Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon
When I first saw the smaller picture of the Brandied Apricot Upside Down Cake, I thought it was focaccia smothered in melted cheese. I didn’t think it was April Fools yet.
Oh yeah oh yeah HAPPY DANCE I LOVE YOU! THANK YOUR WIFE as well for her help!
OMG I can’t wait to try this tea. I don’t make butter cake, but, I used to buy Paula Deen’s butter cake that was sold at WalMart (which I am sure is not nearly as good as what I’d get from her restaurant), the lemon butter cake. OMG. That stuff is so good, it’s like an Orga … err… It’s just really good.
I’ve been drooling over the pic of the apricot upside down cake for a week…Azz, what was it you said about no guilt?
Guilt is a useless waste of time. Guilt serves no true purpose. If you feel guilt you must face the demons causing such guilt, repair the issues, and move on.
As for tea purchase guilt, as long as your bills are paid, kids and pets if you have them taken care of, and you are not suffering in the dark with no heat or air, water, or food, then you are wasting your time in trying to fight the urge to make yourself happy. Happiness should always come first right after “responsibility” as long as your “guilty pleasures” harm none!
How was that?
Enabling or assisting? I dunno but whatever works hahahahaa
I don’t think I’ve ever had butter cake before, but just had to pop in and make an order for this blend. :)
That is GOOEY buttercake! LOL think of the most rich buttery SWEET cake – dense and full of sugary diabetes inducing (I’m already type 1) GOO you can think of. Its so so good!
We call it Gooey M’Fin butter cake around here because Gooey Butter Cake just isn’t exclamatory enough! :)
I’m betting this will kick a few people over into ordering tea and getting the red leaf special heh. Nice blend frank!
I see it on the site but don’t see a way to buy it. It can’t be sold out already, can it?
On the main page if you click read more where it says the description you can get it there.
Sorry, I did forget to add it to the In Stock page. I fixed that now. http://www.52teas.com/in-stock/
RAAGGGHHH! I’m probably gonna have to buy this pumpkin cheesecake tea! Too tasty sounding!
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