Tea and Chocolate Traveling Tea Box Sign Ups Closed
US only. Sorry, but chocolate weighs more than tea so trying to lower costs where ever possible. This traveling tea box is chocolate themed. Most of the tea will be sticking to the theme of chocolate.
Examples of chocolate themed tea:
Tea that’s chocolate flavored
Straight tea with cocoa notes
Tea that has notes commonly associated with chocolate, such as caramel or raspberry
Tea that has pairs well with chocolate
Tea that has a similar flavor profile of a chocolate that is in/you’re adding to the box.
There will also be actual chocolate in the Tea and Chocolate Traveling Tea Box. Just as you replace as much tea as you take, you will also replace as much chocolate as you try. And try to replace with similar quality. Don’t take all the nicer chocolates and replace them with Hershey’s kisses. In fact, don’t add Hershey chocolate at all.
The following companies have provided samples for this TTB:
Verdant Tea
Simpson & Vail
The Persimmon Tree
While I would like you to review all teas you try from the box, since it’s more fun that way, I only require you to write notes on the teas from those companies.
In order to reduce the risk of a lost box, I reserve the right to pick who participates in the box.
The Rules:
Replace as much as you take, for both tea and chocolate
Try to keep no longer than 10 days
Make contact and verify address before sending the box along
Try to maintain quality. Don’t take the nice and replace with crap
Not rules, but some suggestions:
Pair chocolates you add with teas you think would compliment
Be creative
Try to find unique and/or local chocolates
Mandy (Florida)
Hippiechick 42 (Alabama)
Grrrlhowdy (NC)
Michelle (Virginia)
Iridium (Massachusetts)
AllanK (New York)
Inkling (Wisconsin)
Carol Who (Illinois)
Nicole (Missouri)
TeaTiff (Missouri)
Megan (Missouri)
Tealizzy (Califoria)
Flyawaybirdie (California)
Awkward Soul (Southern California)
Dustin (Texas)
Mandy (Florida)
If you’re interested, please reply with your state, and any dates to would not be able to receive the box.
You can see the original post here:
YESSSS Sign me up! Southern California!
If we get going right away, I request to be put middle to later on the list as it is still warm in my area.
I live in Florida, so it’s still in the mid to upper 80s. It’s going to be a couple more weeks or so before it gets sent out.
it’s the same temperature here, in the mid 80’s. Still waiting for fall weather!
Excellent! I would love to be involved. And how fantastic that you got tea donated for the box!
I’m in Missouri.
And I wouldn’t be able to deal with the box from 11/9 thru 11/13 and 11/25 thru 12/6. Possibly sometime in February but nothing for sure yet.
If this is a success, and you have it again next Spring or so, I’m game.
Very interested! Alabama
Hey, I can’t find any swap cred or participation in any previous boxes for you. Can you provide evidence of either for me? I just want to make sure the box doesnt get lost since I’ve been in boxes that have. Thanks (:
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