Tea and Chocolate Traveling Tea Box Sign Ups Closed
Hi all — I’m afraid I don’t know where the box is. Hippiechick asked me for my address in a message 29 days ago. She said her mom had a stroke and she might be away from internet for a few weeks. Then 16 days ago she said she was writing from her sister’s computer and was planning to mail the box that weekend. But I haven’t received the box or a tracking #. Maybe it is en route and slowed by holiday mail traffic?
I take it still no sign of this box and that Hippiechick has dropped off the face of the earth?
Perhaps her mother’s condition worsened & she has been consumed by that? Hoping for the best & that we hear from her again soon.
I heard from hippiechick. She said her ill mother is requiring 24h care & she will mail box as soon as she is able.
Have we heard anything about the Tea and Chocolate TTB?
I imagine it will be a while, given the circumstances. It’ll be another one where everyone waits it out, gives up, or starts another box.
It’s a shame because it’s the perfect time of year to be shipping chocolate around. If things heat up before this box makes the rounds, someone is likely to end up with a melted mess after it sits in a hot truck during shipping.
Looks like her last tasting note was two months ago. MIA organizer + MIA box = dead box. It was a nice idea for a tea box. :/
It’s starting to look like steepster needs a thread of failed swaps?boxes like ravelry has. Boxes have had trouble lately. I know that isn’t the Steepster ethos though.
Oh wow. This died on the first participant. That sucks…especially for the companies that donated tea. Hopefully others will donate tea in future.
I agree. We should have a list of people who don’t hold up their end. It save a lot of people headaches and discourage people from joining activities they don’t intend on following through.
The title of the thread could be changed to add “-dead box” or “-MIA” on the end, but I think you have to be the author/organizer to do that, which we don’t have at the moment. That would help with habitual box loosers. Two boxes were sent to one recipient who was on two different TTBs and both disappeared when s/he went MIA.
Good points all and I agree with the need for a thread for repeat offenders, so to speak. And yes, boxes going missing when companies have donated is just going to discourage other companies from doing so in the future for other boxes. I do wish we might have heard from Mandy at some point as well.
However, I think it’s worth bearing in mind that this box, at least, suffered a completely unexpected blow. While that doesn’t totally excuse not sending the box on at the first opportunity or giving it to someone else to mail for you if you just can’t get out of the house at any point, these are somewhat extenuating circumstances. I hope that Hippiechick and her mother are working through the health difficulties.
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