I saw the first episode of Elementray and I’ll just say that if you took everything good about BBC’s Sherlock shredded it, threw it in an furnace then you would have this show. It’s terrible! Please do yourself a favour and do not watch this American Sherlock, go straight to BBC’s Sherlock (season 1 on Netflix Canada)
Thanks for the warning! As a far of BBC’s Sherlock, I was wondering whether it was even worth a try. I did enjoy Jonny Lee Miller’s performance in Frankenstein opposite Benedict Cumberbatch (got to see it broadcast in a movie theatre via the NT Live program)
Oh man. I was hoping this would at least be kind of worth it. I knew it wouldn’t be as good as the bbcs version but was hoping for some kinda “ok” :(
Well you might like it. It was just my opinion. It felt like they were trying to do Perception but screwed up by making Joan Watson the Louwiki. (if you like House and BBC’s Sherlock I highly HIGHLY recommend Perception with Eric Mccormack)
Late reply: I actually love Elementary. I think it’s hilarious and good acting. Truthfully I had not seen Jonny Lee Miller in anything except Hackers and if I hadn’t seen the credits I would not have realized that it was him. I have been occasionally acquainting myself with British tv shows (Started out with Law & Order UK because I was familiar with the format. On Saturday watched 1st season MI5 liked most of it but got bored on Sunday with the next season.) But this thread has provided me with a few more shows to check out, as I’ve been a bit restless with watching the same shows I have been.
So my goodness This is going to be a bit of Everything!
Good Eats
Secret life
Switched at birth
Ghost Adventures
a Haunting
Restaurant stakeout
dinner imposable
Hells Kitchen
Hell on Wheals
Sons of Anarchy
storage wars
Pawn stars
Once upon a time
Army Wives
I have Netflix (Canadian, BOO!)
Currently loving Community. And reliving Californication.
LOL. I don’t watch actual TV much anymore because I tend to get bored/restless with trying to remember to catch each episode week after week. When I was watching TV the new shows I would see:
The Killing (same channel as Breaking Bad.)
Criminal Minds*
CSI New York *
Body of Proof*
Harry’s Law
The Secret Circle (Loved the books by LJ Smith, but they changed it to much for me to retain any interest.)
The Asterisk * is for shows that I have watched and would again on HULU or TV BLinx or whatever free site I can find.
Here is a list of classic shows that I like watching from time to time. Either from beginning to end or random episodes:
Poltergeist:The legacy
Law and Order (Any of them but prefer the older Epi’s)
Househunters (Any of the decorating/craft shows on HGTV)
Star Trek (TNG is my favorite, but I like the original, DS9, and Voyeger, too.)
Sanctuary (Need to rewatch the whole show because I lost interest/track of the show, but can’t remember when.)
The Little Couple (Only seen like 2 episodes, have not had much luck in finding it online yet though.)
7th Heaven
Operation Repo
Sister Wives
To Catch a Predator
To Catch a Thief
American Greed
Dead Like Me
These are all of the ones I could think of, at the moment.
I mostly avoid ‘reality shows’ that get into the drama aspect, like with American Choppers, I and my Dad watched it for the bikes, and I thought Paul Jr. and Mikey were cute. But the bickering between Sr and Jr, and everything else got to both of us to much, so we quit watching.
I loved charmed but I would take Angel over the Buffy series any day of the week. Sanctuary is quite good (still going as far as I know) Poltergeist:the legacy was also good :D Supernatural is still going and I enjoy it quite a bit. How the Vampire Diaries did not make your list I’ll never know since it rocks! Dead Like Me is well super funny (damn them for only making 2 seasons) If you like to catch a thief may I recommend Leverage (still going as far as I know), White Collar (4 seasons in the U.S. I think) and Breakout Kings (2seasons and I think it got renewed)
Oh Dead Like Me. That was a good show, the movie was odd though. Pushing Daisies is another great but short-lived show about dead people.
oh man I loved Dead Like Me, as well as Pushing Daisies.
Didn’t get into Vampire Diaries because overall I am kind of tired of Vampires, as I was when the Vampire Diaries books started coming out close to 20 years ago. Maybe someday I’ll watch them though. I used to watch Leverage but got restless with it. (Which tends to happen often with tv shows. One reason why I kind of prefer movies.)
Never seen Pushing Daisies, will have to check that out.
I hate 95% of most vampire stuff but this actually good so I watch it :D I also loved Moonlight when it was on but hated the show that was based off of Tanya Huff novels (forget what the series was called) as they changed all the good stuff and cut out most of the humour (the bastards) I can’t stand Twilight and stuff like it :D
LOL…don’t get me started on Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey.
I missed this thread when it popped up a couple months ago because I was in Madagascar, but with the new tv seasons starting I felt like joining in!
Right now, my favorite shows on tv are Person of Interest, White Collar, Burn Notice, Criminal Minds, Game of Thrones, Chopped, and Being Human.
I also enjoy Hawaii Five-0, Law & Order: SVU, Sherlock, Hell on Wheels, Psych, Covert Affairs, and now I’m trying out Elementary and Last Resort.
Historically, my favorite shows have included Chuck (tear miss it so much!), Battlestar Galactica, House, and Dexter (I know this is still on, but I haven’t seen any seasons since the fourth).
I’ve seen an episodes of Fringe and Castle that make me think I would probably like those! Just haven’t gotten into them. Want to watch Homeland too.
Burn Notice is great! (favourite character Fiona) Law & Order SVU is my favourite of the whole franchise (I loved classic Law & Order only when Briscoe was there) Castle and Fringe are quite good and based on your tv selections may I recommend Perception (it’s awesome)
We watched Fringe over the summer – as an X-Files fan I thought it was really good, if a bit repetitive. I found myself saying that a plot had been done before more frequently than I might like, but Walter makes the show. love him!
The new Upstairs Downstairs on PBS…most of you were not born or too young to have seen the first series when I was in my 20’s. I watch the first 3 episodes of the new season last night…with the original Jean Marsh who’s older than I am now…and it’s great!
Haha I love this show too Bonnie :)
My hubby and I enjoy having tea while watching TV in the evenings sometimes if I’m not reading a book or something, he has lots of favorites I just kind of watch whatever he has on there lol, I do enjoy Modern Family, The Middle, Suburgatory,Big Bang Theory and Grim tho :)
Oh my gosh, my hubby, who loves to watch TV shows in the evening to unwind, & I just started watching The Middle! Very funny, well written. Big Bang Theory is a favorite, and I’ve been meaning to check out Modern Family. I’ll have to check out the others as well.
The Middle is a good show, right now we are waiting for the next season of Spartacus on Starz :) Jan 25th We’ve been watching American Horror Story its crazy
Forgot to mention….I had been an XFiles fan way back in the 1st 2, maybe 3 seasons, but when they started really getting into the alien stuff, I lost interest. I’ve had friends into alien conspiracy stuff and it drives me batty, that is why I am not really keem on shows with aliens, unless it’s Star Trek, Star Wars, you know, like within that universe.
Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, yeah don’t get me started.
I really should read thru the thread before replying again….
Being Human (US)
Being Human (UK) (I prefer the UK version)
Game of Thrones
Grey’s Anatomy
How I Met Your Mother
Lip Service (UK)
Lost Girl
Mad Men
Nurse Jackie
Once Upon a Time
Rizzoli & Isles
The Big Bang Theory
The Big C
The Borgias
The Vampire Diaries
My favourite TeaV companion? Samovar Life’s Ocean of Wisdom, to help replace all the brain cells I’m obliterating. :D
Just started watching Alphas! Nik, what would your alpha ability be? Mine would be…uh…figuring out which person needed which tea. “I’m sensing…that man there, with the pinched look on his face! He needs a cup of…of…CHAI but no cloves, I reapeat: NO CLOVES!!”
Alphas is a pretty good show :D The first season is on american netflix :D
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