165 Tasting Notes
I just steeped a sample of Creme Caramel that I picked up yesterday. It smells good…This is the first roibos I acctually enjoyed! Not too woody like many of the others…again, this would be a dessert tea for me and I think that I have to be in the right mood for it but I definetely do enjoy it. Maybe not permanent collection worthy but I would pick some up occasionally to sip a cup or two.
I made this one the other day as a latte…I sprinkled the top with some ground cinnamon and chocolate! (It was amazing)I have yet to try this as a tea but as a latte I would strongly reccomend it…I think the best way to describe it would be as a cinnamon hot chocolate :).
I liked this tea…which really surprised me. The smell is nothing unique and the colour is not the most appealing (kinda murkey grey-green) but the taste is really different…I believe that the taste (and the price) comes mostly from the macadamia nuts. I would drink again but I’m not sure that after my 10g bag is done I will want any more.
This one is STRONG! I’m not sure if I like it that much but it is tolerable. I find that in this one, all of the flavours are competing with each other. Firstly theres the lavender which is really bold and that is paired with a rooibos base which, it itself can be strong and woody.