Teaware lust?

1104 Replies
yyz said

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yyz said

Will you stop it, you infamous temptress? Those are just too beautiful…

mj said

Oh man, I really love those. You are terrible, yyz :)

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SarsyPie said

I just love these cups!

They remind me of some sake cups I have where a picture appears more clearly once the liquid is added.

Love the shape and colour!!! But why 4? Want ONE!

Let’s split them :)

SarsyPie said

I’d split them, if I could get the one on the lower right. :)

I’m ok with that.

Sil select said

those are beautiful!

Frolic select said

Love and want!

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SarsyPie said

Oh my, TTF. Just WOW!

mj said


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yyz said
SarsyPie said

Love it!

mj said

Oooh the butterflies are so cute :)

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yyz said

A different bottle for cold brewing.

Dexter said

And I am still lusting over it Dexter…but I have a nice tall takeya pitcher, it would be silly to buy one right?? RIGHT?

Sil select said

did you get yours from the same company or elsewhere dexter? thanks for sharing YYZ – these are neat.

Dexter said

I bought mine locally, but you can also get them on amazon….

yyz said

Neat to know Dexter, they look like to hey are the same price or sometimes cheaper too. I accidently pressed a link and found out that Crate and Barrel have them on the .com site. I wonder if they have them in store? They are more expensive there but when shipping is factored in, it could be a better deal if I could get one locally.

Dexter said

The white ones are 20.00 on amazon.
The brand name on mine is Hario, it’s red but just like the one in that link.

Dexter said

Fairy – and you have your Mason jar, and really you can cold steep in anything. LOL do you really need one? They are fun though, and nice for guest. You can serve your guest just like wine, and the leaves are nice to look at…

You are NOT helping me much here Dexter…first, you didn’t tell me NOT to buy it. Second, you tell me about one at only $20. Third, you provide the link. Fourth, you brag about how good it is for guests…LOL, thank you sweet friend for enabling me.

I’m getting the white, even though I’m concern with it staining, at this price it’s worth taking a risk!

And thank yyz for posting this to begin with :-)

You are both evil, bad influence types. And I love you long time.

yyz said

If you live in Mississauga you can pick it up at their distributor. Its near Matheson and Hurontario.

Dexter said

Sorry – it’s hard to say no when they are really nice. I too have a mason jar and a Davids pitcher, but I use this most of the time….

mj said

This is a red one, comes with two mugs, and is on sale for $29.95….

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cookies said

sure is :)

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Both are beautiful! As much as I am trying to resist, I see a major teaware purchase in my future… (come on teaware sales!)

Blodeuyn, are there any good tea shops in Louisville?

We have a Teavana, Sisters Tea (seems to be all flavored), Hillbilly Tea, and the Louisville Tea Company. LTC did not have much in the way of tea ware last time I was in though. Rather disappointed in our tea scene here. :( We do have a few tea rooms but they seem to be in the “southern” tradition if you know what I mean.

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Frolic select said
cookies said

Love that last one. So cute.

mj said

I love the dragon egg one!

Ubacat said

I love the dragon egg one too as well as the colour. It’s a good price too. I might keep that one in mind for future orders from YS

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