I changed the name of this tea from Bliss to Harmony, because that’s the name on the tea that I reviewed … and it’s also the name of the tea as shown on the tin in the photo. So, I’m guessing that Bliss = Harmony.
Anyway … the licorice is a strong scent with this tea. I’m ok with that, because I love me some licorice. However, while the licorice IS a strong scent, it wasn’t as strong a flavor so that was a bit of a let down.
This is sort of an odd tasting tea, to be quite honest. As I mention in my full-length article of this tea – – you know the liquid at the bottom of your steamer … after you’ve steamed veggies? Imagine combining that liquid of spinach, asparagus and broccoli after steaming. Yeah, that’s sort of what I’m tasting. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, it’s just sort of an odd flavor that I didn’t expect to taste.
I didn’t hate it, I didn’t love it. But I can say that it wasn’t my favorite that I tried from Teaveda.