I was absolutely taken out for the week by an unplanned tooth extraction and bridge prep and all the fun recovery that went along with it, so there’s a lot of catching up to do.
Day 4 was a lot of fun because of the variety across teas.
I can’t figure out how I feel about this one! It absolutely feels like drinking in a garden, with a wide variety of blooms and a hint of fruit. Rose, which is a favorite of mine, is one of the few florals I can distinguish; I don’t recognize many of the other flavors. I love that it’s bold and unique, and I keep coming back to smell it (including the packet that held the sachet!) But there’s one particular flavor that lingers just a little too long in the scent and taste, and while I don’t know what it is, I can say I’m not a fan. I think I’m going to skip a numerical rating on this one completely. Definitely glad I’ve tried it though – a fascinating tea!
Dammann Freres advent day 4