve tried, and are a warm, chocolaty brown in color. The smell is deep and rich, but I have trouble identifying any one note.
Early infusions: The first thing that strikes me in tasting is a sort of marshmallow “puffiness” to the liquer. Even in the first steeping there is no noticeable “off” taste. The tea is remarkably smooth and has a deep woodiness with a pleasant zuchini-like flavor.
Middle Infusions: Around the fifth infusion, the tea starts to open up in flavor with notes of saffron, sea breeze, and cantaloupe. The flavor is woodsy like dry fall leaves.
Later infusions: Around the tenth infusion, when the tea begins to be weaker, the flavors become more sweet and subtle. It has a slight vanilla sweetness, and flavors like a dense sourdough bread. The flavor is very clean, almost like a Yunnan black tea.
This is my new favorite pu’erh, very smooth, clean, and deep. A full cake of it has jumped to the top of my shopping list :)
I read this review and marched immediately back to our pu’er storage vault and pulled out one of these cakes. I love this tea. It’ll be out for us to prepare here at the tea shop for the next few days, for sure. I’m so happy that you are enjoying this tea, my friend! It’s a winner. I can’t wait for you to try the Noble Mark sample that I sent you. It is a blend I created from Yong De area where I was there in April. While very young, I think you will enjoy it. I don’t just buy 200 + lbs of tea if I don’t think it’s going to age well :) Thanks for the review!
Went back and counted inventory on this cake. 9 left. One will be snapped up by yours truly, and my partner just said he wants one, too. Our session with it here is going very well :)
Eek, I guess that means I need to order one soon! I’m very excited to try the Noble Mark, I think I’ll brew some up tomorrow :)
I’m working on securing some more of them, but so far none of my connections there can find it. I’ll be back in SW China soon enough. I’ll see if I can find some then!
Huh… that’s funny… all of the sudden the stock is down to 6 :) I am glad you are going to try that Noble Mark, too!!!! Along with that loose tea, I’ll send you a sample of the cake I had pressed of it, too. Still waiting for the remaining 320 to get here so I can put them up on the site!
no i just grabbed one and a noble mark sample. garret thanks in advance for the sample of the pressed cake! mr tperez and i have very similar tastes on our pu-erh( he.. he.. i think i got him hooked on it.) thanks and best wishes always!
ha ha stop by any time and i will share tea with you! your choice, oh the discussions we could have about pu-erh…….
You guys are a bad influence on me…or maybe you’re a good influence on me…le’ts just say I just kind of went crazy & placed my first Mandala order…finally!
Hey y’all! Can we possibly get any groovier people on this thread?? :) Terri and John, your orders just got picked up!!! They are on their way to your wonderful selves!
Yay!! More and more tea! Claire, after perusing various people’s comments about various teas, I kind of went overboard & got the following:
Phatty cake 11
Yong De 07
Menghai dayi red rhyme 08
Menghai “Zi Yun” Ripe Pu-erh tea (purple rhyme) 09
& a sample of Noble Mark
Now I have to figure out where to keep it all! Some day when I get old & pass away, my kids will be going through my stuff & it will be like one of those Hoarders reality shows, with cakes & tins of tea everywhere!
I am so excited to read those reviews! I have to wait until the end of this month to get more tea and I swear, a month has never seemed longer! XD
Need I mention that I have a tendency to contemplate at great length before I buy anything, & then all hell breaks loose…obsessive-compulsive-addictive
oohh Terri the red rhyme is great ,the purple rhyme is too and the phatty cake you will like as well! congrats on you getting a great selection. Garret can’t wait to get it in!
Yup this is GOOD! I am totally getting a very light Lime note in the background. I like that.
Its like a cleansing of the palate after the smoky, roasty, caramel flavor hits your mouth then this light zing of a lime flavor comes in and does a little clean up for the saffron and floral after taste to take over!
Have you ever eaten a flower?
I get Spring Mix salad from the store and it has some violets and orchids in it YUMMY! This tastes exactly like that! Fresh and springy yet dark and roasty at the same time!
I’m drinking their spring handpicked tieguanyin right now and it is soooo good. This is definitely on my wish list for my next order :)
Ohhh well – in the beginning … I did the short steeps (a matter of seconds) did that about three times at 208 but then I just started letting it sit because I was working, then I was laying on the sofa drifting into a sleep, then I woke up and remembered my steep (15 minutes later) it was cold BUT it was still awesome – you can’t mess this stuff up! Then I got back up and was still sleepy and let it steep about 5 minutes.
But around the time I went to the sofa – I used my Zojiroushi (sp?) Anyway that was set at 195 but it worked fine.
Yeah I was lazy with a good tea – I should be shamed. :)
This tea became mine in a swap with silvermage2000. I was curious about this one after reading others tasting notes, but it wasn’t available any longer. I’m so happy to get to sample some…well, more than some, almost a near full pouch!
The dry leaves of this tea smell just like cola. They even have an effervescent scent to them, I don’t know how tea can posess this, let alone the leaves, but it is so cool!
I brewed this for 3:30 mintutes at boiling. I think this may have been a tad long, or maybe I just need a little sweetner, because it is quite potent. There is something in the flavor of this tea that makes it tingle on my tongue. It really does have many similarities to cherry vanilla cola. I taste a sarsaparilla note in the tea, maybe that is part of the natural cola flavoring? Something reminds me of the sarsaparilla flavoring in the Root Beer Float tea that was made not too long ago. Yum!
This tea is great, I can’t wait to try it iced!
Mmm…the sasparilla remark makes me want to try it! This site has made my tea addiction so much worse! (Not that that’s really a bad thing!) :)
lol…Actually, I was talking about steepster! I was already addicted to 52teas before this (zoomdweebie’s tea bar is in my home town). :)
Oh yeah duh that’s right. I think you’re the only steepsterite here from the area (or at least that I’ve seen) so I forgot you’re one of the lucky ones. :)
This sounds so, so good. So does the fudge brownie. All their teas, really.
amandajo, I’m so jealous that you get to go to zoomdweebie’s. I hope I get to go there someday.
Jaime – I don’t know that I would want to go to zoomdweebies, because I know if I go I will end up buying way too much tea. It’s bad enough that I’m pretty much buying every single tea of the week that they put out (there are a couple of teas that Frank has created that I’ve been able to resist, but not many). I’d probably end up buying the place if I went there. And that can’t happen. My pocketbook (and hubby) say NO.
Oooh, fudge tea that tastes like fudge and not just chocolate? I know I’m late to the party of comments, but that sounds amazing:)
I understand about the site making the tea addiction worse. I only had a few teas before here, now I have an overflowing tea cupboard and an emptying wallet:) But I’m very happy and my hubby is enjoying the tea with me too.
I would end up buying too much tea there, too. And, yes, Meghann, this site has made the addiction worse. Partially because I get to see so many more teas/brands I was exposed to, but mainly because I now know I’m not the only one who is obsessed with tea and all its manifestations, and I’m justified in my addiction.
Oooh, thanks for a new tea site amandajo. I love better than sex cake/bars, think I’ll have to look that one up!
Yeah, I’ll be caving on the Better than Sex tea…and probably on the Duchess’s First Love, too. And maybe the Persian Rose…
Thank goodness tea isn’t illegal.
lol… there is a sampler pack for 60 bucks that I have been contemplating :P…caffeinated or uncaffeinated…they both sound so good…
oops…realized that it should have been www.taytea.com but looks like you guys figured that out :P
I didn’t see the sampler pack…might need some new teas to test out the breveille…new teapot/tea maker means I should splurge a little on teas too.
I love the names of the teas, they are great. Does it say anywhere how many ounces of tea are in each tea tin at tay tea?
Yeah, in that second paragraph at the top of the screen in the shop online section it says that the tins are 4 oz each. The sampler contains 2oz tins (8 different kinds).
It was hooooot in here today folks!
I had cold brewed a 3 litre pitcher of this baby and it’s almost gone.
Best cinnaNOM treat ever… (Yes, Sarsonator, we call it cinnaNOM ’round here!!)
There’s a such a smooth cinnamon balance in this blend. You also get a nice earthy fruitiness from the elderberries. It taste so naturally sweet, and a little roasty and chocolaty, probably from the chicory.
What makes it such a lovely cold brew is the lemon balm. It just adds that little je ne sais quoi that makes it perfect. So good!!
Also, I know it’s getting late…but I’m listening to the Black Keys’s new album full blast, and it makes me happy :-)
Thank you friend who gave me an iTunes gift card a little while ago ;-)
Yes, cinnaNOM makes everything taste better!!
Cameron, I did about 1 full tbs per litre of water for 18 hours, it was perfect :-)
I liked this one hot because I didn’t feel like the cinnaBLARGH was kicking me in the shin. I’ll try it as a cold brew, too
But you’ll never get me to love cinnaBLARGHS! I only like it when it’s part of a nice medley, not when it’s waving it’s arms around yelling: “ooooh look at me!!!!”
(Sars, me think you are slowly becoming a victim of irresistible sneaky cinnaNOM!!)
Haha! Dexter, no worries, I’ll put some in your box :-) in the mean time…..drink some or your EXISTING WP tea!! I can’t wait to find out what you think!!!
I’ll concede this battle to you in the following way, Foxy
The following are cinnaNOMs: pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer, spiced apple cider, any spiced teas where cinnamon isn’t the main event.
If cinnamon is the star of the show, it will be referred to as cinnaBLARGH and I’ll run screaming for the hills. :p
Verdant needs a mobile friendly website. My bag had zero steeping instructions on it, so I tried to pull the site up on my phone, since it was in the kitchen to time the steeping…but it kept crashing my browser. So I had to hurry back to my bedroom and pull up the site and find what to do. I wrote the instructions on the package so I guess I’ll probably go through my others so this won’t happen again. I cut it close!
I’m going to get started re-watching The Walking Dead since I kind of stopped after the first season. I feel some weird obligation to watch everything filmed around here for the most part (I have to throw that disclaimer in because I would rather lick a battery than have anything to do with Scary Movie 5, as this brought in BOTH Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan.) but I did enjoy it so time to retry, yay Netflix!
I can probably tell you all sorts of places it filmed though! Like this! This is Forsyth Street, right near important to me school buildings! http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbnkjbS0yU1qz5e5oo1_1280.png They’re mostly well outside Atlanta, which is where all the TV shows end up, but in the first episode they were on my campus! This happened too in The Change Up. The first time I saw a trailer I was like WAIT I WALK THROUGH THERE ALL THE TIME. It’s kind of fun.
So this is my pot of tea to go along with it and a plan to resteep as much as possible through the night!
I’m terrible at keeping track of things but I’ve had this for awhile so I don’t know what description where applies to this tea anymore. I bought it in April. Wow, that’s embarrassing
that I’m just now getting around to trying it. Jeez.
This first steeping smells purely of chocolate. It tastes like a malty cinnamon brownie. It’s rich and satisfying. It’s not as cold today but this feels good to drink!
I’m amused that this tastes more like a cinnamon brownie than the tea I have that’s supposed to be one. Ha. There are some caramel notes too but mostly I get chocolate with a nice hint of cinnamon.
The second steep is getting kind of a toasted cereal flavor, but still chocolatey. This actually reminds me a lot of a dark oolong and I really am not a fan of many of them, but I am enjoying this tea. What do you call that chocolatey hot cereal stuff? CoCo Wheats? That’s what it reminds me of!
This will probably be it for the time being, because I want to sleep tonight. I’ll have to try it in a gaiwan next.
Hell yea walking dead! I remember passing that street too when in Atlanta while looking for scenes from the show. But it was blocked off by some huge game going on, I was so disappointed. If I am remembering that area correctly.
This tea sounds amazingly yummy
Hmm. Verdant works great on my iPhone… I also always pull up brewing parameters when infusing a new tea! Only time I had a problem was when my wireless wasn’t working :D
Regarding brewing instruction on Verdant: me too! I wish the instructions on the packaging were the same as the ones on the site. And of course, the sample packages tell you nothing! What’s even worse is that if you have a sample that’s no longer available for purchase, there are usually no instructions on the site for it anyway.
Terri – if you have an older tea from verdant, just pop it into their search bar or even google – they don’t delete the product pages so it’s always available to find the steeping parameters :)
As soon as I get my order I look on the Verdant site and write the instructions on the packets because my memory is ZERO!
I had that issue with Golden fleece. It’s no longer on there site and I totally forgot how to brew it. I had to pull up steepster and read through the read through the reviews until someone mentioned how much leaf they used.
FYI you can do a search on the website and still load the pages for teas that are no longer in stock/offered Then you don’t have to search for the information :)
I know the feeling :D I do that quite frequently with Verdant teas because I’m used to having the steeping instructions on the bag :D your not alone :D
yeah good idea – I’m going to write some info on the bags too, although I usually experiment more often than not anyways haha! :B
I never really have a problem with the website on my phone, but I do have my phone connected to wifi at home and at work, so maybe that’s why… As far as brewing parameters go, I actually just save them as a note on my phone. So any time I need to know how to brew, I just pull up that note and find the tea I want to brew. And you can just keep on adding new teas as you get them :) And you can always email or tweet David, he always seems to get back to me same day!
Aaaah, my black malty full bodied tea, how much I love you.
First time I drank Bailin Gungfu, I heard the angels singing! (Pun very intended for Angel at Teavivre!)
It was about three years ago and I was a lot less experienced with tea in general. I remember thinking that I had finally arrived, that this was the reason I kept drinking and trying new teas.
The aroma is so inviting and homey, it’s like having a sniff at fresh baked bread just out of the oven. Think crusty rye bread.
It’s malty with big cocoa notes paired with dark honey…mmm…chocolate croissant.
Everything has been said about this tea, and yet, I felt compelled to review it again.
Only the best teas stand the test of time…this is not a one trick pony, it’s one that keeps coming back to my cupboard.
As I mention in my profile, I am MARRIED to straight blacks and VERY faithful to them…Ok, maybe I do cheat a little…but I always come back!
Reading the “I heard the angels sing.” I immediately picture Angel sitting across from you while you drank this tea and serenading you…tehehe:P
Haha! albertocanfly, I’ll have to invite her over someday for a real singing tea session ;-)
Arshness, if you are a fan of this type of tea, I highly recommend it, it’s a classic and it’s very accessible to any tea lover!
I need to be sure & put this in my basket next time I place a Teavivre order. I’ve been out for quite awhile.
Yes! The harvests are very consistent and I ordered just a few months ago. I never noticed any huge difference from one order to the next.
Thanks, Anna, for starting this craze. Thanks also, ifjuly, for supplying me with more. And thanks, nay lynn, for shipping me even moooore!
if you can’t tell, I love this tea.
This time i had it with a bit of sugar and no milk. It was still heavily melon flavoured, although I have to say i think I prefer it with just the slightest dash of milk. There’s something a bit…earthy? lingering in the back-sip and I find a touch of cream smoothes that right out. That being said, I feel as though this will be a tea I drink all summer. I’ve only ever had two melon flavoured teas, but so far this is the most flavourful.
Oh wow! 16 teas! I smaller quantities! Yay!
yes :) the website is really cute and the service professional :http://www.instant-the.com/
most of the teas are Dammann Frères ones
That IS cute!
Nice website! It’s great that your first sampling was an unexpected hit!
Ooh, awesome about that website! I am still trying to decide what teas to buy when I visit Paris in July! Having to buy 100g makes it difficult to choose.
@Dinosara : you may order from them during your visit in France (or before)and request a delivery to your hotel or place in Paris.It took 2 full working days to receive my parcel.
@ Hallie : yes it decided to buy from this website because I loved the website design. and of course because I wanted to taste more Dammann Frères teas !
Aw, it looks like they don’t ship to North America. Darn!
they can do but this is expensive, I asked them in the past for a person living in Canada. That’s why you may request them to deliver in Paris to the place you’re going to live during your visit.
But you can also find small tea shops inside Paris which sell Dammann teas by 50g. The only point is they often don’t have more than 15 teas from DF (because they sell as well other brands)
Ah yes, I see. Do you have any recommendations for shops in Paris that sell various French teas (including Dammann) by 50g?
you have this one which has various tea brands : Compagnie coloniale, Dammann Frères and Kusmi teas :http://www.pagesjaunes.fr/pros/05368333?idContext=1405718383&portail=PJ#onglet-infos
be careful it is closed on Sunday and monday :)
if you want to taste japanese teas, Linfield teas (French Brand) or George Cannon teas (French as well) I highly recommend this shop :http://www.themerrymonk.fr/
and there is a shop thé et chocolat where you can buy Mariage Frères ones by 50g BUT only during the week (not the week end) :http://dismoiou.fr/p/fra/paris/7AO5W1/the-et-chocolat
but teas are almost 15% more expensive than in a MF shop (where you can only buy by 100g)
Thanks for the recommendations! Hopefully I’ll be able to check some of them out! :)
Funny that a tea called fleurilége is vanilla and hazelnut and not flowers! Glad it was a good surprise.
And this link list is going to be so useful to me! Thank you. Must bookmark.
@ Teresa : there are some sunflowers in the blend :) but the tea name is clearly playing on words : fleurilège for florilège which means collection,anthology…