85 Tasting Notes
I will start this by saying that I have not personally tried this tea. I wish I could try it since my children seem to love it a lot, that I cannot keep it in the cupboard for long (teach me for not asking what is in it before I fall in love with the aroma alone – hazelnuts my nemesis).
My oldest says this is a party in her mouth! She loves it iced and will use her pure pink colour changing iced tea press to make herself a batch to cart off to school with her. My younger two will also ask for this iced and will sit sipping the tea, giving me a few minutes of quiet solitude to enjoy before the cups are gone and they are back running through the house to get outside.
With my oldest moving on to College for a few weeks, what I buy to replace the empty tin will happily be sent along with her to enjoy and share with friends if she wishes. My other two, well they can do with a few glasses here and there as I will no longer make a large pitcher just for them.
Flavors: Candy, Cotton Candy, Sugar, Sweet
This is heaven in a cup!
It lives up to its name and doesn’t disappoint. I bought it for the sole reason that it was described as drinking a rose wine. And it sure does, from the aroma right to the taste (though my husband says it tastes more like bubble gum to him).
It brews a lovely pinkish red colour and every mouthful is satisfying. It is perfect those looking for the taste of wine, but none of the effects.
Flavors: Red Wine, Sweet, White Wine
A few days ago I made this as an iced tea and was not overly impressed and was ready to pitch the entire tin in the trash and call it a day.
After lunch today (and a small scoop of vanilla bean icecream) I wanted a nice hot tea to sip on while I was watching my children destroy the house (ok we were really watching The Hobbit). I grabbed this willing to try it again as a hot tea (I currently have rose all day and strawberry rhubarb parfait steeping into iced teas).
I am so glad I did this. I loved it hot and would recommend it to others. It has a pleasant chocolate mixed with berries taste and that odd sludgy film that was created while iced was not there.
Flavors: Raspberry, Sweet, White Chocolate
I had a very rough night sleeping since my bed was filled with tossing and turning kids and the couch was not that comfortable. I needed something that would lift up my spirits for the long car ride ahead with two kids who cannot get a long in the back seat to save their life.
I wanted something warm since the early morning was a little cool and I honestly did not have much time to brew an ice tea (also out of ice). I have enjoyed this as an iced tea before with the sweet fruit punch taste. Brewed hot though, leaves an entirely different taste. It is less sweet and more bitter with more of the pear shining through.
I am now conflicted on how I like this tea better, hot or iced.
Flavors: Berry, Fruity, Pear
I made a large pitcher of this tea yesterday morning and let it sit in the fridge for us to enjoy with our lunch. I also had a batch of cotton candy waiting for the kids (I personally cannot drink this one).
Dried it smells amazing, like raspberries and chocolates. It brews a lovely light chocolate-caramel colour and smells like baked cake. I was really excited to try this and really did not want to wait (but I did). As per my norm I pulled out both jugs of ice tea and gave the kids samplers of each before the committed to a small glass with lunch. They each (17, 6, and 3) said it tasted good but did not want it and never asked for it again. I drank it instead.
It tastes very sweet, has hints of chocolate, very little raspberry, and for some reason tasted like mint. I tried my best to finish the pitcher so not to waste it, but wow does this start to not taste that great after a few cups. I am also not a fan of the odd sludgy film it leaves on the top of the tea or on the cup/pitcher. I ended up throwing out a few cups of the tea.
I am curious to know what it tastes like hot. I would recommend having it as a dessert tea for after dinner.
Flavors: Cake, Raspberry, Sweet, Vanilla, White Chocolate
Standing in front of my stash this morning looking for something that would accompany my breakfast, I did not know what I really wanted to drink other than knowing I wanted it to be hot. I sifted through my teas giving each a good sniff and read over. For some reason this one stood out.
Dried it reminds me of the dried apple slices my grandma use to make and give us as treats (because she refused to allow us to eat junk). Brewed it smells like warm apples in oatmeal (funny how these two scents made me think of food). It brews yellow which was welcoming and not much of a contrast to my toast with soy butter. The taste surprised me though, it was sweet which is not typical of a green tea. I did pick up hints of apple but not to much (perhaps a longer brew time would bring out more apple).
I do want to try this in a cold brew or even iced still.
Flavors: Apple, Green, Sweet
This is… refreshing! It was soothing and relaxing and well enjoyed with a great comedy. It was what I was looking for while I just sat back and enjoyed the cool afternoon. My children though, or not so keen on it and I do not mind (more for me)!
I made a large jug of ice to share with the entire family. It smells like fruit punch dried with a hint of pineapple coming through. I love the colour it takes while brewing, a deep red. The taste is very similar to fruit punch with a bit of bitterness. It is not overly sweet which I like. The aroma brewed though I cannot identify other than similar to my hibiscus plant (which is dying on me as I attempt to bring it back to life).
Flavors: Fruit Punch, Fruity
It has been a rough week filled with sleepless nights. I needed an old friend that held a twist from the norm and decided to try the Green Passionfruit I had recently purchased. The dried aroma was delightful and sweet with a hint of passion fruit and pineapple. It brewed the regular yellowish hue of a green tea and the aroma was a muted green tea mixed with floral scents. I enjoyed every sip, but did not have a distinct flavour outside your typical green tea pop out at me.
I am not disappointed though, as it could be a case of my allergies affecting my taste buds. I cannot wait for my next tasting of this tea (whether it be hot, cold, iced, or popped).
Flavors: Green, Smooth, Sweet
Sipping this one as I write this review.
I brewed this as an iced tea yesterday and let it sit over night waiting for one of the children to ask for taste (as they normally do), but not one of them did. So I find myself sitting back after lunch enjoying a cup of ice tea.
Before brewing the dry mix smelled more like papaya, which I enjoy eating so I was happy with this flavour coming through. It brews a pale yellow which was surprising since I have had so many brew red lately and the aroma was a delightful baked melon scent.
As I sit here sipping the ice tea, I am pleased with the sweetness (which is what I was hoping for) and the melon flavour. Now I wait for the others to taste it and tell me what they think. This will definitely be added to our summer tea list.
Flavors: Green Melons, Melon, Smooth, Sweet