85 Tasting Notes

drank Raspberry Cream Pie by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

Now that I have discovered the deliciousness of this in a hot tea, I cannot stop drinking it.

Dried it as delightful vanilla chocolate scent. Brewed it is a cloudy peach colour with a chocolaty aroma. Every sip is filled with a sweet smooth and creamy flavour with hints of chocolate and raspberries. I am in love.

Flavors: Chocolate, Creamy, Raspberry, Smooth, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Mint Chip Sundae by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

Made another cup of this and was in taste nirvana. It was the perfect amount of sweet and minty. So glad I decided to try this hot last week.

Flavors: Creamy, Mint, Smooth

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Pink Lemonade by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

Originally I had bought this tea in the prepacked pitcher pouch and my children loved it, begged for more but I didn’t have any. So I bought 100g when I did my online order. They were happy to see it restocked and asked me to make a pitcher of iced tea with it.

Dried the leaf is has a tangy sour scent with hints of lemon. The brew creates a deep pink colour with a sour lemon aroma that makes my mouth water. I could drink this all day, with that perfect mix of sweet and sour lemonade. Unfortunately, my children did not agree with me this time. They found it far to sour and refused to drink more from their little tumblers.

Flavors: Lemon, Sour, Sweet, Tangy

Iced 6 min, 0 sec

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I found this tea while scouring the website for something new to try. I am either very sugar (recently diagnosed diabetic) deprived or really into teas that sound like foods I can no longer enjoy for medical or allergy reasons. I decidedly bought only 50g to avoid having extra hanging around in case I did not enjoy the tea.

Dried the leaf smells like minty blueberries and I cannot figure out why I was smelling mint. Brewed it produces a purplish brown colour and has a very earthy cooked blueberries aroma. My first sip did not pick up distinguishing features and after several sips I was able to pick up hints of blueberry glaze and black tea.

Sadly I did not finish my cup of tea not because I wasn’t enjoying the tea, but because I fell asleep (it was a crazy day and one that I would not wish on anyone). So I am looking forward to the next time I get to drink a cup of this tea completely. For this reason I have not rated the tea.

Flavors: Blueberry, Smooth

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 45 sec 10 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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After seeing the add for this on Facebook and sharing the magic with others, I needed to try this tea. I was tempted to purchase it online, but instead made my way over to the mall. The sales clerk was very helpful and opened the sniffler first and even pointed out that it was on the little sample table.

Dried the leaf reminded me of blueberries and a hint of apples. It brews a lovely deep purple and blue with a candied fruits aroma. The flavour before adding lemon juice (freshly squeezed) was a refreshing fruit candy flavour (not something I will have often, but a nice little treat), but once the lemon enters the tea and the colour changes from a purple/blue to a purple/pink the flavour takes on a citrus flavour which I am loving.

At the time I only purchased 50g of the “potion” but now regret it. I cannot keep it iced in the fridge long enough for everyone else to play with their drink. The kids cannot get enough of it. My next trip to the mall already has this on my shopping list.

Flavors: Candy, Citrus, Fruity

Iced 7 min, 15 sec

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Another of the Resolution sample sets. I was excited to try this tea! I love all things green tea related and made sure to prepare the tea as stated.

Dried the leaf had a delightful earthy and mint scent. It brewed a cloudy cider with a very earthy aroma. I was in heaven… until I took a sip… I burnt the leaf.

The resolution that came with this tea… no idea I was so upset I forgot to write it down as I tore the sticker off the container and re-purposed it into a paper clip holder for my desk at work.

The burning of this leaf has sent me on a mission to find a new kettle with a thermometer like my old one before it broke.

Flavors: Bitter, Burnt

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec 10 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Awhile ago I tried this tea in an iced brew and was not very pleased; while it was sweet and tasted like creamed strawberry candies, I wanted the tart flavour of rhubarb to shine as well.

I, like I said in my last review, gave it another go and brewed it hot to sip and enjoy. Dried the leaf produces a tangy strawberry scent which I enjoy a great deal. Brewed it was a deep red with a fruity aroma. It falls short though while sipping. Even in the hot brew, I am still picking up a very smooth and creamy strawberry candy and not a single ounce of tart rhubarb like I was longing for.

The tea is good, if you want a strawberry candy flavour. I will be happy to sip the remaining portion I have in the cupboard, but will not rush out to buy more.

Flavors: Candy, Creamy, Smooth, Strawberry

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

Aww, sorry you can’t really find the rhubarb in this one. I luckily can but I’ll admit that it’s not as strong as I’d like, either. I still like this one, at least.


I am hoping that eventually find that perfect balance of strawberry and rhubarb. I still like it, just hoping for the flavours that it promises.


Yeah, it’s hard to find a good rhubarb tea. Sadly, come to think of it, this is the most rhubarb-like that I’ve come across.

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I was really eager to try this tea. The mere idea of a minty tea makes me happy and I am looking to restock my winter teas. This was a small sample from the Resolution set sold at Christmas.

Dried the leaf produces a spicy mint aroma, something I was not sure I would enjoy since I was picking up the ginger and mint together. I am not a huge fan of ginger unless my stomach is upset. Brewed it produces an orange brown liquid, with a strong mint aroma and ginger undertones. I had to take several sips of the tea before I picked up on a distinct flavour of mint, but the more I drank, the more I drew out the ginger which gave it a sort of spicy mint flavour.

While I am not a fan of the ginger, I will not count this one out just yet. It may come in handy if I decide to buy more.

Flavors: Ginger, Mint, Spicy

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Vanilla Swirl by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

I am very confused when it comes to this tea. My senses deceive me and not in a good way; even the name plays tricks with my expectations. I was very excited for this tea. The name alone brings joy to my mouth (dairy is another allergy I have) and the idea of sipping down vanilla icecream without the nasty side effects of actually nombing on icecream was bliss. Sadly this was not the case and my mouth felt very betrayed.

Dried the leaf is delectable vanilla chocolate surprise. I was in heaven and wanted to eat the dried leaf. Holding onto all inhibitions, I waited patiently for the kettle to warm and for the tea to steep. This is where my senses began to betray me. The brewed leaf produces a very pale and clear yellow, but the aroma that assaulted my nose was of lemon, not vanilla. I was no very conflicted as to what was going on. Two very drastically different aromas had begun to mess with me. Throwing caution to the wind, I took that first sip and nearly cried… lemon meringue is what I am reminded of with this drink. I was violently betrayed by a name, description, and the dried aroma.

Do not get me wrong, I love a good slice of lemon in my water and tea when I place it there myself or if I am feeling a little sick. But to be told that this would send me into icecream nirvana and then be slapped in the taste buds and olfactory with lemon, leaves me feeling betrayed.

I am sending this off with my oldest to college, perhaps she will love it more (if all else fails it can be enjoy by her grandparents; who she is bunking with and are always trying to push lemon grass tea on me during our monthly visits).

Flavors: Lemon, Lemongrass, Meringue, Smooth, Sweet

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Candy Cane Crush by DAVIDsTEA
85 tasting notes

I absolutely, positively love this! Every sip was a sip from heaven! Of course this is my own personal feelings about this tea as the rest of the family was not granted the option to even try it as I only had a small tester amount.

Dried the leaf filled my senses with peppermint and reminders of the winter months and the long missed candy can hot chocolate that Tim Hortons brings out each year (I can no longer have this since they cannot guarantee that it does not contain wheat or gluten). I instantly became impatient for the brew to sit. It produced a cloudy deep peach coloured liquid and filled the air with a peppermint aroma. From the first sip I was in love. Creamy smooth mint danced amongst my taste buds and the last sip left me longing for more.

Sadly it is not an option to buy in store or online and my jubilation was cut short.

The resolution that came on the little tin – Get to know your crush. I do know him, I married him and have sent him on a mission to find this tea lol.

Flavors: Creamy, Mint, Peppermint, Smooth

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I am happily married to my husband who definitely is the chatterbox of our 20 year relationship. Together we have three rambunctious children 2 daughters and a son who is stuck in the middle of the girls. We also have a 17 year old fur baby (cat) who likes to the rule house and tell us at midnight it is time to pay attention to him rather than sleep.

I am an elementary school teacher, teaching grade 3/4 with a mixed bag of learning abilities and educational needs. I love my job and share my passion for learning with my students.

I have been a tea drinker since I was allowed to take my first sip, which was very early in life and was mostly the Rose Hip and Earl Grey my grandma would brew by the pot full and serve when company came over. Later in my teen life (once I had more choice of my own) I fell in love with peppermint and green teas. I love hot brews and iced teas. Now I will try just about any kind of tea as long as it doesn’t contain nuts or gluten (damn allergies ruin everything).

I prefer my tea to be natural, meaning without any added sweeteners or cream/milk. I want to be able to experience the tea as it was intended.

My Rating Scale:
0-20: OMG what did I just put into my mouth! I cannot keep this it must be trashed or rehomed.
20-40: Horrible, not something I will drink again, but someone else may still like it
40-60: Ok, nothing overly special, it is kept around because others like it
60-80: Good, either I or someone else in the house liked it
80-95: Great! Will drink this occasionally and will keep it around
95-100: Absolutely amazing, and must keep it in stock at all times!

I invite you to join me as I go through my stash and share my thoughts and opinions on the teas as I and my family drink them (or eat them as my 3 year old says when I use matcha in icing)


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