I found this tea while scouring the website for something new to try. I am either very sugar (recently diagnosed diabetic) deprived or really into teas that sound like foods I can no longer enjoy for medical or allergy reasons. I decidedly bought only 50g to avoid having extra hanging around in case I did not enjoy the tea.
Dried the leaf smells like minty blueberries and I cannot figure out why I was smelling mint. Brewed it produces a purplish brown colour and has a very earthy cooked blueberries aroma. My first sip did not pick up distinguishing features and after several sips I was able to pick up hints of blueberry glaze and black tea.
Sadly I did not finish my cup of tea not because I wasn’t enjoying the tea, but because I fell asleep (it was a crazy day and one that I would not wish on anyone). So I am looking forward to the next time I get to drink a cup of this tea completely. For this reason I have not rated the tea.
Flavors: Blueberry, Smooth