85 Tasting Notes

drank Blackberry Blizzard by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

Recently I made this as an iced tea. My oldest reminded afterward that we had already tried it iced (I do not remember doing this, but if she says we did then it must have happened). This was drank faster than the Me to We by the kids, so they must like it.

Dried the leaf gave off more of a hibiscus and rose scent which was sort of disappointing since I wanted more of the blackberry to shine. Brewed the liquid is a deep pinkish purple colour with again a floral aroma. When I sipped it, I picked up more of a floral flavour while my oldest said it reminded her of honey. My little ones said it was more like water with candies (developing taste buds lol).

I am not a fan of this iced and I wish it had more of the flavour I was expecting. I am going to try this hot brewed and possibly cold brewed in hopes that it brings out more of the flavours I am desiring. If not it will not be restocked.

Flavors: Candy, Floral, Honey

Iced 7 min, 0 sec

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In the past I have tried this twice, both as a hot brew. It was recommended that I try it iced as well or even popped. In my typical manner I brewed a large pitcher for everyone in the house to enjoy. Unfortunately, they were not overly receptive to this iced.

Dried the leaf mix smells like cherries mixed with fruit punch (my son claims it smells like his fruit bowls). It produces a lovely plum coloured liquid with a fruity aroma. I find this tastes like fruit punch, which surprised me that the kids did not like it.

While I am not overly sold on the iced form of this tea, it will not stop me from making an individual tumbler of it for myself. I do though, love it hot. I will continue to keep it stocked in my cupboard as long as DavidsTea sells it. The fact that it is also helping others, is an added bonus!

Flavors: Cherry, Fruit Punch, Fruity

Iced 7 min, 0 sec

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I never get tired of this familiar friend!


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drank Mint Chip Sundae by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

A while back, I made the grave mistake of making this tea iced a mistake I will never repeat again. Iced it was odd and had a very weird sludgy film that crusted the top of the pitcher.

This morning, I made this hot and I do not regret it at all. I only wish that I had a piece of chocolate cake to enjoy it with other than my regular bowl of cereal. Opening that tin and smelling the dried leaf is blissful as the aroma of mint chocolate wafts in your face. The tea brews a cloudy muddy tan colour and smells like typical green tea with mint under tones. I love the taste though, it is a smooth green tea flavour with a minty tingly aftertaste.

I may not drink this often, nor will it be my go to tea, but I will keep it around for the rare occasion that I want something sweet and warm.

Flavors: Green, Mint, Smooth, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

Haha yeah, so weird iced.

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drank Frozen Raspberry by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

This is my second order of this tea, but my first time rating/reviewing it. My kids absolutely love this and will ask if there is a pitcher in the fridge. I love that they will choose this over the juices and pre-made iced teas that are hoped up on sugar.

Dried the leaves have fruity aroma with a hint of carrot lingering in the background. The brewed colour is a dark pink nearly red with a sweet fruity aroma. Taste wise it is smooth and heavenly fruity, with hints of raspberry in every sip.

Flavors: Fruit Punch, Fruity, Raspberry, Sweet

Iced 7 min, 0 sec

Oh, I was going to pick a bit of this up last time just out of curiosity but wasn’t sure because, to my nose, it smells really sweet in the sniffer lid.


I didn’t find it very sweet, it was just the right amount. I had first tried a cup iced in store before I brought it home.

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drank Raspberry Mojito by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

I made this yesterday and let it sit in the fridge for the day like I do most of the ice teas I make. I find this process brings out more of the flavour. I will also wait about an hour before drinking if I use my individual tumbler. I was excited to try this with my lunch today.

Dried the leaf produces a tangy carrot aroma which I was surprised by. The brewed colour is a red-purple combination which I am sure comes from the beet root and the aroma I picked up most was raspberry. My sip was confusing so subsequent sips were taken to ensure I was really tasting what I thought. Cool mint and a hint of raspberry is what I am picking up in this mix.

I like it for the fact that it is different than what I normally drink.

Flavors: Peppermint, Raspberry, Smooth

Iced 7 min, 0 sec

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This cup was different than my last tasting. In the dried leaf I picked up more a fruity aroma, but when brewed I found more of the pineapple and passion fruits coming forth. Taste wise, it had a smooth green tea flavour mixed with hints of fruit.

Flavors: Fruity, Green

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Hot Chocolate by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

I was really looking forward to this tea and was hoping it would be a great substitute for my hot chocolate fix since I cannot find one that does not have some form of gluten in it. I had not paid attention to my daughters tube Daily Resolution teas (until more recently as I have noted in previous reviews lol) and had bought 50g of this tea. Much to my delight tonight, in her set of teas was hot chocolate.

The dried leaf is amazingly chocolaty, it made my mouth water with anticipation. It brewed a warming deep brown chocolate liquid very reminiscent of hot chocolate with an earthy chocolate aroma. The flavour was a bitter chocolate, not a sweet chocolate like I was looking for but still delicious… until I got to the last few sips where it was more of a burnt taste (I also noticed a lot of particulate at the bottom of my cup).

My family enjoyed it as well (except for the three year old who said yum but her face said differently lol). I doubt they will drink it again. I will drink the stuff I have bought. Will I buy it again, not sure at this point.

Resolution for today – Treat yo’self!

Flavors: Bitter, Burnt, Dark Chocolate

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Organic The Glow by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

I was having blood work done this morning and needed something that would give me a bit of a pick me up to help start my day. I decided to give this one a try even though I am not a fan of cinnamon.

Dried the leaf produces a delightful fruity aroma that I fell in love with (I had expected to pick up the cinnamon right away). The colour was surprising; I expected a red liquid but instead I was presented with a very clear amber. Once brewed, I picked up more of the cinnamon scent and started to worry that it would be an over powering cinnamon flavoured tea. Instead it was smooth and fruity and not until the end of the cup did I start to pick up more of the cinnamon flavour.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Fruity, Smooth

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

The old version was so much better!

And I hope your blood work went well.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

It was a rather difficult day and I was very thankful for the chance to get some alone time while my husband took the kids out of the house. I sat down to watch a new favourite of mine, Travelers. As I was watching the show, I decided it would be well matched with warm cup of tea as the rain hit the window the thunder let me know the sky was alive.

I really didn’t pay much attention to what I was grabbing other than that it was part of the Your Daily Resolution tea set that I had opened this morning. As always I opened the tea and gave it a great sniff knowing right away it was something with coconut. It brews a cloudy pale yellow and produces a coconut and grassy aroma. Taste wise it is ok, it is smooth and creamy, with a grassy taste and a hint of mint (not sure where this comes from) but I did not taste the coconut that I smelt in the dry leaves and in the scent wafting in my face.

My husband tried a bit (he is not a tea drinker) and he thought it was more nutmeg flavoured.

While I will not go out of my way to buy this again, I am sure others will enjoy this. I have come to realize I am not much of a coconut fan in my teas.

Resolution with this tea – Eat (and drink) more ginger … ironically this made me laugh since there is no ginger in the tea.

Flavors: Coconut, Creamy, Grass, Mint, Smooth

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

Oh no, I’m sorry you had a difficult day but I hope having that muchly needed alone time was able to make up for most of it.

I wasn’t a fan of this one either.

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I am happily married to my husband who definitely is the chatterbox of our 20 year relationship. Together we have three rambunctious children 2 daughters and a son who is stuck in the middle of the girls. We also have a 17 year old fur baby (cat) who likes to the rule house and tell us at midnight it is time to pay attention to him rather than sleep.

I am an elementary school teacher, teaching grade 3/4 with a mixed bag of learning abilities and educational needs. I love my job and share my passion for learning with my students.

I have been a tea drinker since I was allowed to take my first sip, which was very early in life and was mostly the Rose Hip and Earl Grey my grandma would brew by the pot full and serve when company came over. Later in my teen life (once I had more choice of my own) I fell in love with peppermint and green teas. I love hot brews and iced teas. Now I will try just about any kind of tea as long as it doesn’t contain nuts or gluten (damn allergies ruin everything).

I prefer my tea to be natural, meaning without any added sweeteners or cream/milk. I want to be able to experience the tea as it was intended.

My Rating Scale:
0-20: OMG what did I just put into my mouth! I cannot keep this it must be trashed or rehomed.
20-40: Horrible, not something I will drink again, but someone else may still like it
40-60: Ok, nothing overly special, it is kept around because others like it
60-80: Good, either I or someone else in the house liked it
80-95: Great! Will drink this occasionally and will keep it around
95-100: Absolutely amazing, and must keep it in stock at all times!

I invite you to join me as I go through my stash and share my thoughts and opinions on the teas as I and my family drink them (or eat them as my 3 year old says when I use matcha in icing)


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