Sil & I did a cool thing, a really awesome thing. We each ordered teas, & then we split them. Double your pleasure, double your fun, right? Yeah!
Even cooler, we both got our boxes yesterday!
This is the first tea from the box.
Before I say anything else, you really should check out the Taiwan Tea Craft website. Their displays are SO beautiful!
Now the tea! Taiwanese Assams are nothing like Indian Assams. They aren’t crazy bold, they are a more fruity refined tea. This beautiful full leaf twisty tea reminds me in appearance of the premium Taiwanese assam from Butiki, but the fragrance is not the same, or at least not exactly the same. Butiki tends towards a chocolaty essence, with some fruitiness. This one is Fruity! Their website says it evokes stewed cherries & peach jam (or maybe it was apricot). That description alone made me want this tea. And it really smells like that!
I steeped it like I steep Premium Taiwanese Assam from Butiki:
1 TB + mug X 3 min
A tasty fruity cup! It’s nice, it’s sweet, has a super smooth mouthfeel. I just polished off the resteep (5min), & it’s not too exciting, but still drinkable. (next time I’ll try 4min I think & skip the re-steep)
Thank you Sil!