Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies

Oh .. My … Gosh, Frank, I TOTALLY GOT IT! That is my favorite Sci-fi novel of all time (and I have been reading Titan by John Varley all evening, a sci-fi novel where a character directly refers to the worms in Dune). “While we can’t attest to this tea’s ability to help you navigate folded space,” THAT in and of itself puts a smile on my face. You go, Frank!

I totally missed the geeky joke last week because the tea itself didn’t interest me; so I didn’t look at the graphic on the website until this morning and saw that! LOL. I agree Frank, pretty funny.

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Babble said

Oh man, I really really want to order the butterbeer, but I’m scared away by the licorice root. I generally so not like it in my tea, and I’m usually turned off by it. How strong is it here?

I didn’t add any licorice flavoring, just some licorice root, so it’s not that strong. I’m personally not a big fan of licorice myself—black jelly beans are NASTYBUT licorice root itself is nice and sweet and adds just a hint of sweetness to this blend.

Missy said

That is good to know. I think black jelly beans are disgusting as well so I’ve stayed away from any thing licorice in a blend because of it. I’ll have to try it now.

Yeah, honestly, they are very different. I can’t vouch for anything that might have licorice flavoring in it, but the licorice root itself is yummy.

Babble said

I’ve had licorice root in other teas before, and I don’t like the “sort of sweet” aftertaste. I guess I was wondering how prevalent it is in the tea.

Well, everyone’s tastes vary, but I would say it’s a pretty minor note.

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The butterbeer is with the new black blend, yes?

Yes it is.

thumbs up Good, I really like the new blend.

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Fjellrev said

I totally would have gone for this if it weren’t for the chicory.

I made it first without the chicory, but it seemed like it needed just a little extra oomph to be ButterBEER. I think it adds a beery dimension to it.

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I giggled with joy when I saw this. I’ve been battling a bad bout of the flu over the last few days, but, this really made me happy. Thank you Frank!

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Lindsay said

Totes ordered some butterbeer. And cotton candy black. I hope to be snorting it like Azzrian soon.

Azzrian said


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Azzrian said

Yeah I am also worried about the licorice. Would love to try it if anyone gets it and its not their thing. Otherwise anything alcohol related sounds good. I miss drinking lol

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For anyone who missed it. I did write my own tasting note for this one: http://steepster.com/52teas/posts/117950

Azzrian said

Cool thanks!

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momo said

Is there a chance you’ll reblend Butterbeer? I’ll finally get money I can freely spend on Thursday so I am sad to see it’s sold out already :(

It’s possible. I don’t have some of the stuff I need to reblend it right now. But tomorrow after I pack and ship orders, there MIGHT be a few pouches left.

momo said

Ok! I will be on the lookout.

Just updated the inventory. We only have ten pouches left. When those are gone it might be a month or so before I can re-blend it (if necessary), because I don’t have all of the supplies I need to reblend it right now.

Oh, and our new Southern Boy Teas premium iced teas in TEABAGS are also now available. :)

Missy said

Muahaha we just ordered some of those TEABAGS. :D

momo said

Heeding warnings this time I have already ordered along with a couple of the new TEABAGS!

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YES YES YES! I don’t even remember if I told you that I want a bananas foster tea … but it was one that I was going to talk to you about at some point! Yay!!! happy dance

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