248 Tasting Notes
This is lovely! I had totally missed the fact that it had jasmine flavored rooibos in it. I’ve only had jasmine scented/flavored tea, and I didn’t really like it. However the jasmine is nice and subtle, and doesn’t overpower the blend. Same goes for the mint. Actually everything in this tea is lovely together. This is a really great blend and Cara did an A+ job with the percentages of all the ingredients.
Smoke and spice and everything Sherlock. :)
This is fantastic. My first taste of lapsang souchong ever, and though it’s blended I feel like I’ve passed some sort of tea milestone. :P
Love, love, love this. Think a light masala chai over a campfire, there you have it. A bit spicey and smokey with a nice standard black tea flavor thrown in. I was worried that lapsang souchong was going to be too smokey, but it’s really interesting how it comes across in the tea. Who would have thought that a campfire would be tasty! I’ve had a puerh that has a smokiness that leans towards tobacco, but this is totally different. My future-MIL didn’t like it, too much smoke for her. But wow, I love it!
Drank straight, no milk or sugar. I figure this is the way Sherlock would have it (they never have milk anyway). While this seems perfect for a winter’s day, even on a summer morning it’s delicious. This gets a check in the “restock” box.
Mmmm. Dry this smells like a blueberry muffin and if you sniff a little deeper, earl grey. Brews to a really lovely red. I’d tell you what it smells like steeped but my nose is a little stuffy and whatever the scent is will not come through!
The taste is interesting. In some sips I get a ton of early grey, others the blackberry (that comes over more as a blueberry) dominates. The vanilla is more of an aftertaste on the back of my tongue. I added a bit of stevia to sweeten it up a tad. Definitely going to try this in latte form!
I love how they have the “We fit 4oz into the pouch instead of 3 because it’s bigger on the inside.”
No season of Doctor Who is complete without someone running in and out of the TARDIS with a surprised look on their face :D
I loved that too! It seems some of Adagio’s employee are BBC fans. Have you seen the blends homepage lately?
Aw, I was going to buy this, but I just noticed it’s an earl grey. For some reason, Adagio’s seem too strong on the bergamot for me. How would you say it was?
It wasn’t too bad, but I haven’t had a ton of earl greys though. I would say it’s a dominating flavor. I can send you some though, enough for a cup maybe in case you want to try it but if you don’t like it, no biggie!
Holy moly. This is delicious. Got this as a sample with my last order. Read some reviews on here and decided to try it iced, so cold brewed overnight and then some.
Smells just like a piña colada and is an awesome bright yellow. Tastes of super pineapple-y goodness. Not too tart, nice a sweet (did a bit of stevia). Mmmmmm. I only wish the sample had more in it!
So Adagio suggested 150F but that seemed a bit low, plus the zojirushi has 140 and 175, so I just went with 175. ANYWAY.
I’ve been avoiding this sampler but I think it’s time to give it a try again and play with the brewing. This one is pretty good, nice toasty flavor. Not a whole lot of the chocolate that the description says should be there. Some sort of nut flavor is there, not sure which though! I really do need to try teas straight before I try the flavors. Oh well, tasty in any case. :)
I’ve heard this one is intended to taste better iced… * cough *
Haha, I totally forgot about that until after I made it this morning. Definitely will try it later though. :)