“I really like the flavor of this shu. It smells kind of nutty to me and the flavor reminds me slightly of yerba mate.” Read full tasting note
“Thanks to a very good tea friend I was able to try this tea from the White2Tea club. This tea is good, end of statement. It has a lot of flavor and very little fermentation flavor. I am really...” Read full tasting note
“I decided to do a shou session with my new teapot, and picked this one out of the pile. It was the first shou I found. Good beginner tea, but nothing outstanding. It didn’t last...” Read full tasting note
“A nice starter ripe pu’er! It had a nice clear tea with a comfort feel with flavors of malt and chocolate. The only thing I didn’t like about this one was I didn’t get that many infusions, it got...” Read full tasting note
The 2008 Haichao Chenxiang is an affordable ripe puer. The taste is clean, smooth, and light. The flavor has a base of fragrant wood. A welcoming starting point for people who are unfamiliar with ripe puer tea and want to dip a toe in the water.
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