1024 Tasting Notes
Wow, I don’t know if it’s because this box was almost at expiry or if DAVIDsTEA is just that much more flavourful, but it was a bad idea to follow an amazing cold brew of DT Superberry with a cold brew of this… which, to be perfectly honest, just tastes like black tea. I can’t get much else at all.
But with today’s hot weather, it’s acceptable!
Dang. I gave myself enough time to forget what this tasted like, steeped as recommended and… yep. Nope. Just no. I don’t get the vanilla at all, and maybe the lavender is too herbal rather than floral? I’m not into it. The rest of the sample in the bin and my frowny face. Sad!
After writing yesterday about the blend that inspired me to buy this tisane, I had to drink it today! I learnt very quickly that the candy cane blend (half peppermint, half Turkish cherry) is NOT something I’m a fan of when served hot. But add ice and I love it. I LOVE IT. YUM!
Today was beautiful and cold in Hobart (it’s summer… it snowed on the mountain last night?) and my friend came over for the afternoon to binge-watch Reign. I offered her this or DT Love Tea #7. She asked for both… at the same time. Half and half in the pot. Lovely! This really mellowed the sometimes overwhelming sweetness of the #7 beautifully.