I recently got a hold of Grey’s Anatomy. I can’t stop watching…. it’s TV crack or TV meth either way it is highly addictive. 24 had nothing on this :D
I am currently addicted to the BBC’s Merlin, and my partner and I need to catch up on the new season of Castle!
I’m also a Downton Abbey fan but the guys refuse to watch it with me.
I always intend to watch Castle (who doesn’t love Nathan Fillion?!). Would you say it’s worth it?
We tend to pick a show and then watch is straight through, rather than trying to keep up with what’s on the air. We just finished Scrubs last night and are looking to fall in love with something new while we wait for episodes to accumulate from the fall season. Maybe Castle will have it’s turn! : )
Castle is great! Especially if you love nathan fillion…oh man. there’s a great episode where “mal” makes an appearance..and season 4 “jane” was a guest as well!
Castle is awesome, definitely worth a watch. Uniquity, I do the same thing, for the most part. I can’t stand waiting for weekly episodes, and get especially irritated when the show’s creators take a break two episodes into the season. I love marathons and prefer to wait until a show has ended so I can gobble it all up in huge gulps. :D
I broke my rule recently with Community – while I LOVE the show and am glad to watch it, it drives me nuts waiting for new episodes. So, I re-watch the old ones all the time. : )
Dr. Who
Downton Abbey
Warehouse 13
Family Guy
American Dad
Cleveland Show
Old Favorites:
All Star Treks
All Stargates
Battlestar Galactica
I just watched two episodes of BBC’s Coupling and it’s really funny! fans of Smash and Leverage will recognize some faces :D
Tea time in Walking Dead!! I couldn’t believe it haha. Of all things, the perfect tea maker/ingenuitea made a cameo at the end of the world. Hilarious.
The latest episode, when Andrea and what’s her friends name woke up in the settlement. I really didn’t like it actually, it was like an entirely different show. So unlike walking dead. The part with the tea was the only good part haha so random
My Mom got me into watching Sons of Anarchy… it’s actually a pretty good series :D Although it is weird seeing Peggy Bundy (Katey Segal) as a badass she does it really well! :D
We’re watching that one right now! It’s totally not what I thought it would be – but I’m enjoying it!
I kept up with House M.D. for a good while and I still like to watch reruns every now and again, but I mostly just use Netflix…
Tried to get into Doctor Who because the people in my orchestra are such big fans, but I’m having trouble getting into it (and the fact that I have so much catching up to do is daunting). I’m watching 2005 Eccles w/ Rose right now, can someone please tell me it gets better?
i’d say the first season is kinda hokey…it’s like they were trying to figure things out. the seasons get progressively better and more interesting/darker.
I got a Tardis teapot for Christmas! It’s slightly chipped already, which was upsetting (seriously, the family I live with – not the ones who gave me the pot – do not care at all about my tea interest, they tossed the pot around some), but I decided it individualizes my pot. So there.
Anybody else get TV fandom/tea overlap gifts this year?
I’m soo happy that 4 seasons of Fringe are now on Canadian Netflix!! and all 8 seasons of 24 and then season 4 of dexter yaaay!! I’m glad they are adding some newer stuff to the site :D
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