278 Tasting Notes
Method: The first time, I made this exactly as the instructions stated. The tea had an amazing aroma, but the flavor was just too subtle for me. So today –
3/4 tbsp, 8 oz, 190 degrees, 3 minutes, brew in mug strainer, constellation cup
Aroma: This smells like some kind of sweet dessert. It has a very familiar aroma, but I can’t quite place it, which is driving me nuts!
Flavor: Sweet and fruity, again like a dessert. I want more. MORE!!!!! It’s lovely, but I definitely think I will do 1 full TBSP next time, and see how that tastes. I may increase the time also. I think this is lovely, but I could personally use a stronger flavor. In. Yo. Face.
Holy cow. I’m so damn happy!!!
Method: 6 g, 6 oz, 200 degrees, rinse-15-15, sheng yixing
Aroma: This smells like a beautiful spring day on a tea farm. There is a stream, and amazing trees. The farm has happy animals, and no one eats them. You can smell their hay in the barn! Everything smells fresh and clean and there’s a sweetness in the air.
Flavor: Nom nom nom. I’m really excited about this one. It’s amazeballs!
Oh, a farm where no one eats the animals makes me happy :-) and I’m glad you liked this one, I thought my sample was amazeballs too!!!
Happy animal farm! Of Happiness! I’m HOME where ALL he good tea is and I got a Mandala box and a Whispering Pines box and my day just got a whole lot better. There is a big fat cake of 2009 Mengku Jade Dew Raw 400g in there too – so WOOT!
I missed my other two teaplets. If I can scrounge up ANY energy at all – I’m gonna sheng.
If I ever begin a tea farm with animals, I will be calling it the Happy Animal and Tea Farm. Of Happiness!
So glad you made it home and that you had some lovely surprises waiting! Missed you!!!!
How much do you love this Jade Dew?? I <3 it hard. My Happy Animals are going batshit because mama’s home!
I knew what ya meant. And I love this so very much. It’s deeeelish! And I was all happy sniffing and drinking it!
I love the way Mandala cares for these babies too Cwyn. It is a bigass cake too. Will make me happy for a long time
I think 4 cakes. I bought some more Wild Mountain Green too but I love that one so very much. And some kinds I haven’t tried before. You will be getting some of those too in your box.
Method: 6 g, 6 oz, 200 degrees, rinse-15-15, sheng yixing
Aroma: Smells like a grapey cave!
Flavor: lightly grape and also savory. It starts to get really good around the 3rd steep. This has a bit of astringency to pucker the mouth, but it’s nice!!!
Thanks to Angel for the sample! It’s lovely!!!
Method: 6g, 6oz, 195 degrees, rinse-10-15, sheng yixing
Aroma: I wish I could smell the chocolate others described. This smelled like very lightly smoked apricots.
Flavor: I like to give my shengs a 10 second rinse, then let the leaves rest for a minute or 2 before brewing. The leaves seem more open this way, and I get stronger flavors sooner, usually. This tea was different. The first 2 steeps tasted good, but the flavor was weak. This tea has less sweetness and tastes more brothy, so I wanted to really taste those flavors
I did a 3rd and 4th steep at 15 and 20 seconds. These were better! There’s a light bitterness. Not much. It’s enough to give a little kick at the end of the sip! Thanks to Angel at TeaVivre for the sample!
Color me jealous. I thought about doing a sheng day today, but my stomach has been a little upset, so I figured it was best to leave sheng alone.
Aaaw sorry Cheri! I hope your stomach feels better. I’m not done shenging yet. My Mandala order just arrived! LOL
My Mandala order is here too Sarsy!!! Life is good! I got a Tea Hobbit order as well. Exhausted happy teaplet me.
I know I can for sure do a cup of SB, but shenging might be beyond me tonight – but dude – we have a SHITLOAD of new sheng.
If you are someone other than MzPriss, TTF, or ost and I promised you tea samples, holla back. I am prepping samples now!
Method: 6 g, 6 0z, 195 degrees, rinse-10-10, sheng yixing
Aroma: smoked apricots
Flavor: This started to calm down at the 3-4 steeps. I didn’t finish the first two because they were pretty bitter, even at only 10 seconds. Now I am onto the 5-6 steeps, each were 15 seconds. The tea is a bit more brothy now. It still has a little kick at the end, but nothing drastic. I like this tea. It’s quite good. But I didn’t fall in love with this one like some of the other White2’s.
I tried the website on the cake www.taochaju.com and the domain name is for sale, nothing there.
This is not going to be my best review ever b/c I am not quite awake yet.
Method: The usual. 10 and 15 sec steeps
Aroma: Gooooooooood
Flavor: I’m feeling very relaxed. The tea tastes nice. It’s scratching the itch at the back of my throat fo sho. Either pu’erh is kind of magic, or people are putting magic things into pu’erh. I think it’s the former. I’m spacy again. Ground Control to Major Sars.
All sheng…need a good meal in me first. For all the tea I drink in a day, I am still a coffee and milk gal in the morning. Need the milk in my tummy!
That’s interesting to me. I have heard people say that sheng is a bit much for them on an empty stomach. I wonder what they are experiencing though. Does it really give an upset stomach?
I have a stomach of steel, so I sheng all day and all night. I’m just curious about the effects on other people.
Yes, some people have ruined their stomachs on sheng and other too-green tea (meaning not roasted), but it is the young sheng that is the issue, not aged sheng. The tea blogger Hster is somebody whose stomach is now wrecked even though she adores sheng and continues to collect. If you read her blog, even a thimbleful of sheng will give her pain. She apparently can still drink some heavily roasted oolong. More recently, her blog posts are about the tea room her husband is building for her. I do hope she gets her stomach health back, she seems to have quite a decent stash.
I don’t have stomach issues but I do take various medications so I’m just trying to take a cautious approach. Prevention. Keep in mind I am also probably a quarter century older. Young sheng can upset the stomach qi, so I balance a session by taking shou afterward, and the following day or two after a young sheng I focus on enjoying my roasted tea collection, blacks, and oolongs. One symptom for me is cold feet following a tea, then I know not enough roasting or age is present in the tea. A bit of shou and the warmth flows back into my body. But I don’t get the problem from a single cup of sheng, I steep them out, 10+ cups, that is a lot.
I am back!
That’s really crazy, Cwyn. So I wonder what causes that, really? I will have to try to learn more. I mean, I won’t slow down on the sheng, but I do think it’s good to know the possible unpleasant effects.
That way I can go: “oooh, consequences.” And then do it anyway. And I’m not poking fun. It’s just my personality type. I’m often amazed I’ve made it as far as I have.
But in seriousness, you are taking the smart route with the moderation. So you do a young sheng, then follow with a shou, then hit your roasted teas? Dammit, I wish I could like shous more! I will practice with drinking a sheng, then a shou. It’s just so hard because once I had a few good shengs, it was all over for me. I do enjoy some other teas, but actually I wake up some days thinking about sheng.
Oh, and what do you consider to be “young”? Less than 5 years? 10 years?
Depends on storage, a very dry storage will not age the tea much even if years have passed. At this point I really prefer more aged tea, 10 years and beyond. Doesn’t mean I don’t drink young tea at all, to the contrary. Most of my tasting is on young tea and samples, but for drinking I buy aged. Reading tea blogs, most bloggers will talk about puerh headache or sour stomach once in awhile. Here is an article about the too-green trend with tea in general. http://themandarinstea.blogspot.com/2013/02/asyou-may-know-i-started-this-blog-as.html
Oh and you know what does upset my stomach every time… coffee. I have never had an adverse reaction to tea, but coffee makes me queasy. Weird maybe?
I think that anyone who is having pain that seems to come from Sheng should check the other parts of their diet for Fodmaps, they cause stomach pain and it can be extreme.
I’m thinking about selling everything I own and starting a tea forest.
Method: 6g, 6 oz, 205 degrees, rinse-10-20, sheng yixing
Aroma: I was a little nervous because this smelled a bit menthol. That’s probably not even exactly right, but it’s close.
Flavor: Oh hello, mild gorgeous thing.
Zoned out.
And I’m back. I keep sipping this and staring off into the distance, picturing myself in a forest of wild tea trees, napping by a stream.
Am I looking dewy? Is this the sheng sweat that mrmopar was talking about?
I have no idea, but I am having a very pleasant reaction to this tea. My heart feels all fluttery and I think my ears may be ringing, ever so slightly.
This one is a winner! It’s going to the top of my White2Tea full cake wishlist.
<3 !!! I just had some Teavivre gold bud thingie out of my newly seasoned pot and it’s deeeeelicious! I’m not excited about the way my pruple pot starts off pouring though. Maybe I’m doing it Rong?
I was telling you I just had some Teavivre’s gold bud-thingie out of my newky seasoned purple pot and it’s so so good.
I tilt the cup to meet the teapot a little. Usually works. If it’s still being funky, maybe post on the forum? Someone may have a suggestion.
LOL @ this thread. Want to live in Sarasonator’s tea forest a la Swiss Family Robinson: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gSvAoHjnktM/TKxjXlna9OI/AAAAAAAABW8/FF0q0qnaLTk/s1600/Tobago+Swiss+Tree+1960.jpg
Cuz I don’t rough it
:p Cwyn
OMG mj!!!! That’s perfect!!!!
I am already shenging this AM, Foxy. We will see where I end up today :)
The Chairman ha sent his approval of your tasting notes. He was read this since he can’t personally read and sent a 2 meow response.
Here’s my Chairman. Mrmopar has his own Chairman :)
Oh and mrmopar… I tried to get my Chairman Meow to pick my tea the other day. He gave me a stare that said, “whatever human. Bow down to your kitty overlord and get me some treats”
So it didn’t work out well…
That is a corporate executive cat! He definitely has some personality, had to laugh at the lion pose he has got there.
Method: 6 g, 6 oz, 205 degrees, 15 and 25 seconds, yixing
This is quite lovely, like a sweet grape whisper. I did two steepings and blended them into my mug. The aroma and flavors were lovely, but very quiet. I did a 3rd steeping for about 35 seconds. This is way too long. Don’t do it. LOL. The tea became bitter at this point.
Stick to very short steeps, and this has a lot to offer!
Oh myyyyyy.
I used 1 tsp in about 3 oz, in my brand new gaiwan of supremely beautiful beauty! I steeped for 3 min, then did a 2nd steep for 3 min and put both steeps in a mug with some almond milk and maple syrup. I love this!
It seems like a dessert tea to me, so I just went right in for the milk/sweetener.
I just drank a very unpleasant dirt shou, but this is making me forget all about it! Nice job Stacy and Foxy!!!!! <3
You know, Allan, it never occurred to me either! I learned that trick on Steepster!
No, I always buy unsweetened milks now, so I don’t automatically get the benefit of the built-in sweetener. :)
I don’t generally put milk in tea but if I did it would be almond milk. I don’t drink dairy milk for health reasons. Now I am trying to think of some teas to add maple sugar or maple syrup to. I have maple sugar at home but not maple syrup. I might try adding maple sugar to a puerh tomorrow.
I really need to try this tea…
Is it really nutty because that’s why I’ve been on the fence about buying it.
I don’t drink dairy either, Allan. Different reason, same result. I really like almond and coconut milks, or there’s a great almond/coconut blend I get also. Let me know how you like the maple sugar!
And I think I may try a little maple in my next shou… good idea!
Ost – I didn’t find it overly nutty. I thought the nutty flavor was noticeable, but everything just blended nicely into a banana nut bread flavor. If you’re still hesitant, I can send you a little to try. :)
What was the unpleasant shou you had?
Allan is a great guy I pulled to this site. You may want to include him in your circle.
This one, mrm. Did not care for it AT ALL. Lol
I’m following Allan and I’ve been enjoying his notes :)
I may agree with you on that one. Thanks for giving Allan a shot. We have been friends on another site for a while now. I was glad to see him on here.
Method: 3.7 g, 3 oz, 205 degrees, rinse-2nd rinse-10-15-20-25 (blended in one mug), filigree gaiwan
Aroma: My little apricots. You’re just everywhere, aren’t you?
Flavor: Now this is interesting. This sheng is much less sweet than others I have tried. It’s also less fruity and has a strong bite on the end chomp. It also has a slightly more brothy feel.
It leaves a little burn in the throat and I think my heart is beating a little faster. Must be love?
I’m really liking the Instagram. No idea why I started using Flickr instead. Instagram is way more fun!
Pretty cup :)
Cutest cup everrrrr! :D
I agree about the cup! This tea sounds so delicious to me from Brenden’s description. And now this makes it sound even better.
Thanks, all! I do adore this cup. It is called a Four Seasons cup and it has constellations representing each season. I had to have it!
I am going to go add a bit more leaf and try a re-steep on this one. :)
This was the one tea that intrigued me aside from the ones I actually bought already.
It’s deeeelish!!!
I LOVE this tea. LOVE
No, I love it :p
no I love it schoompie! Also, I’ll be needing your cup
Everyone is like totally mackin’ on my cup. Here you go, my dearest. They have other designs, too. Mine is the four seasons.
Thank you darling. I’m on the site now. That will have to be my Rivendell/Sleeping Bear cup
Make sure you give them your email to get 5% off
And it shipped pretty fast, considering the distance
I will – I think I’m going for the Autumn Sky
Awesome! I hope you love it!!!
I might sleep with it
I feel this should have a companion tea called Elrond.
Everyone is mackin’ on your cup, including me! And I loved Rivendell first :-P