Tea of the Month reserve Club – February
First off, this is a beautiful tea to look at: tight little clusters in deep & medium shades of green. Dry, the aroma is of salted flowers. Warmed in the Gaiwan, I smell a lovely floral scent, with a quality similar to lilac but not as strong & not really the same. The wet tea smells of longbean & green bean flowers, and expands beautifully to fill the Gaiwan with nice sized leaves.
The steeped tea is a beautiful yellow, & it tastes yellow too!
Light vegetable flavors were there, especially the flavor of long beans. I grow them every summer, & although they can be used just like green beans, their flavor is uniquely it’s own. They have lovely flowers, & they are very prolific. The flavor of raw soaked almonds was also present, along with an essence of pear.
All in all, it was very light & spring-like.