I have an interesting relationship with Stash. My mother bought me a package of their Acai Berry tea at the beginning of my second year of undergrad and I enjoyed it on and off; so when, five months later, I really started getting into tea, I naturally chose Stash as my start point. I hadn’t realised, however, when I bought a pack of this, that oolong was a kind of camellia sinensis tea and thus had caffeine! When I found out I was somewhat turned off, since I was vehemently against caffeine at the time (and still try to limit my consumption), so the box was left to lament in my tea cupboard.
Fast forward to now when I’m searching for a quick tea to help stay up during crunch time and I tend to turn down bagged camellia sinensis tea, and I think, what the hell, let’s try it.
The bag smells just like girl guide cookies. It really, really does. The chocolate is a bit light, but it’s the exact same kind of minty chocolate smell as girl guide cookies. Once brewed the smell isn’t quite as strong, but still quite nice. I have to say that I was really dubious about this because I just don’t go for bagged tea unless it’s by Pukka or a herbal tea these days, but I found myself enjoying this. The taste isn’t quite qirl guide cookies, but it has a rounded mouthfeel and I found myself drinking it quickly. I might even make another cup before the night’s over.