Drank a resteep of this while I was watching the local news coverage this morning about how the RCMP caught the psycho cop killer who shall not be named.

What a relief it’s all over, just knowing he’s not out there anymore and no one else had to die because of this scumbag. Now we focus on the healing of our city and trying to feel safe again.

There’s a vigil tonight for the 3 RCMP officers who lost their lives at the hands of this guy whose name I shall not speak.

But three names I will speak, because these names are important:

Const. Dave Ross
Const. Fabrice Georges Gevaudan
Const. Douglas James Larche

Thank you for protecting our city. May you all rest in peace.

This review wasn’t about the tea, but I don’t think it needed to be.


Thanks for posting this…


Okay, this is largely off topic but does your Steepster name have anything to do with this song: http://youtu.be/8cMmCtLLHGg ? Because every time I see it, I hear this song in my head :D Which is great because The Smiths are one of my favorite bands ever.


Yeah, I was an angsty teen/20 something but the name still stuck :)


+1 and agree totally. Prayers for their families.


Thank you for focusing on the brave fallen souls rather than the killer, I feel the media spends far too much time talking about the bad guys and don’t talk enough about the good, happy someone shares my sentiments! And ptayers to all affected <3


So very sorry for those families.

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Thanks for posting this…


Okay, this is largely off topic but does your Steepster name have anything to do with this song: http://youtu.be/8cMmCtLLHGg ? Because every time I see it, I hear this song in my head :D Which is great because The Smiths are one of my favorite bands ever.


Yeah, I was an angsty teen/20 something but the name still stuck :)


+1 and agree totally. Prayers for their families.


Thank you for focusing on the brave fallen souls rather than the killer, I feel the media spends far too much time talking about the bad guys and don’t talk enough about the good, happy someone shares my sentiments! And ptayers to all affected <3


So very sorry for those families.

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name change alert – going from whatshesaid to ohfancythat


I love tea. I love my mini-me daughter, my husband, my dog Wally, Netflix, shopping, and tea. Some other stuff too, but these are the most important!

Some favourites -

My new favourite tea company is A Quarter to Tea. I love the flavouring used and how it doesn’t seem fake, and the combinations are so delicious. Right up my alley.

My favourite teas are black, I love Laoshan Black and Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black tea from TTC. Also many of Teavivre’s black teas.

Butiki teas RIP, I loved how the flavours were subtle and not fake tasting and didn’t overwhelm the tea base. Trust that I am dramatically mourning the loss of this company!

Teavivre, Whispering Pines and Mariage Freres are some more tea companies I appreciate. Along with Davidstea as it was the ‘gateway drug’ to my tea addiction. Though I’m mostly over it now, I’ve definitely moved on from the artificially flavoured teas and am trying more quality straight teas!

My ultimate goal is to try as many French teas as possible – and to finally find a source in Canada for Mariage Freres so I can buy Wedding Imperial, and Black Orchid for sure.

I would like to try any Taiwanese Assams that exist in the world!

Also continuously on the hunt for Fauchon – La Naissance. If anyone has some of this I would pay for it!!! It’s my number one all time favourite tea.

When I rate, it goes like this:

85 -100 = WIN! awesome, I love this and keep it on hand
70 – 85 = pretty darn good but I don’t NEED to own it
55 – 70 = not necessarily terrible but not a tea for me!
30 – 55 = missed the mark as far as I am concerned. Wouldn’t drink it willingly.
0 – 30 = I likely won’t rate this low very often, so if you see it, consider the tea a great big FAIL and probably disgusting.


New Brunswick, Canada

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