This is one of those teas I kind of forgot I had. I love the packaging, it’s cute, clever, and just really satisfying to me as a design nerd.
Unfortunately I didn’t love the way this tea was pressed. I didn’t find this shape to be easily breakable or convenient in the least. Maybe it’s the fault of my sad wussy baby hands, but trying to break off a chunk was an ordeal and a half. I mostly just tried sawing along the lines with a warm steak knife until it was thin enough to snap a piece off.
That said, I enjoyed this. I found it surprisingly forgiving and low maintenance. It was sugar sweet, fruity and lightly floral with very little bitterness. Like, really, barely any. It’s very easy to drink, and this is one of the few puer teas I can see myself bringing to work.
The description mentions that it can be aged or brewed immediately. Perhaps this is short sighted of me, but personally, I don’t see the point in aging it. I like it as it is, and plan on drinking it now.