“This tea brews a nice, thick, dark color. I am a big fan of very dark pu-erhs. It definitely evokes imagery of a rich, dark soil with rotting wood and mushrooms when I sip it and think. Always love...” Read full tasting note
With this lovely cake we celebrate an age-old tradition of mixing raw and ripe pu-erh tea together to create a harmonious blend worthy of aging. Like the famous “Purple Heaven” bricks and cakes from the 80’s and 90’s, we have blended ripe and raw Pu-erh tea together. The raw and ripe pu-erh both came from the same tea garden in Na Han village (Bang Dong county of Lincang), with both ripe and raw being harvested in the Spring of 2023.
The addition of raw pu-erh tea to this predominately ripe pu-erh tea cake results in a lovely experience. It’s not so different from ripe pu-erh tea, but there is a an additional layer of texture that enhances the overall taste/complexity of the tea but never detracting from it.
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