I love watching scary films with a good brew. I don’t watch much TV tbh
I’m currently addicted to watching My Cat From Hell. The Sarah Jane Adventures (Doctor Who spinoff) was added to Canadian Netflix, same with Supernatural and Chuck.
Bitten comes out today on Space!! So excited!!
yeah that should be a good time. I hope. Also interested to see if the fuss about helix is worth it
The first episode was good, I haven’t seen the second yet. I like all of the cast but the guy who plays Jeremy. I don’t think he understands Jeremy that well but then again Jeremy would be the hardest one to play.
I got a little addicted to Downtown Abbey… I was surfing Canadian Netflix saw it, thought “hey why not try this”… and then the marathon began. I just started season 2. I also saw Season 3 of BBC’s SHERLOCK!!! it was great and Moriarty is back although that will be in season 4 (sigh)
someone save me from BBC’s addictive TV.
Me too re Downton Abbey. Watched all of the seasons last summer. Followed by a marathon of all the seasons of The West Wing (I’d only seen the last three when the show was running), Lost, and lastly, Sherlock.
Also on Season 2 of Downton Abbey thanks to Netflix. Just started last week, and TRY to limit myself to one a night. It has a surprisingly large emotional impact for me.
SPOILERZZZZzzzz (I love Sherlock to death though)
hehe there is one Sherlock spoiler I didn’t give away though :D it’s in the third episode and some people might miss it. Besides it’s not a spoiler for those that read the books. Although the other spoiler might be since I don’t recall it being in the books. :D
Stuff I Currently Keep Up On:
BBC’s Sherlock
Game of Thrones (season four omg season four omg)
True Blood
Doctor Who
Orange is the New Black
Once Upon a Time
Classics I Keep Going Back To:
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar Galactica
Stargate SG-1
stargate Universe
Star Trek TNG
Star Trek Voyager
IT Crowd
Powerpuff Girls
Guilty Pleasures:
Kitchen Nightmares
Freaky Eaters
I am not much of a TV watcher aside from sports and the Food Network but the shows I am currently addicted to are Sons of Anarchy, the Walking Dead, BBC’s Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Top Gear and Chicago Fire and PD. I also used to watch Grey’s Anatomy before they jumped the shark with the whole plane crash debacle.
Wow! I watch much more TV than I realized.
The Walking Dead did turn out to be quite good although I found the first season and a bit reallly boring. I kept with it and it got much better. Although the only character I really care about is Daryl and okay some of the others grew on me a bit but Daryl still rules. I like Chicago Fire and haven’t watched the spinoff yet.
I stopped watching Sons of Anarchy awhile back.. I can’t remember why.
BBC’s The Musketeers series is awesome so far I can’t wait for more episodes!
In anime
Log Horizon
Angel Beats
Black Butler
Fairy Tail
Ouran High School Host Club
Fruits Basket
Trinity Blood
Black Blood Brothers,
Darker Than Black
Attack on Titan (not that great)
Sword Art Online (awesome)
Clannad: After Story (tissues required)
Elfen Lied
Gundam Wing
Gundam SEED
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
D Gray Man
Another (horror and really creepy)
11 Eyes
Dusk Maiden Amnesia
I really like the Vampire Diaries spinoff The Originals and I actually like it more than Vamp Diaries hehe.
Bitten so far has been pretty good except for the Jeremy character (sigh) maybe he’ll improve with the season.
The Blacklist is awesome though :D I can’t remember if I’ve said that yet :D
I still have t decided how I feel about bitten, having read the books since they first started being written :)
I enjoy Doctor Who, Grimm, Firefly, BBC Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Vikings (Coming back next week with season 2 ! ), Orphan Black (Gotta love those clones) and various other scifi/fantasy shows.
I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for Vikings to start again. The first season was sooooo good!!
Orphan Black was really good and is coming back. I’ll have to watch Vikings :D
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