I forgot a couple of other shows: The Mentalist (and Patrick Jane seems to drink a cup of tea in every episode!) and Person of Interest.
I’ve seen a few episodes of the Mentalist… and it makes me miss Lie to Me… I’ve never seen Person of Interest though :D
What got me interested in Person of Interest was that one of the two main characters is played by Michael Emerson who also played Ben Linus in Lost. We (hubby and I) both were pretty obsessed with Lost and decided we HAD to watch Person of Interest.
As for the Mentalist, I couldn’t resist watching because Simon Baker is absolutely adorable.
Flashpoint was really good, it was a great Canadian show that could compete with the American stuff :D
We’ve recently been enjoying reruns of Third Rock from the Sun as well as the most recent Fringe season, Supernatural, and now catching up on Game of Thrones and Californication. We try to only watch a few episodes a day to limit TV time, so we tend to pick one or two shows and catch up on a season, then move on to the next. That way there is always something “new.” Last summer I watched the entire series of Charmed…and I am ALWAYS waiting for new Doctor Who. It is the only show I watch in real time. : )
I love Charmed (on Netflix Canada) My favourite characters were Piper, Phoebe and Chris. Third Rock from the Sun is really good but haven’t seen it in ages :D
I used to watch Charmed with my mom every week, but I think we gave it up after the queen of hell arc (which in our minds couldn’t be topped!). Now that it’s on netflix I think I might give it a go again.
True blood
The Vampire Diaries
White Collar
In Plain Sight
Marvel stuff on Netflix Canada:
The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Superheroes
Spider-Man (90’s version)
X-Men (90’s version)
Astonishing X-Men
I don’t watch a lot of TV but I do have a long list of shows that I like to watch when I get a chance:
Dr Who
Once upon a time
Falling Skies
The Walking Dead
Eureka boo for cancellation
Warehouse 13
yeah there are a ton more :)
MI5 is on Netflix Canada I’ll have to check it out. I forgot about Touch but yeah it was great :D
Helena – MI5 is a great “spy” drama from BBC. Once again BBC delivers great characters and story.
Now if only BBC’s Sinbad show would follow some of the other greats and actually be good. It has potential but so far is pretty flat…
I hadn’t even heard they were doing sinbad. May have to take a quick look. I’ve got another list of shows i watch that are crap but I can’t help watching..you know the secret ones you don’t admit to people you watch haha. If it’s not great it can go on that list! :)
like the walking dead even though the better half does not(but she is awesome love her a lot).
The Walking Dead is enjoyable (show and the graphic novels – though they’re really different). I love zombie stuff.
Have you seen the picture of Hugh Bonneville’s new Downton Abbey t-shirt?
(I hope that’s the right link!)
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