237 Tasting Notes
So this was backlog.Decided I needed to drink it up.
Smells kind of like dried or stale fruit snacks.Not unpleasant but not Papaya-esque yet.
I heaped the tea and over steeped..as I do with all DT herbals..I need full flavor…I will settle for nothing less.
I am afraid that the Rooibos(red honey bush) will kick all other flavors to the curb..like a bad significant other..taking all the sheets with them and leaving the other bum out and cold.
Once brewed smells fresher but still the same.I don’t smell fruit bursting out but I try all at least once..it’s a strength and a curse.
as for taste…..well…………….tastes like honeybush..and a tiny fruity nudge not worth mentioning really.I oversteeped and doubled the amount and the fruit is barely there..
Tastes like a plain Rooibos..will trade to lindairvine ..because she likes the Rooibos.
Not much to say the numbers will say it all.
This smells like the most amazingly creamy lemon infused Earl Grey I’ve been looking forward to trying this since I’ve discovered DT’s many amazing re-imaginations of the classic Earl Grey profile.
As for taste it’s superbly creamy and the lemon is perfectly light and refreshing.
I love this it’s a wonderful reinvention of an Earl Grey..creamy and lemon-infused it’s delicious and perfectly composed.
Today had such a crappy morning I needed a real boost.I had just ordered from DT and had got Main Squeeze a new Yerba Mate Tea that is my favorite thing…citrusy and lemony!Oh and it’s a stimulant!
It says it’s “sunshine in a glass” and that’s EXACTLY what I need.
Smells so lemony that it makes my taste buds wake up and take notice.
Also smells sweet and tangy.
Once brewed doesn’t smell as nice it actually smells kind of questionable but I’m looking forward to it nonetheless.
Tastes ok..has a very lemony base..tastes light but there’s definitely a yerba mate earthy taste that I’m not 100 percent into.I think this would benefit greatly from being iced.
It’s okay and it gets better as i drink it..but I think I prefer Honey Bee and Jungle Ju Ju as stimulants much more!
A green and white tea blend is pretty much a luxury because of the health benefits and usually it’s more expensive then other types of tea and it takes more care in preparation.
The ingredients do not mention peach and yet that is exactly what it smells like …really creamy peach.
Once brewed it becomes even MORE peachy smelling if that is possible.
I was worried about the mention of Hibiscus but I think White Hibiscus is different then the dreaded “Pink Flamingo” Hibiscus.I may be wrong about
that but it seems a logical conclusion.
The taste is wonderfully light and smooth..no bitterness…it tastes mostly like white tea.It’s refreshing and a lovely morning treat.
Tastes and smells like Peaches…kind of like Long Life Oolong but without the Oolong flavor.
This will probably take to being iced very well.
Overall a very very decent White/green tea.Lovely and lightly floral and very peachy.
This smells amazing EXACTLY like a Root Beer Float actually.Truth in advertising.
Steeped less for shorter.That’s the rule of thumb for DT’s black teas or you’ll get a bitter surprise.
Maybe should have tried it iced but this morning was chilly and I felt like a nice hot tea to start the day with.I sincerely hope this is better then the Cherry Coke tea I tried yesterday.
As for taste it’s pretty nice actually.Lightly sweet the Root Beer flavor comes through nicely…It’s a gimmicky tea and I don’t think this will be a regular menu option but as a one off 20 gram bag it’s worth it.
Smells exactly like those cola gummy bottles but spicier.
As always with a DT black tea I steeped less for shorter.
First taste and it’s like a very very very light Licorice tea with just a light sweetness from the Stevia.It’s not unpleasant but it’s not great either..it just doesn’t know what to be..Maybe it’d be better iced but I’m not really invested in trying it again.
I love floral teas and Haven’t had much green tea lately so decided to try the one that always seems to be beckoning me each time I open my tea vault.
In the pouch it smells lovely,richly floral with subtle green tea undertones.
Once brewed though it actually smells a little gross and meaty like it was hibiscus or something..this made me very worried.
Luckily as it cooled it began to smell like roses again…lovely optimism is back!
First taste and it’s very nice,not bitter at all.The floral taste is the winner here I just wish it was less subtle though!
I tend to prefer my floral tea full-bodied, bold and unapologetic.
Overall this tea is very very nice and rosy.It would be lovely iced.
This tea smells amazing like green apples and kiwis.
It also smells like it’ll be deliciously light and fruity for a green tea.
Once brewed it’s ridiculously clear and smells the same just cooked!
Damn I am looking forward to this.
First taste and it’s delightfully light and refreshing.I taste the apple and kiwi and it’s lovely.This is a wonderful light tea…perfect for hot days and hard to get up mornings.