“Sipdown! (68 | 272) Another generous swap sample from an Instagram tea friend! I’ve been sipping on this grandpa-style this morning, in a glass tumbler. I always make the mistake of using water...” Read full tasting note
A hand roasted bamboo version of our 2019 Nightfall is a commissioned yueguangbai,which is a shade dried white tea from Yunnan province. This production was made entirely of old arbor tea that is usually destined to be raw Puer tea. If you are accustomed to drinking yueguangbai teas with a bud heavy picking standard, you may notice that this tea has a lot of larger leaves; this is because when you make an old arbor tea you want to pick whatever the trees are giving and not waste a bit of it. The bamboo processing of this tea means that the leaves are broken up, so the tea will brew faster and stronger due to the increased surface area.
This tea has a thick enduring aroma and flavor with a hefty, silky body. The base character of the tea has been wonderfully integrated with the roasted flavors and sweet aroma of the bamboo.
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