I knoww, I wish I could buy just a half package of these teas, because I really want to try this one, and Blueberry Zabaglione, and get more Butterbeer, but I can’t justify buying more tea. :(
Me too! I almost bought the mango & blueberry, but I don’t want to spend $20 on teas.
Totally! Half a package of those 3 packages would be awesome!
I am seeing some splitting possibilities here, people…. I know you already messaged me Alphakitty; I’d be quite happy with 1/3 or 1/4 of a package… and possibly waiting a week or two for more re-blends and stuff to come out…
I’d be up for a 3-way split, though I don’t know how fast the new reblend is going to sell out given how quickly the Cheesecake Earl Grey went!
This week’s blend so needs to be mine. Hope there will be enough tomorrow morning since I need to change my shipping info on Paypal but am too tired to do it now. Keep up the genius, Frank.
You might be lucky :D I’ve already made my purchase…. O.o
I sure was lucky! Just placed my order along with a few other teas. Geez, don’t need more, but what can you do.
Blueberry Streusel. Nicely played! I’d get it if it weren’t honeybush or rooibos.
And I feel like such a loser for being the only one commenting lately.
I am actually thankful it’s honeybush, I’d buy it otherwise and I don’t need any more tea!
I hear you! And I keep putting off making orders for unflavoured teas. So it’s a sigh of relief over here too. :)
Ahhh…the diversity of tea preferences. I’m actually more tempted to buy it BECAUSE it is honeybush. And if it were rooibos, I would have gotten it without even blinking :)
Ah, well I can see why you like it. I used to like honeybush and rooibos but got sick of it after a couple years. This one sounds like a winner, though.
I am also taking a break from honeybush and rooibos – unless it is a green rooibos but this sounds really amazing and I am happy for diversity! :)
This week’s blend sounds amazing… but you should have saved it for the month of October!
I don’t think I can express how much I want this blend. This may sound weird, but I love graveyards. They’re so beautiful and peaceful. However, spearmint sometimes makes me a little nauseous. Decisions…
Also, how did I miss Pineapple Upside-Down Cake being re-blended?!
wow this is interesting …. hummmmm ……
Despite the fact that my cupboard over floweth, I am so tempted by this graveyard blend!
I don’t know why… but I was compelled to buy this one! my first ever 52Teas order. Gah, the anticipation is killing me already!!
Did you pick anything else up? I have an order that’s on my way from them as well, but not with this one.
I got the blueberry streuesel and melange. Need some rooibos in the house as I am getting tired of my current rotation! what did you get?
Surprised you didn’t wait for October for this one!
I would definitely try that, though not the tuna one if 52Teas did make it. I’m not much a fan of tuna.
the tuna one was an April Fool’s joke.
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