248 Tasting Notes
Brewed with the Ingenuitea with 12 oz of boiling water, 5 pearls(4g), and steeped for 3 minutes. I think I’ll try for another infusion as well…
The dry leaf has a bit of an earthy scent, but I can’t pick up much. I did a rinse on these to help open the tea up, and I think because one time I brewed these and got a bit of dustiness in the tea. It’s fun to watch the pearls slowly unfurl.
Really pretty burnt orange/brown color and nice smell. Cocoa, earth, and smoke I think.
I pick up the smokey taste, which I love, and black tea-ness. Still getting this whole tasting thing down. :) I think some astringency because it does leave my mouth a bit dry. Tasty though!
Edit: second infusion is just as good, if not better!
Hot brewed and then iced. Yum yum.
Very strong vanilla smell out of the tin, but it mellows out nicely in the cup. Used about a tablespoon of tea for 8 oz. of water, then added ice. May do a longer brew/use more tea next time. Wish it was a bit stronger. Also added a bit of simple syrup to sweeten it up.
Ew. Maybe I just don’t like green tea or maybe I haven’t found the right one. Couldn’t really pick up any of what the sakura was supposed to add, just vegetal/grassy/something that I didn’t care for.
Wegmans teas are very hit or miss and I think this is a miss. I have a bit left still, so I will give it a second chance with a hot brew though.
So I’m trying to get rid of these and used about four up last doing cold brew iced tea. This steeped at a little over 48 hours.
Still a very light taste, the peach is not quite as overwhelming. I can’t even taste the mangosteen (possibly not even sure what that tastes like).
Pretty much a “bleh” tea. I had bought these bags when I didn’t know much about tea, so it’s about time to use them up and never think of them again. ;)
I’ve had this in the cabinet for a while, and feel this need to drink everything I can’t give away. It’s alright. I don’t have a super refined palate (yet!), but the mangosteen and peach are pretty indistinguishable, just a light “fruity” flavor.