Sweet Cinnamon Puerh

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Cinnamon, Earth, Ginger, Herbs, Mint, Tulsi
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Edit tea info Last updated by Bonnie
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 17 oz / 503 ml

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26 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I had this tea this morning. And then I had a latte. And then I came home and slept for over 5 hours. So, uhh, well done caffeine. Love this tea as usual. Tulsi and cinnamon = amazing to me, at...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sample sipdown….here’s hoping i can get like 20 done today haha. This has been an enjoyable cup to drink this morning, but nothing that I feel the need to keep in my cupboard permanently. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “Obviously I didn’t read the descriptin before trying this. Here I am expecting basically one- note cinnamon kind of flavor, spicy and warm. When I sipped it I was surprised my the coolness of mint!...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank’s to Verdant for this sample tea that came with my Laoshan Black order! Could not go anywhere today, neither could my daughter because of the rain/floods. Not sleeping well until this is over...” Read full tasting note

From Verdant Tea

In the summer we love pairing pu’er with mint. This year we wanted to push the boundaries with a Tulsi (Holy Basil) and pu’er pairing. Tulsi shares a lot of mint qualities, but is more grounded and sweet and balanced. This very simple blend leans heavily on the complexity and taste of Master Han’s shu pu’er. This tea was made with such care that we only needed three ingredients in the blend to achieve the sweet and refreshing taste we wanted.

Cinnamon adds sweetness and draws out the caramel in the tea. Goji berry adds body and edge to help this tea perform well both hot and iced. Finally the tulsi rounds out the blend, balancing it and creating a refreshing flavor. This tea is wonderful in a big mug as a before bed comfort brew, or iced up in a pitcher and garnished with fresh spearmint leaves.

Ingredients: Master Han’s 2002 Shu Pu’er, organic cinnamon, organic goji berry, organic tulsi (holy basil)

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26 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

I had this tea this morning. And then I had a latte. And then I came home and slept for over 5 hours.

So, uhh, well done caffeine.

Love this tea as usual. Tulsi and cinnamon = amazing to me, at least this tulsi and this cinnamon. Hope I’ll be able to get more when I run out!

(No time to check notes tonight. Maybe tomorrow? IDK. So busy, still not feeling great.)

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I’m like that with caffeine too. Ironically, chamomile blends keep me awake … at least the ones I’ve tried. >.<

Sami Kelsh

Oh man, I hate when caffeine fails us. :(


I could have had more caffeine but I was feeling pretty awful. So home to sleep it was. I wasn’t expecting to sleep 5 hours tho. That kinda cut into my day.


Your body must have needed the rest. Hopefully you’re feeling better now after that nap :)


Zzz… I’ve been at work 3 hours with 4 to go, and I’m ready for another nap!


Lol… Must be the day. I’m feeling like I could use one too! & I don’t usually do naps.

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15575 tasting notes

Sample sipdown….here’s hoping i can get like 20 done today haha.

This has been an enjoyable cup to drink this morning, but nothing that I feel the need to keep in my cupboard permanently. The cinnamon blends really nicely with the mint but the mint doesn’t overpower. It hangs out in the background adding a bit of depth to the blend. I wish the puerh was a little more present but over all this wasn’t a bad little experience. I’ll stick to sichuan caravan and Laoshan chai though as blends from verdant for now heh


When you do so many sip downs, do you use a steeper of sorts or make your own baggies?


Brew baskets. Always. Regardless. I have 4? Finums, usually two the go at all times


Wow. That’s crazy! I just have the one, but I wash it out like crazy all the time!

Terri HarpLady

LOL, I have 2 finums, & a variety of other crappy baskets


don’t ask how many Kittenna has hahaha

Cavo – Upton had a great sale on them so i picked up extra. It means i can always have 2 cups of tea on the go @ home it also saves me time in the morning when i’m brewing tea for two travel mugs.
2 meds, 2 larges haha


Hahah. Well I don’t have room for that in my new kitchen! :P But I use the brew baskets for my timolino as well if I’m making tea to go. So I can make 3 teas at a time then.

Terri HarpLady

I’ve been thinking I should get both of my sons their own finnum for the Holidaze this year. That way my baskets don’t get contaminated with the flavors of their teas.


I have separate brewbaskets for that reason too terri…one for straight teas and one for flavoured. At least as far as my travel mugs go :) blue for flavoured, black for black haha


I have a steeper, 3 baskets, and 2 small tea pots. Right now I have a basket and a tea pot in the fridge for second steeps!


omg…oh yeah. I have uh cold brewing thingies too lol

Terri HarpLady

Yup…I also have 4 teapots, each with their own basket, I didn’t count those, LOL

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464 tasting notes

Obviously I didn’t read the descriptin before trying this. Here I am expecting basically one- note cinnamon kind of flavor, spicy and warm. When I sipped it I was surprised my the coolness of mint! It is a cosy blend, but I think I’ll have to have this again when I’m in the mood for mint.

However this actually does go pretty well with the fig muffins I made this morning. Hmmm…


you torment me with descriptions of yummy baking, lol.


Then I shouldn’t mention I’m going to try to make figgy pudding next week? We have too many figs on the tree out back right now. I need to use them all up!


Fig muffins sound amazing!


agreed, now i want some fig muffins, ha.


I definitely need fig muffins in my life.

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676 tasting notes

Thank’s to Verdant for this sample tea that came with my Laoshan Black order!

Could not go anywhere today, neither could my daughter because of the rain/floods. Not sleeping well until this is over so my review might be squashy. Apologies.

This is one of the tea blends that I had been wanting to try, and it came at the best of times… weather-wise, this has been the worst of times for thousands here in the Colorado floods.

Yesterday was especially hard. My TV had been bleeping frequent emergency warnings for many days. Three nights with not enough sleep caught up with me.

Because of so many road closures and flooding everywhere… I sat and wrote on my blog about the importance of sharing tea with others and said it’s not good to drink tea alone all the time.
When I finished writing, I checked my Facebook, and had a note from Preston (who works at the tea house) inviting me to come to town…and he’d buy me a free pot of tea.

What great timing! I had just written about how sharing tea with others produces kindness and here I was receiving this exact gift.

I arrived as tea slinger Joe was leaving…off shift for the day at 5 PM. He stopped short with his cool bike helmet still on his head to make me some lovely sea urchin tea that he went and pulled from the back room.This was a tea not for sale…but his gift to me.

Sam was sitting at the bar, having a dinner break. He got up, walked over and brought me a ginger cookie (my favorite) to go with my tea.

Preston made me his custom blend with cocoa nibs and puerh. Very tasty!

Like adopted Grandsons, these young men made sure that Tea Shop Grandmother Bonnie was taken care of, not alone in the storm.

I was humbled by them and truly blessed.

If you have time, you might like to read what I wrote before I was summoned to tea. www.teaandincense.com

Tea Review:

For my breakfast tea, I made Sweet Cinnamon Puerh! Perfect rainy weather tea!

I make my own puerh blends using Old Comrade and Laoshan Black with cinnamon chips and cocoa nibs or whatever I want to add…Winter Ginger Blend is good to use with puerh. In the past, some Verdant puerh blends were seasonal and I couldn’t get them so I improvised.

I’ve done pretty well, so I was skeptical about the sweet cinnamon puerh being better than my own blend if I’m being truthful.

I made a small pot of tea and was surprised at the velvety sweetness of the cinnamon.

You can order expensive, sweet ground cinnamon but not chips that are as sweet as Verdant’s…and I’d bet Verdant is producing their own since I remember a conversation about creating spice chips with David Duckler some time ago.

The mint and goji berry add needed complexity but take a back seat to the comforting Cinnabon-like cinnamon.

This is Fall and Winter Puerh! Grandma’s kitchen with baking pies and inviting warmth!

I will purchase this, I can’t replicate the cinnamon and I want it!


Such a lovely post!


It’s good to know you haven’t needed a boat! ;-))


No boat! Sadly, over 1200 people are still unaccounted for, 17,000+ homes damaged and roads and highways not just damaged but gone. Bridges gone too. With Winter a few months away…this will be a race to repair access to communities in higher elevations such as Estes Park. Unlike other States, we have one major North/South Highway and it was closed! (May still be) No trucks or cars!
Rescue has been like Katrina by helicopters when the weather was good enough. I’m thankful that my neighborhood is ok.


Agreed, there’s no question that CO is in the midst of an unbelievable major disaster similar to Katrina. Thus, I’ve been following your posts to make sure you’re OK. Please excuse my feeble attempt to try and lighten a very sad situation and to express joy that you’re OK despite the massive flooding.


I know my tea grandkids (you and the teahouse crew included) are looking out for me! Latest count on the news right now is 808 missing in just my county (Larimer) so I’m grateful that my whole family is safe!


Glad to hear your family is safe.


Thank you for being so caring!


Hope you and yours stay safe


Today is all about the rescue helicopters going overhead. I’m going outside to the end of the block to photograph them flying into the hills where people have been trapped for days.


We’re glad to see you’re still able access Steepster from the flood zone. Is it still raining? Are they still issuing flash flood warnings?


Stopped raining so copters can finally fly in. Flood warnings will continue until tomorrow because rain water flows downhill from 16,000 ft peaks to us at 5000 ft. I’m fine but lots of people don’t be doing well.


Anyone can see my pictures posted as public on Facebook, Bonnie Johnstone


I’m glad you are OK. How’s your daughter doing? Everything ok across the river?


I’m glad you’re still safe!

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390 tasting notes

how could this not be in the database? i am dumbstruck.

i got a great tea of the month club coupon which gave me 15% off anything i ordered. happy day! and this was one of the new teas i chose.

surprise, surprise— it’s great! i don’t think i’ve ever had holy basil before, but this is a light cinnamon medium bodied puerh that has beautifully balanced fruit and spice notes worked in. while it is a cinnamon puerh, it’s nothing at all like steap shoppe’s cinnamon swirl bread. puerh fills in the bread role in steap shoppe’s blend, whereas in this one it is a pure puerh note (i’m not being critical of either… i think both are awesome!) the goji gives the fruit note a very original berry taste… not one i’ve ever found before. it also adds to the colour lent to the steep by all the cinnamon. looks beautiful and smells great dry.

affiliated words: comforting, soothing, energizing (the caffeine), balanced, light.

my only sad note is that it doesn’t resteep particularly well unlike the rest of verdant teas, but still well worth it. lovely!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Good job on the savings!


i felt it justified the expenditure, lol!


Holy basil definitely would add a spicy note …cool!

Terri HarpLady

I also took advantage of the coupon, & I have a sample of this & a few other things on the way.


i grabbed the 2002 puerh, the laoshan chai and the bergamot laoshan rose along with this blend….


I really want to try this one. :)


i’m willing to share. didn’t i have another tea you wanted? the scottish toffee something or other? lol.


Oh yeah, I think so! I’m working on getting enough Verdant points to get $10 off an order. heh. Looks like people aren’t making it to and from Victoria as often as planned, so tea swapping is taking a while.


i’m willing to mail, and i have no problem with a one way… tea is like happiness… you share it. =0)


Well, if there’s anything I have you’d like to try, let me know. :) I’ve been trying to save tiny boxes for mailing and swapping.

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1040 tasting notes

I received this sample from OMGsrsly – thank you.
I was drinking cinnamon teas last night and was continuing that today. This one unfortunately is a miss for me. I’m not getting any pu’erh, I’m not getting any goji – all I taste is cinnamon and tulsi. The cinnamon is not sweet, soft cinnamon – it’s more sharp and spicy. The tulsi is just overwhelming for me – little too mint like.
Happy to have tried it – thank you so much OMGsrsly – happy I didn’t buy a bunch of it.
Edit: This is better cool – room temp is much better than hot. Cold steep? Might have to try that…

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3294 tasting notes

Another Sipdown!
Honestly, this one was pretty much meeehhh for me.


do you prefer this cinnamon puerh, the steap shoppe cinnamon swirl, or just puerh with no add ins?


I make my own and notice that the second and third steeps with cinnamon are more flavorful.

Terri HarpLady

I prefer my puer plain…with the exception of Sichuan Caravan!!


i kindof figured, lol. sichuan caravan? who makes this and why do you like it when no others will do? ;-)


Verdant makes Sichuan caravan :) it’s great!


Ah…My fav blended is still the original Imperial Breakfast Blend. Sigh.

Terri HarpLady

James, Verdant made Sichuan Caravan last fall. It was amazing & awesome. I’m still hoarding a small stash of it: Yanxin’s Reserve Shu, Ginger, Elderberry, Licorice root, & sichuan peppercorns. YUM It is to date my favorite shu blend, & my favorite blend from Verdant ever. I love it. I noticed it is listed as “Out of Stock”, so my guess is this fall (I hope) they will reformulate it with a different Shu, like they reformulated Imperial Breakfast, which is the other puer blend I love. Thanks for the reminder, Bonnie. :)

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1307 tasting notes

I got this from BrewTEAlly Sweet‘s stash sale. I really enjoyed it as a full-bodied cinnamon tea that held up easily to 3 steeps. I didn’t pick up on the tulsi at all :( I really enjoyed this, but I’m not sure if it would make it into the regular rotation.

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1113 tasting notes

Another amazing blend by Verdant! Sweet but spicy, warm but cooling…there is a lot going on in this tea despite only 3 ingredients! I can see how this might not be a tea for everyone, but personally I wish I had ordered more than just a sample pack! I think it would be perfect to sip on this fall! I agree with pretty much everything JustJames said in his review :)


As soon as I’m done with the tea box, I need to try all the blends I ordered. I can’t wait to try this one!


Looking forward to other reviews!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

It was between this one and the Golden Fleece this morning. Golden Fleece was the choice… Will have to try later today :):)

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301 tasting notes

I’ve been enjoying two Verdant blends this weekend – Sweet Cinnamon Pu’er and Chocolate Chamomile Curiosity Brew. Both have provided very enjoyable tea sessions. However, I should mention that in each case I’ve added a little more base tea to the blend. I followed the Verdant guidelines for this Puer blend but I added more puer – the ratio was about 4 to one blend/puer. I really enjoy it this way and was able to have three flavorful infusions. I’ve already added this to my Verdant reorder list.

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

I like this too.

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