It was hooooot in here today folks!
I had cold brewed a 3 litre pitcher of this baby and it’s almost gone.
Best cinnaNOM treat ever… (Yes, Sarsonator, we call it cinnaNOM ’round here!!)
There’s a such a smooth cinnamon balance in this blend. You also get a nice earthy fruitiness from the elderberries. It taste so naturally sweet, and a little roasty and chocolaty, probably from the chicory.
What makes it such a lovely cold brew is the lemon balm. It just adds that little je ne sais quoi that makes it perfect. So good!!
Also, I know it’s getting late…but I’m listening to the Black Keys’s new album full blast, and it makes me happy :-)
Thank you friend who gave me an iTunes gift card a little while ago ;-)
Yes, cinnaNOM makes everything taste better!!
Cameron, I did about 1 full tbs per litre of water for 18 hours, it was perfect :-)
I liked this one hot because I didn’t feel like the cinnaBLARGH was kicking me in the shin. I’ll try it as a cold brew, too
But you’ll never get me to love cinnaBLARGHS! I only like it when it’s part of a nice medley, not when it’s waving it’s arms around yelling: “ooooh look at me!!!!”
(Sars, me think you are slowly becoming a victim of irresistible sneaky cinnaNOM!!)
Haha! Dexter, no worries, I’ll put some in your box :-) in the mean time…..drink some or your EXISTING WP tea!! I can’t wait to find out what you think!!!
I’ll concede this battle to you in the following way, Foxy
The following are cinnaNOMs: pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer, spiced apple cider, any spiced teas where cinnamon isn’t the main event.
If cinnamon is the star of the show, it will be referred to as cinnaBLARGH and I’ll run screaming for the hills. :p
Ooh, how did you cold brew it? :3
Yes, cinnaNOM makes everything taste better!!
Cameron, I did about 1 full tbs per litre of water for 18 hours, it was perfect :-)
Will definitely try that! :D Thanks dear!
I came by to say cinnaBLARGH!!!!!!!!
You cannot say that here Sars….you kinda like this tea…just saying.
I liked this one hot because I didn’t feel like the cinnaBLARGH was kicking me in the shin. I’ll try it as a cold brew, too
But you’ll never get me to love cinnaBLARGHS! I only like it when it’s part of a nice medley, not when it’s waving it’s arms around yelling: “ooooh look at me!!!!”
Why did no one tell me to add this to my order? How did I miss this? Why didn’t I order it?
(Sars, me think you are slowly becoming a victim of irresistible sneaky cinnaNOM!!)
Haha! Dexter, no worries, I’ll put some in your box :-) in the mean time…..drink some or your EXISTING WP tea!! I can’t wait to find out what you think!!!
I’ll concede this battle to you in the following way, Foxy
The following are cinnaNOMs: pumpkin pie, pumpkin beer, spiced apple cider, any spiced teas where cinnamon isn’t the main event.
If cinnamon is the star of the show, it will be referred to as cinnaBLARGH and I’ll run screaming for the hills. :p
Awww, Thanks for meeting me half way Sars :-)
Anything for you, sweet pea!