So, this is the first tea I’ve tried from the Tea of the Month club that my awesome hubby signed me up for as a birthday gift (that keeps on giving :))
As a disclaimer this is very early on in my plans to give straight teas a chance. So my frame of reference is small and skewed by many deliciously artificially flavoured teas and therefore you need to keep that in mind when reading this!
I had tasted this immediately after receiving it and also immediately after eating a bbq’d hot dog with extra mustard. That may seem irrelevant (and if you were just thinking about how classy I must be, you are not wrong), but obviously hot dogs don’t improve the taste of tea. So I wasn’t super impressed with my first taste, but I didn’t tell my husband that!
Fast forward to right now when I just had another fresh cup of this, and followed it with a resteep. It’s good! Without the hot dog taste ruining it I can actually taste the green tea and it was a bit buttery! The ginger added a nice flavour and subtle sweetness and after drinking my second steep I was thinking it’s nice to own this and I will enjoy the full 25 grams, even if I have no frame of reference!
I made this at work, not boiling water and for probably 3-4 minutes but not sure of the temperature.
It’s good to expand your horizons, especially with tea! I’m glad you are enjoying your gift. The key (for me, I make no claims on anyone else) to enjoying plain tea is to drink it slowly and really focus on the flavours you get. Different steeps are different and whether it’s hot or cooled down is different and you may find that you have strong preferences for one thing over another. And drinking plain teas gives you a chance to know what type of base for your flavoured teas you might like best :)
yay! good for you for venturing out. :)
It’s good to expand your horizons, especially with tea! I’m glad you are enjoying your gift. The key (for me, I make no claims on anyone else) to enjoying plain tea is to drink it slowly and really focus on the flavours you get. Different steeps are different and whether it’s hot or cooled down is different and you may find that you have strong preferences for one thing over another. And drinking plain teas gives you a chance to know what type of base for your flavoured teas you might like best :)
It is so exciting to try new things!
It is nice to try, and true that trying these straight teas (though this has ginger in it) gives me an idea of which bases I prefer. It’s going to be fun discovering which teas appeal to me straight up! I know there are many tasty ones, just hoping they’re not too subtle for obvious Me.