This is my third matcha from Red Leaf. I had a huge internal struggle trying to decide which to order (previously I’ve bought French Vanilla and Caramel, both at the ‘Delicate’ level of flavoring) and I wanted a third flavor along with my Caramel Matchacchino order (that stuff is also awesome!).
Anyhow, I decided on this, ultimately, because I love maple everything. Also I had tried a sample before and enjoyed it. I believe the flavor level was ‘Distinctive’ though.
It is tasty, and I can tell that there is a sweetness within which takes the edge off the matcha and adds some creaminess to it, however I find it disappointingly short on mapley goodness.
I guess I personally wish that there was more flavoring within the matcha for the ‘Delicate’ option, because honestly I barely taste anything aside from a mild sweetness. Based on other reviews I know this is one of the more popular offerings from Red Leaf, and I can see most people have ordered the ‘Distinctive’ or ‘Robust’ level of flavor. I found the French Vanilla lacking in flavor also, at the ‘Delicate’ level. The Caramel, however, was good; perhaps the caramel flavor used is just stronger to start with compared to the others.
I think it’s unfortunate to have to pay $6 extra to taste the maple; it should be noticeable in the ‘Delicate’ level and if you want it to blow your mind and completely hide the matcha taste, THEN pay extra to go up a level or two. I’d rather the price of the ‘Delicate’ option go up a couple bucks and have more flavor added to that to ensure it is noticeable, rather than have to pay so much more to bump up to the next level. I understand the need to have different levels available to please customers, but I definitely think it’s a problem for the base level to have such a weak taste to it.
As a disclaimer, I am a person who likes to be smacked in the face with flavor, but unfortunately it’s not in my budget to pay the asking price for Robust and even Distinctive, in size large, which I prefer to buy to make it last since shipping is so pricey to Canada. (Canadians love to drink maple syrup, didn’t you know??)
I made this as a latte, and I enjoyed it, as I said I am just a bit let down by the lack of discernible maple taste. I do plan to put in another order before the end of the month for Cheesecake and another flavor to be determined, I will have to pay for the ‘Distinctive’ just in case, as I don’t want to have another large bag of matcha where the flavoring is weaker than I’d like.
I love these products, I think Red Leaf has tapped into a unique market and there’s certainly no flavoured matchas available in my city. I plan to always have some in stock, I love to have a latte in the morning and I am looking forward to trying many more flavours as my finances allow.
Will I drink all of this with pleasure?? Of COURSE! I just find it kind of crazy that the ‘Delicate’ option for one flavor (Caramel) could be so much tastier than another flavor. Kind of inconsistent, though I realize this would likely be the flavoring used more so than anything, but I wish more flavor would be added accordingly to compensate. The ‘Delicate’ option should taste like its namesake for all of the matcha flavours, and I don’t feel this one does.
Luckily, being the proud Canadian that I am I always have a bottle of pure maple syrup in the house so I can easily jazz this up to my tastes.
Get yours here: (I’d just recommend Distinctive level at least)
If you do a few reviews, then it becomes easier to handle the price difference. Sme thing if you guys do a joint order since free shipping for international does exist :)
Yeah i’m the only matcha fan around here for now but that’s good to know! I do plan to use my GCs as much as I can to order a higher level of flavouring
I figured out how to swap matcha so we can always do another swap as well and I can send you matcha to try
Hey Im new to Steepster and the Swap caught my eye. i was reading that you have purchased from Red Leaf. I couldn’t decide which one and then i purchased the largest amount to get the best price. Now Ive lots of the watermelon matcha and its ok. Maybe if I try it iced it would be better. I was wondering what else you had tried from Red Leaf and if you want to try some Watermelon Matcha?
I just read your posting and saw that you listed the other two. Another idea someone mentioned is to steep whatever flavor tea and mix that with regular matcha as you wisk it and you get the flavor that way too. I live in BC. Im excited to be coming to your province this summer for the first time!=)
@ whatshesaid – somehow missed your Q. Dollar store little tins :) they are perfect for keeping the smells from containminating. I actually don’t mind baggies because I just add a bit of water to the bag to get the last of it it. It’s the cross smell contamination that I don’t like.
If you do a few reviews, then it becomes easier to handle the price difference. Sme thing if you guys do a joint order since free shipping for international does exist :)
Yeah i’m the only matcha fan around here for now but that’s good to know! I do plan to use my GCs as much as I can to order a higher level of flavouring
I figured out how to swap matcha so we can always do another swap as well and I can send you matcha to try
how? i’ve received some in baggies before but of course it sticks a whole bunch
Hey Im new to Steepster and the Swap caught my eye. i was reading that you have purchased from Red Leaf. I couldn’t decide which one and then i purchased the largest amount to get the best price. Now Ive lots of the watermelon matcha and its ok. Maybe if I try it iced it would be better. I was wondering what else you had tried from Red Leaf and if you want to try some Watermelon Matcha?
I just read your posting and saw that you listed the other two. Another idea someone mentioned is to steep whatever flavor tea and mix that with regular matcha as you wisk it and you get the flavor that way too. I live in BC. Im excited to be coming to your province this summer for the first time!=)
@ whatshesaid – somehow missed your Q. Dollar store little tins :) they are perfect for keeping the smells from containminating. I actually don’t mind baggies because I just add a bit of water to the bag to get the last of it it. It’s the cross smell contamination that I don’t like.
Oh nice! Which dollar store? I wonder if there are any around here
they’re in all of them. Can likely find them in craft stores too but they’d be way more expensive.
Dollarama? Or maybe you have a different dollar store than us. The other one we have is the Great Canadian Dollar Store