557 Tasting Notes
I’ve had this one for a little while now ran out of it bought more and now that’s going to be a repeated cycle over and over with a bigger amount each time most likely, it’s taking me long this long to post about it really because I don’t know what to say about it really but I may have mentioned it in another post at some time I don’t remember honestly, you know how some oolongs (like a four seasons to me) can have that buttery yummy creamy mouthfeel and goodness that’s how this tea is to me so buttery smooth and delicious That much I can tell you and then you just really just got to get ya some and try it for yourself because I just can’t find the words to describe the flavor profile of this tea or the wonderful way that it smells or what the leaves taste and feel like when you put one in your mouth or the way it makes me feel, I just can’t find the right words. My cousin Kermit said this tea is like “Liquid Love” and I couldn’t agree more and I know that Kermit the Frog is not a Liar , So there you have it “Liquid Love” in a cup, please Love yourself and go buy you some of this tea. Oh yeah I have to mention also this tea has been fighting with DMS Shi Er Black Pearls tea over who is going to be my current fav now Pearl is out for the time being so she can’t defend herself but She Is on her way here right now and when She returns the fight starts back and I have to keep them separated far from each other on the shelves or else I may come in one day and find one of them spilled out all over the floor lol.
I decided to have this one after seeing someone else had it today as a rainy day oolong, I waited for the rain to stop actually and I turned on the music to cheer myself up and I brewed this one up Gangnam Style, thats when you put on a fancy shirt and hat and dance the horsey dance while trying to make tea and you get water everywhere, ya get a little wet but its fun, wet outside wet inside. Really good tea sweet and delicious with peachy or apricot notes, slight floral tones and just intense yummy flavor, really good tea, If ya drink it from a small cup and have a long tongue you can lick whats left from the bottom of the cup mmmmm it’s really good like that too :) Thanks Azzrian!!!
This one is really good tea too, the orange and cinnamon is more dominate at first then gives way to the creamy chocolate, I like to re steep as much as I can and I found that with this one the chocolate comes out more while the orange tones down some in later steeps, then the cinnamon comes back out with the chocolate, it’s a chameleon of a tea meaning its hard to tell what the whole flavor is like because it keeps changing flavors and each cups is a little different from the next to me. I like the fact that this tea changes its flavors notes I find it very interesting also I simply LOVE Chocolate Orange Teas so I will surely be buying more of this soon. If you are expecting your typical Orange Chocolate type flavors from this one it is not for you but if you are seeking a Chocolate Orange Tea like no other you’ve had before that’s sure to become a fave then Maybe this Is the one for You. Do try, I strongly recommend this Tea. I’m not going to lie at first upon tasting this tea I said to myself “needs lot more chocolate” but that was before I realized that it was a chameleon and would deliver the chocolate later, I love chocolate so I was just impatient, this one will give you your chocolate fix and then some. Also I like a flavored tea that can resteep and not loose its flavor some expensive flavored teas use up all their flavors on the first steep and then taste just “funny or fake” afterwards. So far none of the steepshoppe teas have done that to me they always re-steep at least once or more for another cup and many often times the second or third cups are the best, I ‘m really glad I met Janet from steapshoppe, she is a nice good Lady in my opinion who does great work making her teas taste good for us. I will soon have a sTEApshoppe collection as well as a Siam Tee collection in their own little corner of my tea room.
I already have an Upton collection that I need to display, speaking of upton they are one of my fav places for tea BUT unlike sTEAshop they are quite impersonal organization it seems(I never had problem with their customer service and no problems with them or issues contacting them)But it was Never on a personal level at all in any way I never spoken with the owner/operator because they are just such huge company that may not have time to address you personally which I understand But I can speak with Janet herself the owner/operator and I buy from a few other places where I can actually speak to the main person them selves and I enjoy that the most, in fact I’d rather pay even more money for teas to a place where I’m actually talking to the owner or operator of the place rather than get the same tea cheaper from a place that I have no type or customer relations with at all, you are a person and customer to some companies But you can also be just an account and order number to another company. I don’t know about you but I am a person, Janet at sTeashoppe makes me feel like a person and not a oreder number :)
If you’e made it this far i’m cool nothings wrong I just wanted to point out the things I stated above because this is a sTEAshoppe review and for me it is one of those personal favorite with a real person behind it who is very nice to me :) Thanks Janet!
This is a crazy post,I know, I totally just rambled and prattled along but I think I needed to do that a little bit, thanks for reading, I hope you could follow it :)
oh yeah See my photo of this tea here on my blog :) http://toadsteablog.blogspot.com/2012/12/chocolate-orange-white-tea-by.html
I know what you mean Tommy, it’s nice when companies treat me like a person and not a number. I love the little handwritten thank you notes from small companies!
Tommy, I loved your ramble. I felt like I was sitting in your living room listening to you wax poetically about a favorite obsession, and I could relate. Thanks for sharing.
:) Ramble was good, i’m glad cuz I was worried that i just went on too much, i could have went longer even lol
This Tea is Awesome! Lance told me I could buy me some teas for Christmas and I wanted Chocolate and I had gotten some good chocolate tea samples from sTEApshoppe and they were really good so I decided to try all the “Chocolate” teas she had to offer, We got 2 different Chocolate sampler boxes and some others :) I even got a tea spice, I was really happy when I opened my mail.
This tea is Super good even Lance likes it, it is like Milk Chocolate with a little something extra, the flavors are very deep and delicious wonderful Milk Chocolate taste with hints of caramel and spice, this is a very good tea. If you like chocolate you can get all kinds of good chocolate teas at http://www.steapshoppe.com/gift-boxes.html.
Next up Orange Chocolate White Tea!
This is just a really good tasting tea, its vegetal like dark green veggies(spinach) roasty toasty and just so slightly smokey, I think that what I wrote the first time and very little astringency was a little off I think that it’s more of a slight pleasant bitterness rather than an astringency if that makes any sense at all. This is a really nice green tea, I would say different from most green teas I’ve had but I have very little exp with green teas. I think I’ll buy more of this very soon to keep on hand for my visitors and company who ask for a green tea because I won’t serve a visitor a tea that I don’t like(unless they ask for it specific) and I think it is a very good green tea for company.
Smells very milky, taste very creamy and smooth with First steep is very milky with slight buttery notes and has a nice creamy mouthfeel and aftertaste. Second steep is almost the same only with an added slightly sweet vegetal note. The creamy mouthfeel is great this is another tea that just feels good in the mouth :)
Even the Third steep is very good still creamy and milky but slightly roasty and nutty almost , very interesting, lingering flavors.
Fourth steep is pretty much same as the last and by the sixth steep I needed warmer water, steep six was nice more roasty, nutty notes same creamy milkyness, this tea is not going to give up soon I had to stop at six steeps :)
Superb Tea!
Well I got myself bout caught up on all my household duties(I’m a housewife) so I decided to take some time to play Nintendo, Yep! NES Now how do I relate TEA to that, Easy NES Is Japanese(I think) and I know that Legend of Zelda is a Japanese Game so I decided to play the game to the first Dungeon and “Reward” myself with some Japanese tea if I make it :) I made it! and very easily also :) Now this Tea, I it Japanese but I’m not sure who sent me this one I do remember that it was a small amount in a tore up bag so I put it into a small tin for safe keeping.
This tea was very strong with just a short steeping it almost taste like a weak matcha tea but it was pleasant yet very grassy vegetal and really strong green tea taste, I Enjoyed it.
Please look at my screenshots on my blog and share it :)
Its just a picture that i drew of the tea symbol, it hangs on the bulletin board behnd my teaset, i just position the cup under it to catch the reflection. i drew it upsidedown and backwards so that the reflection in the cup is upright and correct :)
Not much to go by on the description because this Tea is pretty plain, black tea and cranberries with some flavors But its that simplicity that makes this Tea perfect. There is no spice to kill the natural cranberry flavor and you taste a very nice bold black tea first and foremost followed by the wonderful sweet and tart flavors of the cranberries. We have had Cape Cod Cranberry also by Upton and it has apples and hibiscus and tho it tastes of cranberry its more like cranberry sauce lol this one is more clean cut and proper than the other. Also one more thing I want to say is that other “cranberry teas” we had tasted like “cherry” cough syrup, yukky, NOT this one it is a Wonderful great tea, I do Recommend. Even if you don’t care cranberries you may like this one. Please check out the Photo on my blog :) Thanks.
Love this stuff1
this tea loves you back and you know it, love is good
It sounds delicious! I love aged oolongs:)
Thanks Tommy! :)
oh my!
yep :)
“liquid love”! That’s awesome!
Lol, now I’m thinking about tea having fights!
that could get messy lol