Finally finally finally I can get back to all this tea. I promised myself I’d spend a whole day with this one on this short break before I have to go housesit for my parents and then go to class every day in June and July. Not going to want hot tea much then.
I’m using my gaiwan and combining two steepings. I love to intermix them like this, mostly because there is really no other easy way for me to get water than to do two at once.
1&2 – Green veggies, sugar, and grass. The first sip just hit me like, this is definitely spring. Definitely reminds me of my plants outside since they got a nice spring soaking yesterday. They seem extra green today. It’s just a little bit creamy, but mostly I’m getting a lot of sweet, grassy flavors that almost remind me of green tea instead. I think the creamy notes help assert it to be like, “no girl, this is a tie guan yin.”
3&4 – Now the floral flavors are coming out with the sweetness. It’s more buttery now, and still reminds me of green vegetables. It’s a nice combination. All I can really think right now is “I want to bathe in this!”
5&6 – This one got a bit too cool because I’m trying to fashion a way for my plants to get water for 6 days I’ll be gone. This cup was still very buttery, but the floral notes started to give way to a berrylike taste. I saw goji berry mentioned in the description, but I’ve never had goji by itself to know if that’s what I’m getting.
7&8 – Still creamy, sweet, and amazing. I think more fruit flavors are coming through, but it was so easy to sip these steeps down that I don’t have much more to say.
Then sadly I was pretty much done for the day (or more like I passed out for 2 hours in the late afternoon and didn’t feel like tea when I woke up) and I didn’t give the leaves a good enough time to dry out. They are now sitting on top of my sage, rosemary, and strawberry plants and hopefully will help them grow even better!