Whaaaat weird.
This is the last of my Firefly teas from Cavocorax via Variatea, and I saved this one for last because I fully expected to hate it, on account of it’s rooibos.
I’m pleasantly surprised that I don’t really taste the rooibos in this one! I actually taste the lemongrass, apple and blueberry, with a tartness that I presume comes from the hibiscus. And isn’t entirely delicious, that part.
Sooo yeah! Not terrible! Which is high praise coming from me, as far as rooibos goes.
Thanks ladies, for sharing!
I sadly have to say that I finished watching Firefly the other day, sadness. I plan to watch Serenity with the hubby this week, so at least there’s that to look forward to.
I’m ashamed that it took me this long to watch it, the huge Joss Whedon fan that I am. It was way less juvenile and cartoony than I expected (based on Buffy and Angel, which I loved loved loved)…. I totally see why people were pissed when it was cancelled. So sad.
Now I’m up to my eyeballs in season 2 of Orange is the New Black season 2….. SO MUCH AWESOME.
Flavors: Apple, Blueberry, Lemongrass
SO VERY MUCH AWESOME except I didn’t have any German translation in episode six so I’m just confused
I’m watching it tonight. Hooked.
Are we talking about OitNB?
I’m done it now, soooo good