Following 58 Tea Drinkers

teevogel 50 followers

Have been drinking tea for over 15 years now(and rooibos for over 20). I lik...

takgoti 483 followers

Former coffeeist, turned teaite. Lover of writing, reading, photography, and ...

extrarice 60 followers

I like tea.

Brittany 57 followers

I’m currently attending college. I’m just about done with my undergraduate st...

Doug F 113 followers

I love tea and living in a place that is cold or cool nine months of the year...

Meeka 112 followers

I’m a 25 year old software developer working from home in (mostly) sunny Sout...

TeaEqualsBliss 1787 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

ChrisG 15 followers

UI/UX Designer by day. Surfer, Oil Painter & Grower of Organic Things whe...

kaybee 9 followers

Aunty Proton 13 followers

Although not new to tea in general, I am new to the world of GOOD tea. So fa...



A Japanese (Darjeeling) tea newbie,
and drink some specialty coffees(SCAA 85pts above) and green teas, too.

also becoming a big fan of French, Italian, and American red wines.
(a bottle in a month at most. compared with teas and coffees, they’re very expensive.)

Being not familiar with nihonsyu, beers, whiskies, and the other alcohols, I have some favorites.

Overall, I’m a total stranger in drinking.

still not sure how I’m going to review teas. Even though you can see some qualities in a cup of tea, it doesn’t mean it’s very tasty or you’re fond of it.

大红袍 Dahongpao
鳳凰単叢 Fenghuangdancong

鉄観音 猿子採 Tie guan yin
白毫銀針 BaihaoYinzhen/Silver Needle?
碧螺春 Biluochun
龍井茶 梅家塢
祁門 Keemun Hao Ya A
凍頂烏龍茶 Dongding Wulong
東方美人 Dongfang Meiren


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