Puerh Travelling Tea Box - Round 3 Finished

283 Replies
Dr Jim said

I’ve changed the order of the TTB by moving AllanK next in line after Grill. He’s moving in 2 months and would have had to drop out of the box. Since he and Grill are both in NY, it made sense to put him next.

yssah said

cool! AllanK has a ton of puerh XD

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AllanK said

Got the box late today. It is huge. There is enough puerh in there to last a lifetime.

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curlygc said

Is Liubao close enough to pu’er for inclusion in the ttb? Just got a fair amount of it from Chawangshop and I’m happy to share if others are interested, or if it fits within the rules.

It’s pretty unique, I’d say, but should prove interesting to most people into pu.

I’d say toss it in. ;)

Wait until you see my odd list of additions :p

AllanK said

If we can toss in Liu Bao I have some from Chawangshop as well. What is the consensus here?

Dr Jim said

I’m OK with some Liubao. It looked like something interesting to try is seems to be related to puerh. Looks like it might be called “puerh” in the same way that a California wine could be called “Champagne” or “Burgundy.”

curlygc said

Based purely on aroma, one could only call this particular Liu Bao “puerh” in the same way I might call a pile of Chinese dirt “tea.” LMAO! Lord have mercy, I hope it tastes better than it smells! I am going to let it sit for awhile and get over its jetlag before I have some.

AllanK said

If we can add Liubao how about Fuzhuan?

Dr Jim said

I knew this question would come up. I’d say feel free to add any sort of heicha but try to do it in moderation. This is primarily a Puerh box, but a little broadening of our horizons is probably a good thing.

As I alluded to above, Puerh is defined as coming from Yunnan, but I’m okay with Laotian, Thai or wherever they make an equivalent tea.

@curlygc: Not too much of the “dirt tea” please :)

tperez said

I’d love to sample some more “other” heicha

AllanK said

I don’t have enough heicha to take over the box anyway, just a few different ones.

curlygc said

@Dr Jim: if the “dirt” tea tastes like it smells, I’ll spare you all!

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tperez said

So I ordered my first digital pocket scale a week or two ago…
My Amazon recommendations is now filled with bongs and weed grinders lol :D

Dr Jim said

Even I am not old enough to have direct memory when the slang for pot was “tea”.

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AllanK said

So far I have drank about 25g of tea from the box. I have started making additions. I will continue tonight and tomorrow. So far I have added the following.
2012 CNNP Hunan Shouzhu Fuzhuan from Chwangshop 15g
6 Years Aged Pearl Lao Cha Tou Ripe Yunnan Sourcing 15g
2009 Three Cranes 3008 Gu Shu Liubao Cake Chawangshop 17g

I plan to make several more additions over the next day and hopefully ship the box out on Friday.

AllanK said

I have also added the 2013 Chen Sheng Hao Snake’s Year Memorial Ripe from Aliexpress King Tea 40g

Grill said

Don’t forget to grab one of the yqh bags I added if you haven’t already.

AllanK said

Planning on it. There’s a puerh pick in there for someone too. I have plenty so I don’t need it. Look’s like it was a gift from White2Tea.

AllanK said

Added the 2014 Wild Monk from Mandala Tea 22g

yssah said

oooh, i could use the pick. Thank you AllanK :)

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AllanK said

Made several more additions to the box,
2010 Yunnan Menghai Dayi Imperial Ripe Puer Tea Berylleb 15g
2009 Taetea Dayi Golden Brick Berylleb 17.5g
1997 Aged Top CNNP Zhong Cha Yunnan Yiwu Wild Puer raw Streetshop88 15g
There is some controversy on Steepster about this last one but I figure a couple people will get to decide for themselves so I added it.

yssah said

what controversy? curious!

AllanK said

The controversy was whether the tea was a 1997 tea or actually much younger, and also if it was a real CNNP or if it was a fake. It might have been younger than 1997 and humid stored. No one was certain. It was in the Puerh of the Day thread several months ago.

AllanK said

Yssah, as you are after Liquid Proust on the list there should be some of this tea left for you to try. It is an interesting tea. It has a lot of what are in my opinion humid stored taste even though Streetshop88 apparently says it was dry stored. In the end it’s only possible to say you learned something from the tea. You cannot prove its origins in the end. Aged tea and younger humid stored teas can have similar characteristics.

yssah said

i will just get a little bit so others can try it too. thanks AllanK! :)

AllanK said

Yssah, make sure you try the 2013 Chen Sheng Hao Snake’s Year too. I put 40g of that in the box and it is one of the smoothest puerhs I have ever had.

yssah said

ah, great tip Allan! i will be sure to do that. i wanna see how a smooth puerh tastes XD

What about October’s ripe from Global Tea Hut?
That tea is like liquid silk.

AllanK said

Have not gotten around to drinking that yet, soon.

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AllanK said

What I’ve taken from the box.

2012 Bulang Shan Old Tree ripe 6.6g finished
2000 Green Peacock EOT 4.2g
2015 Huang Shan Shu EOT 5g
2003 HK Henry Special Ordered 7542 Menghai Hou De 8.4g
2014 Tao Cha JuGua Feng Zhai Tea Yuan 8.3g
2000 Green Peacock EOT 5g
2014 New Amerykah 2 W2T 5g
2005 Rocket Yiwu W2T 5g
2012 Bulang EOT 5g
2006 yqh 6g
If all goes as planned I will mail the box out tomorrow afternoon.

This isn’t even 100g… Come on now! Be a pu addict

AllanK said

I have to limit my caffeine because of insomnia or I would have drank more. Trying not to keep the box too long.

For Halloween just yell trick or treat as you reach into the box and grab a handful of goodies :)

AllanK said

I did keep a few grams but they are detailed above. I have about five teas from the box yet to drink.

Dr Jim said

You can also just put a few samples aside for later. No reason you have to drink things while the box is in your possession. Last round some people just bagged up a bunch of samples and sent the box off within a couple of days.

Given the discussion about letting puerh rest for a couple of weeks after it arrives, this makes sense.

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AllanK said

I mailed the box off earlier this afternoon. It is in the hands of the US Post Office now. Liquid Proust should have it on Monday.

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This should be coming in on Monday and I plan to absolutely destroy this thing (in a good way) so it can be sent out on Saturday.
My additions:
50g 2010 Bang Dong, YS
A can of pu’erh powder,Aliexpress (to cure curiosity)
40g 2010 Mengku Abrbor’s Peak, King Tea
20g Furyu Batabatcha (figure someone will have an interest)
40g Pu’erh Frisbee https://instagram.com/p/3xNSziRYBK/
20g 2005 Haiwan Fragrance Cassia Twig , Berylleb
40g 1999 Golden Tea Shu, RoyalTeaBay
15pcs 2006 Chinese Sencha Pu’erh, ESP (don’t count as weight)
25g 2008 Shuncha Bulang , Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company

Total in 175g – 40g (Frisbee, for fun) = 135g

EOT Purple and Green Peacock 5g each
W2t Rocket and I’m Reading It 5g each
Chawang 06 CQH 1pack

W2T Little Walk 7g (separate from provided tea)
W2T 2006 Melon 1pc
W2T Old Bear 4g
YS Yong De Lao Cha 10g
YS 6 Year LaoCha 5g
YS 2014 Impression 1/2 sample (was already broken up, full one left)
YS 2002 Tai Lian 1/2 sample
WP 2012 Gold Needle 5g (separate 14g still in there)
Butiki 2009 Bauchang 4g
Mandela 2014 Wild Monk ALL (contemplating a tong, need to abuse this)
Mandela 2011 Old Tea Nugget 8g
Tea Kings 2010 DenYe Sheng 5g
Verdant 2004 Yiwu 10g
Crimson Lotus Midas Touch 6g
Life in a Teacup 2009 MengSong 8g
2011 Sheng, SOT 8g
Mang Zhi 2011 4g
2011 Baoshan Ye Sheng 20g
2009 Golden Brick Berylleb 17g
Total out 129g + 6 random 1/2 full YS samples

Friendly changes: Since YS has the most teas I have put them all in a bag. Next I took all of the W2T that was added by members and put them all in a bag. Grill provided everyone with 6g of a tea so I separated that for its own bag. The last two bags, which decreased the total amount of bags by two, are as follows: a mix of teavivre/Mandela and then a random all over the place bag.
I also repackaged a few teas which brings me to my one and only suggestion: The YS samples are a wonderful thing, but I think trying to split them is not a good way of going about their usage if someone just puts the cut bag into another bag because the tea goes all over the place and it looks rather unappealing. If someone wants only a portion of the YS teas, I have included about 20 ziplock bags that are one fourth the size of a normal one to reduce the space and will easily hold the samples in place.

curlygc said

I thought scented/flavored is against the ttb rules? Otherwise I’ve got some Chrysanthemum pu I’d add (though to me, that stuff is just pu poo, not unlike the liubao “dirt tea” I’m drinking right now, but I suppose one person’s poo pu is another’s pu treasure, no?)

None of these are flavored, but if you are referring to the Haiwan Fragrance Cassia Twig… it’s just what it is. AllanK should be able to vouch for it as well, but maybe I have some incorrect information?

Dr Jim said

When I googled Cassia I get references to cinnamon. Is this something with a strong aroma? The argument against flavored teas is largely because the flavor travels to the other teas. Does the tea have a strong aroma?

Also, “Chinese sencha” doesn’t sound like Puerh. What am I missing?

I assure you, the wording of ‘Cassia Twig’ is probably 90% a selling point and 10% what it actually is. Think of it as Wuyi oolong that is called ‘cinnamon oolong’.
The Sencha is: https://www.espemporium.com/p-420-green-mini-tuocha-china-green-pu-erh-tea-100-g.aspx , very interesting as it really is Chinese sencha; much easier to drink for those who dislike astringency that is present within a lot of shengs. I corrected my additions to reflect the wording better.

Dr Jim said

OK I’ll trust your judgement.

AllanK said

I’m actually drinking the 2005 Haiwan Fragrance of Cassia Twigs now and I would swear it has no flavor of cinnamon. Despite the name it is a straight puerh.

yssah said

thanks for organizing the teas, LP! much appreciated :)

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AllanK said

Glad it arrived.

Dr Jim said


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